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Ok. here’s the game.

pick a date. write it in the comments.

wait a couple hours. check back.

vote with a heart.

the date with the most hearts wins.

i’ll go to that date in my phone history and find a photo from that date. (or the closest to it).

i’ll make a post about the photo.

bear in mind my iphone photo history gets thin around pre-2013.







September 11th, 2001 - the day the earth stood still. When it started moving again, it had changed forever.


March 3, 2019

Len Tower Jr.

1 Nov 2020 the day my brother died the day COVID became very personal -len


November 23, 2015


I’m so sorry for the loss of your brother Len, sending you healing thoughts. F*** covid.

Len Tower Jr.

F*** humanity's inadequate response to Covid19, all pandemics, & too many crisises.


I'm so sorry Len


October 30th 2016


Oct 28, 2022

Hayley Rosenblum

March 3, 2015 the day you launched this Patreon, would love to see your excitement, nerves, the "before time" in the context of today and what you've made and done and connected in this space.


July 8, 2021. The start of my sobriety.


July 16th 2019

Natalie Gelman

I love this so much. Somehow I missed this post until now… I have a newborn so that’s understandable. But I love this idea. I’m going to do in on my Patreon and let them know you inspired me. It probably won’t be much of a vote since I don’t have a lot of patrons but I just love this glimpse into your brain and I hope my people will love a glimpse into mine. 💕

Deniz Bevan

Aww, I missed the game! I'd have voted for any day in March 2002 and November 2013...