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Is it just me or does everything feel incredibly beautiful and yet ominous at the same time lately?

I just took this photo in Saugerties, NY. I was at a rehearsal for a night of Christmas music and it wasn’t even my rehearsal. I was just invited to sit and listen. I sat there with my eyes closed remembering what it feels like to listen to other people make music for a change. (Spoiler: good.)

The weather turned today. It was 60 degrees. T-shirt weather after the freezing arctic winds. Fog blanketing the streets.

I hear you all loud and clear. TRANSCRIPTS IT SHALL BE!!

If you missed, the voice ramble I did got all nice and tran scripted by Alex and is updated here:


…and I am so glad you enjoy these. I do.

It still reminds me of an old practice I really miss: leaving 5-10 minute answering machine messages for my best friends.


May we all get a huge round of applause for Alex, who does these transcripts on almost no notice, thus saving me shit tons of time and making everyone’s life more delightful.

I love you all.






It's not just you. There's been a lot of tragic stuff happening in the community here. And I can feel the dark & twisty hovering around my soul. I'm keeping it at arm's length but it's there just waiting for an in.


Alex. Picturing your smiling self happily taking time away from all the things you do to pounce on the voiceramble and other AFP transcriptions, is itself a source of joy. Knowing you are there backing up Amanda--priceless. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🎉 😃 🧐


❤ Alex!

Len Tower Jr.

Thanks for everything !!! -Len


Re: the wonder of long phone voice messages-- WhatsApp allows voice messages up to 28 mins, and my bestie and I trade the long rambling monologue therapy voicemails back and forth on there all the time.


All the love to Alex. And the dichotomy of the ominous and beauty has been making my soul twitch so bad lately. There’s just a constant pressure that won’t let up. I feel like it’s contributing to me getting sick this week and my perpetual sense of being out of place. I’m hoping that once the holidays have passed we can get back to something resembling normal-ish around here.


All the love and thanks to Alex

Lindsay Rickman

Bring back 5-10 minute answering machine messages.


💯 on the answering machine messages