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Hello loves

I rarely selfie with Ash but this was a moment worth capturing - first time ice skating with Mama…at a birthday party near Woodstock. We both laughed and stumbled and fell over multiple times and strangely, we both twisted and banged our left knees. Ash recovered quickly. Then I took him to the Nutcracker (at the Bardavon in Poughkeepsie) later in the day and had to limp up and down the theater stairs, and by the time I crawled into bed my ice-skating knee was so sore that I had to rub it down with some old-fashioned liniment.

I can’t remember the last time an injury felt so nice. I am wintering correctly. I wept at the nutcracker three times and Ash almost fell asleep on the floor towards the end of act 2.

The fact that you patrons cheerleaded me on to write the get out of bed and finish penning the World’s Saddest Christmas Song (I’ll release it, to patrons only this time, in the next 12 days or so, so please join) has made everything feel sweeter and less frantic. I have art-ed my ass off to get this song recorded (thanks Holly Miranda), so I may enjoy spending the next few days fully drinking up the things that make this time of year feel truly special…friends, sledding, crackly fires, hot drinks, spontaneous dinner parties (we held one tonight)….all the things that make home feel like home.

Thank you for carrying this artist.

Thank you for making my life as a songwriter and a mother possible. I don’t know how I would be doing this - raising a kid and trying to swing a career as an independent musician - without your help. I really don’t.

I love my kid, I love having patrons, I love my new song, I love finally finding my footing back in America even though I miss New Zealand terribly, I love my Christmas tree…and I love you.

I’m just feeling the love hard tonight. Real hard.

Cross your fingers that I don’t wake up with a swollen knee.



(ps the local workshop that i sneakily plugged in this mornings comments is SOLD OUT!! excited to see many of you on the 19th)



Janet in Georgia

BEAUTIFUL. I’m hoping for lots of snow for ash to play in!! I miss snow sometimes here in Georgia. Used to get ALOT in Chicago 😂

Len Tower Jr.

i'll probably only Slutcracker this year. -Len


I weep during the Nutcracker too! The music in the past de deux second act gets me every time. Looks like an excellent day.


Amanda i just saw an interview with viola davis and Jennifer Lawrence and I had to think about you a lot


Sounds like a special day! except for the knee part.... good luck that it's nothing major. Great picture, great plans, enjoy and love! 💕❄️


And Nutcracker love for both the dance and the score!

Pamela Kirsch

I used to be a competitive figure skater and coach. if I’m back in woodstock this winter and you both want a lesson, I got you !!!


Love it! All my blessings to you and your perfect family!

Rebecca Ryan

So good 💜 beauties x