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Hallo loves. 

WISH ME LUCK, I'm about to go record my sad little Christmas song for you. It's so goddamn good. I am so excited. New music, no matter how sad, is my happy place.


I just finally scheduled the next patron-only webcast-tier song-and-chat-a-thon.

Unless Ash gets Covid or his school shuts down etc etc, I'M THERE....

2:11pm EST, Dec 15th 2022 (as usual, the crowdcast adjusts the time to your zone, so just click the link and look)....and we'll go until a little after 4pm or so, unless the ramble gets endless, which can happen:



you need to be LOGGED IN at the $10 level to RSVP for this one!!!!

Please RSVP and starting asking questions and chatting and getting ready to hear my SAAAAAAAD new song....I'll try to play it for you on the piano, or get Holly in here with a guitar if I can  - it may hopefully be released by then (as I said....I'm going in to record it TODAY - just in demo form for patrons, if all goes well).

I can't wait. 

I've missed yarning with you & we haven;'t talked since the Dolls shows. AND I HAVE SOME NEWS ABOUT THE SUMMER and our potential upcoming patron retreat dates (finally!!! wheeee!!!).


I am obsessed with my tree dude.

I just posted this to socials...

Little Ash tops off our First Real Christmas Tree. I am not counting the one I tried to cut down from our yard four years ago…that ended in a disaster that left me temporarily blind in one eye and plus, it didn’t actually look or smell like a Christmas tree.

Ash and I sorta tried in New Zealand, but we were moving around and exhausted. And it was always summer. Just ain’t the same.

I can’t believe it took me until kid was 7 and I was 46 to finally be in a house that felt like a home, Christmas tree and all, but here it is….at last.

It’s all ours, and I am one tearful goddamn mama.

Christmas is funny. It can mean so much or so little. This year, after being out of the states for three years, it means a lot. Welcome home, us.

Send your tree photos if you wanna....you can't upload fucking photos to patreon here (aghh, as usual), but I made some tree threads: you can send them via FB if you're there, or twitter, or Mastodon, of which I'm getting more and more fond.

Hopefully see a lot of you on Thursday....





ME AND MY TREE. A HOLIDAY WEBCAST - $10+ patrons only - Crowdcast

Register now for Amanda Palmer's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Thursday December 15, 2022 at 2:11 pm EST.



Hurray!! Go, Amanda, go!

Jerry Peckery

Awesome - enough advanced notice for this slow moving hippy !


Sad Christmas song, here for that. But can't make the webcast. Will be at a funeral for a good friend who passed on Monday. I will be surrounded by our group of friends who met due to our love of music, so we will sing him out. I will catch up with the webcast on the repeat. Hug all of your loved ones, nothing is guaranteed. 💕

Jeremy Sliwoski

I would love an AFP/DD take on Hating You For Christmas by Everclear. Don't really know why, but think it'd be fun.

Lindsay Hannon

I'm looking forward to hearing the song . All love & all appreciation ❤️


11:11 here

And Steiner

Our family usually did a stick-xmastree. We would find a dead tree/large twig and then hang ornaments right onto that! Anyways I'm looking forward to it!


OH i dont have a tree, i have a porch. But i am signed up and i refuse to miss this one!


I have found that I’m so much more into Xmas /halloween/any event decor than ever before. I like the ritual and the fun, and sometimes a healthy dose of self deprecation (we have Star Wars and Pokémon mini figs in lieu of nativity…)


I really thought to myself before the webcast... "Wouldn't it be great if Amanda played So This is Xmas (War is Over) tonight?" I was very surprised to find my wish came true! It's all I want this year - for the war raging next door to be over - but I know I won't get it. Your new Xmas song has been playing in my head all day and it also infiltrated my dreams although I've only listened to it twice. Thank you for your art! May you have the coziest holidays surrounded by your most loved ones.