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Hallo loves.

Reminder!!! Today's webcast-tier webcast is ON!!!! Even if it's a snow day - and it may be - I got it covered, so off we roll! 2:11 EST, come, talk, and I'm gonna play you a live version of the new song that I'm going to release next week to (I think) patrons only. It's hard to know what to do with this one. I'll discuss it on the webcast. See you there...RSVP here and start chatting if you wanna. I'll go til about 4pm or a bit after if you need to roll in late!



Ok, here are our winners from iPhone roulette!!!....and some thoughts. I like this game. It's terribly painful and confronting and if I were ever at a loss for words or writing material, I think I need go no farther.

One of the top-voted days was ALEX'S BIRTHDAY in 2018...this was a fun one. No photo for that day but there was an ULTRA-CUTE video of Ash strumming my Ukulele. Alex, he had no idea, but he was giving you a cute time-warp birthday gift. Embedded here for your viewing pleasure. We were in a hotel in Santa Barbara, California, Neil and I were there for a weird conference. My old life.

The other top voted day was 11/11/11. But my iPhone photos don't relly pick up daily until around 2013, and who knows what happened to all my old iphone photos from pre-2013. They're probably lost forever or perhaps on an oldf loptop in a cardboard box in the barn or in the office in New York. 

But this is what came up as the closest:

This is a photo of my dad Jack and my Mom, Kathy, from before I was born. 

My dad is in his navy gear and I'm thinking this photo is right after they were married. Late sixties. I don't know why it's sitting there at that particular date....but there it is. Dad and Mom. Then they had me and my sister, and very soon after I was born, they divorced. 

This is the one from the other side, from early Sept. It's a heartbender

It's Neil holding up the lyrics to "Ukulele Anthem" so I can remember the words, the day after I wrote it in London. If I'm remembering right this was at a little show in a library somewhere in central london, maybe some of you were even there. Neil's mom was there. I wore "nice" clothes to try to impress her but all the swearing probably undid any progress I though I was making. Let's let that ship sail. Lots of feelings there - so hard to see images like this nowadays, and so beautifully poetic cast right next to the old, old photo of my own divorced parents. 

Here's the other winner...

Erin Mannion posted 

October 11, 2016. I'm curious if this date was actual chaos for anyone else as well

 and then Melanie Meilleur responded

That was my 40th birthday and the date I was gonna enter! And 100% yes.

So I went hunting on that day and VOILA...what a sandwich.

This from the 10th, I am assuming, was an Alex birthday photo. (Maybe?) 

The 11th is blank.

But the 12th....is a nice shot.

Looks like I'm prepping a setlist in my office for an upcoming show. Where...I do not know. This is when I miss Hayley. She'd know.

Lots of feelings to explore in todays chat.

See many of you in a few...start chattin.





Love the old photo of your parents. Mine divorced when I was 13 so all the pix of them together are old ones. Love the Ash video. The way he is slapping the uke...future bass player? Will miss the chat as I will be gathered with friends to pay tribute to the one we just lost. There will be music, he played guitar, and it was music that brought us all together. Thank you Amanda for sharing your music with us. 🎶💙

Janet in Georgia

That video of ash makes my mommy heart explode!!! I have videos of my little Eden when she was around 4 lip syncing the ENTIRE Beatles songs, hey bulldog and it’s all too much. She was OBSESSED with the yellow submarine cartoon. SO CUTE.

Kathryn Drew

Two sets of people in love, now divorced. Yes indeed, could it get more poetic? What a gift / cocktail from the universe.... big feels for you xx


Great timing on a lot of this. First, I seem to remember when Ukelele Anthem came out and for some reason the photo of you and Neil is sparking all kinds of familiar. The adoration with which you are looking at each other is part of the familiar. I have a lot of stuff locked up in a nearly dead IMac I'm trying to save because I paid for most of it, and I think the video of this photo might be in there. Dear gods I'm getting old, I have a daughter your age. And a never assembled book with a kick ass title I need to assemble, edit, and put out into the world. So many ex's. Setting a timer now for the crowdcast so I don't forget.

Bethany Olson

So frustrating, I changed to the $10 tier and it refuses to let me in. Technical difficulties suck ass.


Lovely poignant photos, contained in a box which fits in the palm of your hand. I remember my mom had a huge old dress box under the bed in their room, which we would be allowed to look in, if we were good and had clean hands. At the bottom there were old black and white photos of 'important' times, weddings, birthdays, vacations, Christmas - because taking photos meant buying film and flash bulbs and paying for developing. (You young'uns will never know the anticipation of waiting weeks to see how/if your photos turned out). Near the top the photos took on colour and were focused better and more moments were captured. There was a layer of polaroids from that summer we had a polaroid camera - magic - watching the smiles emerge from the depths of a little white square. Then the photos had less people in them, and the layers were thinner as we kids moved away and created our own lives. When my parents moved away from the home we grew up in, mom spent hours going through those photos, preparing albums for my brothers and I, sometimes cutting off extraneous bits of photos so they'd all fit in an album. It must have broken her heart to throw the rest away...

Hayley Rosenblum

I started working for you full time again that mid-October 2016. Later that month you had a short run of shows in the UK in Brighton, Liverpool, and Edinburgh. So if it was a setlist - those were the soonest shows at that time, your first solo shows after the big Dresden Dolls 2016 shows that august in Boston and NYC.


That's so sweet, Ash singing and playing the ukele. I love the picture of youMom and Dad. So bittersweet. Bittersweet too the picture of you and Neil. I wish the two of you had gone the distance. Maybe the keyword there is distance. Not all couples make it when they spend so much time apart. Big hugs.


Loved the new song! Had to stop watching live because of work but just watched the replay while wrapping presents. Hope you have a wonderful holiday season ❤️

Kris Smerick

I missed this challenge but as someone whose marriage collapsed suddenly during COVID…gah. I know that weird pain, the loss-of-then oh god mixed with relief of -free-now free of what was there and no longer here. Marriages become corpses sometimes and it’s so so hard to know when to bury them finally, say the words over the grave, and mourn. Bless your mourning.

Teresa Toro

"... so beautifully poetic cast right next to the old, old photo of my own divorced parents." The universe talks to us constantly; we're usually too distracted to notice. You saw this message – what it means is intended only for you 💕

Lynn Robinson

Amazing photographs - all so full of a million different emotions . Much love to you and cute ukulele playing , not so little , Ash xx