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As promised about a zillion years ago (well, four years ago about), WE ARE FINALLY READY TO DO ANOTHER ALL-PATRON RETREAT!! I think.

We're trying to plan, at least. 

It's time for CAMPERSAND 2023 in UPSTATE NEW YORK. July 2-7 if all goes well.

This is our chance to connect and hang IN THE FLESH SPACE....and be friends in one of the most beautiful places in the world: upstate New York in the summertime. It's camp for grown-ups, basically. And for patrons only. Any patron at any level.

In the summer of 2019 we did our first retreat at Omega, a center about 45 minutes from my house in Wodostock, with just 50 patrons. And it was SO good. Friends for life were made.

This time round it'll be bigger (100 folks!) with a little less focus on the heavy-feelings processing (though we will do a bit of that) and a little more focus on the fun. There will be sharing, talking, movement, journaling, music workshopping, eating, swimming, kayaking, hiking, and for those who are into it: meditating, going deeper, periods of reflection, silence. Everything will be optional. You can just come and hang out if you wanna. The food at Omega is AMAZING.

SO: it isn't locked yet, but I'm here to get a GENERAL HEADCOUNT of how many people might be interested in coming to the woods/mountains/lake-land with me with 100 other patrons/artists/writers/bodyworkers/movement folks and getting our Weird On. 

It'll be held, again, at the Omega Institute in bucolic Rhinebeck, NY...here's some pics:

....and depending on whether you wanna camp in a tent or stay in hi-end accommodation, it would cost each person somewhere between $800-$2k for the week (that includes lodging and three delicious meals a day in the dining hall). It ain't cheap, but I am hoping to again put together some kind of Need/Want scholarship fund for patrons who would love to come but are broke (rich patrons: I AM LOOKING AT YOU to sponsor a less-rich patron). 

The potential dates are July 2-7th, which is ARTS WEEK at Omega. Same as last time, there are already some writing workshops, a ukulele workshop, and dance workshop people doing stuff that week...Fun times.

I promised "the original 50" people who were at the Omega retreat in 2019 that they would get first crack at tickets, and I'll do that (promiose!)...and then I'm going to try to open it up to 50 more people beyond that, but given how fast the last one sold out (instantly, almost), I don't think we are gonna have a problem filling it up.


Talk to me!!!

Here's a photo of us all from 2019 (and a reminder that there's a shadowbox thread for alumni!: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/g/OMEGA2019)

And....man...this photo brings me back.

I'm here for memories, if anyone from Omega 2019 wants to throw down and memory lane in the comments. Tell the people how it was!

And let me know if you have any suggestions for what we can do this year!

And vote in the poll, please. Who's in?





Too far away is close enough. I can't be that far from my child without serious anxiety problems for both of us. We're working on it... 😅 I'm sure there are plenty of people happy to take that place. May you all have a blast!


Where's the poll option for I'd like to come but I'm afraid I'm not cool enough to fit in with the group so I'm using the cost as a reason to not go this time in hopes that my anxiety chills out for next time but equally anxious (sheesh) that not attending this time means I'll feel left out next time? Oh, wait, that's probably too many words for a simple option.


I would love to go... New York is pretty far for me, but I'd find a way! I'm just a graduate student though, so I would definitely need help paying. Thanks for the opportunity <3

Len Tower Jr.

The sound clarity & quality of Amanda singing her new Christmas song was much higher on this stream. Its watchable until late 24 Dec for the same donation at the same link: https://viddd.co/v/kNbDvK. Amanda sings her new Christmas song about timestamp 3:01:30. She is also in the finale about 3:44:30. -Len


I would love to go, but with pandemic uncertainty and physical disabilities I don’t know whether I would be able. I really wanted to go after hearing about the last one.


I'm in LA, but damn man...I can't miss this. I'M IN! Anyone in LA need a buddy?


I will find a way but assistance would help immensely


Ohhhhh I so want to be there. Last time I was adjusting to newly single mom status with the whole going thru divorce also newly dealing with sharing said kids and it was too hard to commit to it. This time I’m so in!!

D. Franklin

Omega. Yes. I plan to be there.


oh i would so love to go. getting there from cali could be a challenge, but we’re sometimes in maine on vacation during the summer so that might be even more doable…