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Hello my loves

Greetings from Woodstock, where a lot of things have not gotten done. Including on my patreon list. All over my life. And probably yours. I said to coco last night:

the thing about the holidays is that you’re forced into a kind of acceptance of where it’s all at.

There is no way out. Assessment pounds on the door.

This is what I managed to get done by this point in time; and this is what I did not.

These are the relationships I am in (or out of) right now; this is where they stand, this is how they’ve shifted.

This is what I managed to give; and this is what I wasn’t able to give. This is how much I managed - or didn’t manage - to care for myself.

This is what I managed to fix, to dispose of, to grow, to mend, to throw away; and the rest?

Well here we are.

It’s the holidays: TOO LATE. The rest doesn’t matter.

This is where we land, this is how far we got. This is where we are.


I have noticed over the past few holiday-whirr days that I am struggling more than usual to accept that This Is Where Things are at and I thought I’d just list a few things here, and invite you to do the same. What are the things that pain you, that nag you, the things that you are just desperate to wrap up but refuse to get wrapped?

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but i’ll give it a stab. This will at least make me feel better. And it might make you feel better too.

I haven’t opened my postal mail since coming back from New Zealand. There are ten boxes. I am paralyzed.

I haven’t finishing writing and sending out those postcards I addressed to the $100 patrons.

I haven’t found my band a stateside manager.

I haven’t picked up and finished all of the unfinished film projects for patreon that just need to be finished.

I haven’t gotten Ash a bunk bed.

I haven’t given away all these clothes and shoes that don’t fit him.

I haven’t mended all the clothes that I’ve managed to rip. They’re just in a huge pile.

I haven’t answered the 1,900 emails in my inbox.

I haven’t answered a handful of my texts from this last week.

I haven’t posted enough $5 surprise posts for patrons.

I haven’t unpacked half of my boxes from New Zealand.

I haven’t been great about flossing and I still haven’t replaced the nightguard I lost in New Zealand at the start of covid.

I haven’t put Ash’s gingerbread house back together since it got covered with ants and I disassembled it and put it in the freezer.

There are many other things.

Piles of Undone.

Things of all sorts - at all levels - that needed mending that didn’t get mended, or would not take to mending. In all departments; art, heart, and hearth.

It is what it is.

Now, we put it down.

We look at what we did.

I did things, too.

I wrote a really good song. And recorded it.

I’ve spent a lot of time with my son.

I’ve started ice bathing again (in the creek. every morning.)

I’ve made some incredible friends.

My band is back together.

I managed to have people over to the house last night.

And for fucks sake:

we made a gingerbread house, period.

I’ll take it. I mean it.


Your turn!!!

Ok: what you got? What didn’t get done? And more importantly:

What did get done that make it all okay?

I love this life and I love all of you.

See you soon, with a song.






I did not succeed in paying myself a living wage with my business this year, but I did gross 30k, which is the most I’ve ever made with it so far. I’ve been reading a shit ton of self-help books, cutting the fat, and molding my life. I’m also breaking codependency and trauma bonds with friends and family.


So comment here was almost on “Things I didn’t do.” But I listened to your song, cried a little, and realized that I probably needed to write one of those lists. It really reminds me of some listing I was doing while incredibly depressed at the end of the summer- “things I failed at,” (written while crying) which was followed by “things I did instead.” Things I didn’t do: Climb a single mountain Descend a single canyon Manage to feel financially responsible (I don’t know if this is ever achievable when you’re poor, really) Find a migraine treatment that helped me become really functional Apply for disability Help my partner get a new long-term counselor Put out most of the videos I was planning on Attend national Cave rescue training Put together the felting kits I’ve been planning for years Do a new amazing felting project Blow glass for most of the year Get caught up on orders and commissions Do any of the Patreon things I planned on Re-open my Etsy store Get my Christmas lights up (there are still a couple of days, right?) Things I did do: Get outside Find new cave leads Get my partner into intensive therapy Get my own counselor, get rid of my own counselor, arrange for a new counselor in the new year Leave a toxic relationship Look past my trauma to give my partner a second chance after they made changes and started helping themselves Do a spur of the moment fund raiser to fund getting my first stickers printed Use digitally media to scale my artwork into something re-sellable that can keep (hopefully) making me money Release new t-shirt designs Start doing shows again Get long covid Close my Etsy store because I got covid Do physical therapy for POTS caused by long covid Go to a canyoning practice Become the full-time parent of a teenager Get on new migraine medication that helps a little bit Get on SNAP Feel the fleeting second that is the holidays when you’re busy being self-employed and trying to survive Get a kitten Get arthritis drugs for my cat Survive another cat dying Re-engaged with social media Join a gym Started climbing again Start planning a “100 things”kickstarter to finally get those felting kits done Get invited to be the artist GoH at a con Feel lots of imposter syndrome Get on ADHD medication Survive

Joanna Lindblad

i got done what needed to be done... fuck the rest...


I did not declutter as much as I need to. It is stressing me out, so I must make the time, it will make my life better. I did not get enough exercise. I only read one book this year. I did take my first long vacation/long plane ride since the pandemic. I did finally see and spend time again with many family members and good friends who I have missed during pandemic. I handled and scheduled repairs to my abode by myself, because the person who used to do it all passed away last year. I tried to get more exercise by taking more walks in the cozy nature park that is near my home. This needs to increase. There is more for both sides of this list, but I can’t think of them. Amanda, I appreciate your list and everyone else’s.


I DIDN'T Completely get over the loss of a lifelong friendship five years ago Bullet Journal properly (but I kept trying after each blip) Avoid covid Start lifting weights again (or dust the multigym in the garage) Declutter the house Put up any Christmas decorations. I DID Persist as kindly as possible with the NHS till I got my teenager diagnosed with ADHD (after autism last year) and onto meds Started and kept going to my parents for lunch most Fridays. Love my husband and kept on figuring out how to be together Made a new friend, Phoenix MT Noah :) Discovered I'm autistic and wrote blogs about it... which means I'm now part of a new group at work trying to figure out what kind of neurodiversity network we might want to have. Learned to be kinder to myself Read all the comments on this post and wept and smiled for a lot of lovely people. Plant some trees at the local park. Lifted up a lot of people and was thankful for uplifting by others. Started a gratitude journal. Discovered 5 Rhythms and learned to dance who I am. Thank you for this, it's been good for me to realise how much I achieved, especially for myself.


Didn’t Allow my broken heart to stop me from celebrating my Birthday with kind and loving people. Forget that my goal this winter was to un-volunteer myself from the too many Things that were filling the cracks in my heart but overwhelming my time, mind, and body. Buy Christmas presents because the idea of shopping and peopling and budgeting was just too frickin’ overwhelming. Send out my Christmas Cards on time. Make any hand-made Christmas gifts this year. Did Embrace the wellness practices that make it possible for me to have a life. Get approved to work full-time with accommodations for a spinal cord injury…after NOT being able to successfully do that since 2007. Send out many blessings and love to all of my friends and family via the cosmos because the material method was just too much. Recognize and honor a surprising moment of Grace without expecting it to become something bigger or long-term. Acknowledge and accept the thick scars as they are and brace myself to move forward at my own pace in ways that don't re-open old wounds.


Sending you huge hugs and just re the bullet journal - I've not been doing it properly either but there's the joy of it - whatever we're doing is right for us, and it gets easier to restart after a blip ❤️❤️


1) AFP, ❤️😇 for Angel’s sake, please ask / get/ hire/ find a beloved to find a small trusted team who can help you with all the shit!!!! If i lived in Woodstock (&; trust me, I could- it’s not so far fetched).. I’d be your gal! To hire the team/ to create, to solve, to be a worker bee for you, dear one! 🐝🐝🐝ie: get the sewing (to a seamstress) >the mail.. in piles of 1) important! 2) burn! 3) when you can 4) if not done in a year.. BURN! ❤️ I have no idea how to return & not have it post so sorry for the big fat dumb paragraph. Insomnia brain again.. (Oh! I did it!) DID: not die while directing my NP (Montezuma Youth Alliance.org, yes, we’d love your support!) am doing: road trip to support the amazing Miah who gets to have help moving on Xmas during a break up! Did not: visit mom & dad (yay! epic storm back east, (did not even try) did not get tickets, did not pass go, tG.) Did! Take amazing care of my beloved 4 legged Desi. Will post photos on IG. (@WitchyLooksGood) remind me you’re from here Some how- I don’t let “strangers” gawk, ((my story: nudists might not do well running youth non profits I imagine.) shhhh. 🤫) Love yous. Merry happy all the things. Esp. Solstice.! 🌘🕯🤍🙏🏼❤️❄️🎄🔥-J

Skyeanna Malito

I haven't gotten the fence put up in the front yard to keep my toddlers from escaping, I haven't gotten my house cleaned up, I haven't gone through my son's clothes and purged. I HAVE kept three kids alive and happy, along with eight cats, who are definitely alive, but one might not be happy. And I did make it through way too many weekends of selling at a Holiday Craft Market with the three kids in tow.


For what its worth, I think you've done amazingly, Amanda. It has been a fucking shitty year, and even if nothing else - you made it through. But you also made a gingerbread house! I haven't uploaded the clothes I have for sale, even though my partner kindly took photos of them in July, 2021. I haven't replaced my glasses (the frame is 8 years old and very worn out), even though I really tried. I haven't uploaded any photo from 2022 (apart from my nails), and there are still some photos from 2021 that need uploading. I haven't reorganised my stockings, even though a friend kindly gave me a special hanger for them months ago. I haven't figured out my plants, both indoor and outdoor. I haven't maintained relationships as well as I would have liked, to the point a friend asked me if she hurt me in some way and apologised. I haven't read The Body Keeps The Score, even though I know it is relevant to my aching body and a friend bought it for me months ago. I haven't read your posts as often as I would have liked. However, I have finally move into a flat that makes me feel like home, with people who are kind and respectful and a room that makes me happy. I have surprised my niece and her now-husband on their wedding day in France, with a speech in French, which they didn't know I was learning for two years. I have pushed and pushed and worked really hard until I found a better job that I will be starting in the new year. I have written personal and meaningful emails to some of the people I have worked with. I have been active in the community I have now a part of and joined a local TimeBank. I have made several ice creams and shared them with people. I have grown 20 tomato plants, that I will hopefully enjoy soon, even though the weather have been causing a lot of mould issues. I have set boundaries, had hard conversations, and made an effort to reshuffle my energy and spend more of it on people who make my heart feel fuller. I have done what I could, and I am happy with it. Bring on 2023, we've got this!


i didn't always handle the stress well i didn't get that tiny model for my late brother in law built in time to hang it on the tree i didn't read the books i meant to get around to i didn't mend all the bridges that burned i didn't find a way to make us more comfortable i didn't get back to my art but i lost 65 pounds or so i did 120 pushups in a day i organized enough to reach the books i want to read i researched my ancestors and learned where i come from i got my motorcycle project mostly done i did my best to let everyone know i love them. i think things balanced out


I haven’t sent out thank you postcards to my patrons. I haven’t sung in two days. I haven’t read the book I’m reading in three days. I haven’t called the people about the thing. I haven’t dealt with the fact that I think the electric company wrote my email in wrong and I haven’t seen a bill. I did have a solstice fire. I did get out of Provincetown ahead of the storm which was a whirlwind of productivity. I did have presents for everyone I saw on Christmas which includes two family groups. And I did make some calls about another thing. We do what we can do. Much love.

Dahlia Graham

Okay, I’m coming back here to tell you all that my voicemail box at work that said 37 almost all year now says 0. Delete. Beep. Woohoo! Done list getting longer.