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hello loves

human here, reporting for duty.

there are a lot of new patrons here today - welcome. welcome. this is a good place and a safe place and it’s full of smart, kind people. i’m glad to see you here and incredibly grateful for your support. it means more than usual lately.

the internet is getting weirder.

i had a snow day today - i’m a mom, snow happens - and all the work i was supposed to do didn’t happen. i managed to make two very passionate live video posts about the downfall of twitter: i was prevented from posting my mastodon account link on twitter within 24 of hours of twitter suspending a pile of journalists and mastodon’s twitter account itself. this is some serious 1984 shit.

short story, i saw the news this morning about twitter suspending a bunch of accounts and i went to my little account to say - more or less - “wow that is not good - reminder: i’m on mastodon as an alternative and here’s the link.”

i got a pop-up notice.

i was literally halted - on twitter - from posting a link that led to another social media platform (mastodon).

this was the notice


if you want to see me passionately rail, go watch my instagram or facebook videos - one i had time to do in the morning and one at night. if you feel like seeing my christmas tree, watch the IG live. if you want to see me burst into tears talking about how much love i put into it and therefore how sad i am about twitter, watch the FB live.

share either or both of them.

i posted this to mastodon and apparently this is now par for the course on twitter.

the very man (elon) who was crying “free speech!! bring back all the banned people!” is now literally suspending journalists from the new york times and washington post who he considers anti-elon.

this is what it looks like.

this is now a pissing contest about who can cancel who.

you know how i feel about this approach, whether it’s within families, friendships, the music business, or social media.

everybody fucking loses.

the upshot:

if you are a musician, writer, activist, church, bakery, small business, activist group, non-profit, school, ANY COMMUNITY:




social media was amazing for a while but these companies were always for-profit. something had to give eventually. it’s giving. it’s breaking. fast.

the fact that we have been using these platforms for “free” has to be examined. nothing. is. free.

the money always has to come from somewhere.

i’ve been talking about this for years but it’s becoming very ugly and very plain right now with the musk twitter takeover. we cannot stupidly walk around posting and thinking that these platforms are

a) benevolent


b) sustainable

it just isn’t like that. let’s not be dumb.


anyway. hi.

how are you guys tonight ?

i’ll be online for the next few minutes answering comments. (it’s about 11pm here in NY).

want some homework ??

a reminder:

here’s my email list


here’s the dresden dolls email list


here’s my mastodon


and you’re already on my patreon …

so hooray.

for those of you who missed the webcast yesterday, the instant replay is here:


i love you all

the nice humans will win at the end of the day






Mmm, so have you deleted your Twitter account yet? Unless your post was all bloviation, that’s the obvious conclusion. Elon Musk - the social media company owner who doesn’t understand people as social animals, so he detonates their trust in him and his company. Weird.


Morning Amanda dear. I was already asleep. Too many long days this week. I hope you enjoyed your snow day with Ash. And yes, Social Media has always been a horrible place to focus your business. I've never understood the appeal of Twitter. And I'm sympathetic to those who relied heavily on it.

Civil Politics Radio dot com (Fridays at 6pm EST on Valley Free Radio)

Let me repeat that so, if you didn’t already know, you maybe spot this amidst the flurry of notifications you doubtless receive every day: EVERY TOM LEHRER SONG IS NOW PUBLIC DOMAIN You can get all of them for free at his website: https://tomlehrersongs.com/

Janet in Georgia

So happy I’m not even on social media.


I left off FB a year and a half ago because of the toxicity spew, but your substack has lead to me following other artists and encouraging other artists to use that platform. Andrea Gibson recently moved their newsletter/art posting there. Twitter has always been insane. I barely pay attention unless it's a post by someone I know/follow but now they are presenting me with some ridiculous goulash of wtf is that doing in my feed stuff.


I chose to write (in college) an essay and project based on the predatory practices of digital subscription services, in relation to social media as a whole. It's amazing what little, fairly unbiased information can shed light on a situation. While I started this project sometime after, when Elon Musk acquired Twitter, it has only gotten worse. As examples of problems I found... Spotify doesn't pay its artists fairly, algorithms on many services, like YouTube, cause filter bubbles on the daily. As I was doing some scope on Patreon itself, it is very much more sustainable than its competition. When I was writing and forming this multi-step project, I felt defeated. In recent years, I've done better to support artists first. Everything else afterwards. I'm sure there are risks present here to being so devoted, but to blindly support corporations over these years... one is clearly worse in my eyes.


I just posted your Mastodon info on my almost defunct Twitter acct. There’s an app for finding accounts on both platforms: https://debirdify.pruvisto.org/ Good luck!


I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about spoutible.com but it's not actually ready to go yet... I agree with you Amanda about email newsletters EXCEPT as a reader/patron I never have time to read all the newsletters that come in to my inbox! So I really need the scrollable "microblog" feed where I can catch headlines/snippets from a huge range of people, and then when I occasionally have time to open an actual email it's icing on the cake.

Len Tower Jr.

I'll leave Twitter when it stops being useful to me, to communicate with friends & family, or it disappears. -Len

Nessa Ruiz

Tiktok is my outlet. I’d really love to see you go live and post more content there. You can do insta and fb and TT lives simultaneously. I’ve abandoned all other sm and find the algorithms in TT are really tight. 🖤✨

Jeremy Sliwoski

I'm slowly realizing that I'm getting close to burning my twitter account down. As of right now I'm going through and deleting every tweet that relates to me personally so that when I leave there won't be anything that's me left there. Also I don't want to say the wrong sarcastic thing to the wrong person and suddenly have my personal life dug through (this has happened before which is why I'm cautious).


LOL yes, if only I knew how to set one up for myself in a way that would function well, and everyone I used to follow on Twitter would post in a way that the RSS reader could capture... :)