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(patrons only)


it’s coming up on two years of this patreon (WTF?? i know) and there’s now OVER 8,000 PEOPLE HERE.

to the people who have joined in the last few days or weeks ... WELCOME. you may not feel qualified to answer these questions yet, but do your best and just chime in with whatever you're thinkin'. 

overview so far??? goddamit i'm kind of in shock that this has all been going well. its all astonishing and i’m kinda beside myself with awe and gratitude. since starting a patreon/subscription system, i've not only been able to breathe more easily in the financial department CONSISTANTLY for the first time in my career, but i also feel a creative freedom i've never had before.  and with that comes a real, deep and authentic gratitude for every one of you for letting me live this dream of ideas and art an music and collaboration.

because of you, whether you're backing me at $1 or $100, i hope you remember that you've not only supported ME and my life and Thing-Making, but you've also infused a lot of money into the arts in general...paying my office staff, all the sound engineers, the tour nannies, every last stamp and envelope and truck rental and ukulele tuner... all the talented musicians and string arrangers and filmmakers and lighting designers and graphic artists and poster-designers and internet-runners and and and... all the money has to come from somewhere. the fact that it comes from you and not some major label or some fuckin' corporate sponsor is an amazing miracle of joy and i don't take it for granted for one second. 

and i hate to bring the kid into it...but i gotta. it's been a fecking life-saver to have stared this patreon at the same time i became a mother. it means i can toy with the gears and the speed and course of things in a way that i could just never do when i was on a label and locked into bullshitty 16-month commitments. it's so awesome. 

AND NOW, YOU. i'm asking for some feedback...because i'd like it. i can take the truth, so please try to be very candid with me. in general, i  am trying not to do "Things" capriciously or too randomly….but i also love making spontaneous art. and me and team AFP have been on a constant learning curve trying to figure out how  to best make this whole system work.

as you know, i *ask* a lot of questions because this whole dealio is a two-way street or it plummets downhill in a flaming ball of ego. i know a lot of you don’t always take the time to  comment but PLEASE PLEASE if you have 5-10 minutes and can jot down  some thoughts/answers…it would mean the world to me. i’m hoping that at  least 20-25% of you to fill this out so i’ll feel like we’re heading in the right direction as we try and build new Things.

if ANYTHING has been nagging you, or you’ve had ANY QUESTIONS about this system - this is the place!! 

so….if you’re taking the time to fill this out - THANK YOU. i love you guys to the moon n back.

you can also give me general feedback in the comments below…i’m reading.



FOR YOUR REFERENCE...here's a refresher list of All The Things so far:

1. "Bigger on the Inside" (Song)
2. "The Dresden Dolls: Live at Rough Trade" (Webcast)
3. "The Thing About Things" (Song)
4. "Live at Union Chapel in London" (Webcast)
5. "Behind The Trees" (Animation)
6. "Truth and Consequences" (A Living Statue - Performance Art Surprise)
7. "Neil Gaiman Interviews Amanda" (Interview Video)
8. "The 12 Days of AFP-Ness" (Archive Project)
9. "Strung Out In Heaven" (EP)
10. "A Mother's Confession" (Song)
11. "Machete" (Song/Documentary)
12. "NYC Quartet Throwdown w/Jherek Bischoff & Friends" (Webcast)
13. "1952 Vincent Black Lightning" (Animated Video)
14. "Purple Rain" (Song)
15. "Laura" (Song)
16. "You Got Me Singing" (Album)
17. "The Sound of People Dancing" (Recording)
18. "The Dresden Dolls: Live at Coney Island" (Webcast)
19. "On The Door" (Song)
20. "Sketches For The Musical Jib" (EP)
21. "Wynken Blynken & Nod" (Video)
22. "Piano Is Evil" (Album)
23. "Rainbow's End" (Song)

you can read about each of the things in greater detail here: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/ 

To the Questions!!

PLEASE CUT AND PASTE THESE QUESTIONS (this is easiest on desktop browser or from email) and answer in the comments below! please feel free to skip questions if you're stuck or don't feel like answering. and please feel free to converse with me/each other on this thread. i'll be checking in ALL WEEK zane READING EVERYTHING. also...please try to keep this thread on-topic. this isn't the place to ask when i'm coming to new zealand ;)

HERE GOES (cut below here):


What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?)

What kind of Things would you like to see more of?

Least favorite Thing?

What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...?

Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what?

What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? 

When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!)

Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...)

Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. 

How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. 

How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...?

Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. 

Any other thoughts...hit me. 


(the end of cut) 


also....if you would find this easier to do on a platform like survey monkey chime in with that as well. i figured it'd be easier to do this all in one place but...cutting and pasting is boring. 

i'll be excited to read all your thoughtses. 




1. if you're a patron and reading this in EMAIL, click through to see/post comments. i'm always reading. and please press the heart button to indicate you've read a post. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon:http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) What kind of Things would you like to see more of? I like the artwork, and writing that comes with some music as well. Least favorite Thing? Can't pick anything obvious I'm afraid. What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? MP3 Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? No all very simple and straightforward. What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? It's not annoying, just means I have to catch up at the weekends if I'm distracted by life. When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) It would be AEST (Sydney, Australia) time wise most likely evenings. Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Mainly from the emails, then I remember to click through sometimes. Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. No fairly painless, I was already using it for other things, so nothing major I can think of How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. I don't use it much, and didn't realise there was an app either, I'll probably check it out at some point. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? Tiers seem very fair price wise. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. Nothing too bizarre, I wonder about distributing through other channels, like YouTube or other mediums, but you might do that already and I hadn't realised.


What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) * A mother's confession. It is a beautiful song and very real. What kind of Things would you like to see more of? * Songs. Least favorite Thing? What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? * Mp3 Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? * Nothing What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? * Daily feels a bit overwhelming sometimes, but multiple times per week is good When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) I'm in Australian eastern time (Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart) but I'm unlikely to participate in webcasts. Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Here. Sometimes Facebook. Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. I forgot my password for ages and fit emails that I couldn't click through to and it took forever for me to get around to changing it... But that's naught to do with you. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. It's about great idea. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? Works for me. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. None Any other thoughts...hit me.


What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) Wynken Blynken and Nod. If there was ever a song and video to south your soul it is this. The filming is absolutely stunningly beautiful and it makes me feel proud to feel like I was a part of that. And it feels like something that would not have happened without Patreon. It is a beautiful piece of work that you should be proud of and shows a real contrast to the restraints of working within the confines of a label. What kind of Things would you like to see more of? I love the webcasts and other things that give us a real insight to you but really any type of output is fab as it builds into such a wide ranging piece of work. My personal favourites are the things like wynken and also the video for black Vincent which are just beautiful. Least favorite Thing? On the Door. But because it is my least favourite doesn't make it bad. I feel like we should support Patreon to give you the opportunity to be creative. And sometimes something needs to escape your brain before you have space to create other things that I love more. On the Door just didn't have the same level of feeling behind it for me as other Things. But I support you being creative not only being creative in a way that suits me. What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? MP3. Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? No - it's all been perfect. What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? As many as suits you. If I don't have time I save them for later. But again, I am not here to constrain you so post away! When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) Evenings - UK time. Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) A mixture - most stuff appears to be here first but I am proud on Twitter, Facebook and the mailing list too. Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. Nope - all good. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. Seems to do it's job. I don't think that any of the platforms are ideal for the way you interest with your fans but you use what is there to really connect with people. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? The tiers seem fair and there seems to be a good mix between free to all, $5 and $10 Patrons. I was late to the Patreon/crowdfunding party (you know life and stuff) but now feel I am in a comfortable position and enjoy supporting you and other artists. I would consider paying more per thing if any other tiers were introduced. But I understand that we can't expect to overburden your time so can't expect you to have lots of levels. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. Any other thoughts...hit me. Please just continue to carry on as is. We all love you.


Ok, so hitting 'enter' posts the comment... let's try this again. What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) 'The Thing About Things'. But I don't really know why. It really appealed to me, What kind of Things would you like to see more of? Music; songs or albums, it doesn't matter. Least favorite Thing? In general, the webcasts, because time zones make it harder for me to follow them live. What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? MP3 Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? Nothing at all. But I was a Patreon, hmm, patron already. What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? It doesn't annoy me, but I sometimes queue posts to read them later. Which is why I'm only replying to this survey now. When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) Evenings in eastern Australia (after 8pm), GMT+11 (or +10 in winter) (southern hemisphere winter). Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Here. Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. Not really, no. It feels great. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. Never used the app, and to be honest I read most of the updates via email, so I don't use the website all that much either. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? I think the tiers make sense, and overall I feel that you tend to be extremely generous with the "lower" tiers, so everything works out. That said, I'm in the $5 tier, so I can't really speak for the $1/$3 members... Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. Any other thoughts...hit me. You're doing great. Just keep being you.

Toetsie Zwitserlood

keep on doing it as you do it. Love it. 1,00 per month is my pledge, also if you need to be offline for a while. I love it here and the mail about it in my mailbox, to make me come here. <3


I wasn't sure about answering this before now partially because I kind of felt like my comments in the past have not been heard/seen/addressed. Not because I expect what I want to be the way things are when there are literally 10,000 people who are also a part of this :) But more because I know that I'm not the only one with these concerns, and they aren't being discussed at all... I hope that makes sense. What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) Strung Out in Heaven. It's fucking amazing. You created something insanely beautiful that blows my mind on every listen. It helps that it was possible THROUGH THIS and would not have worked any other way. Tied for second place are the animations: 1952 Vincent and Behind the Trees, because I love the art of it and I love the idea of using Patreon to spread more art-awesome. What kind of Things would you like to see more of? Original songs + original videos. Least favorite Thing? Webcasts. What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? Both - WAV to save, MP3 for convenience... Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? Not anymore. Thank you for making sure to explain things! What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? It doesn't annoy as much as cause me some serious sad fomo :( I don't want to feel like everything is zooming over my head, but that's not really your fault. When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) GMT -5. I rarely watch them though. Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Here and Facebook. I check Twitter when I know things are going to be happening. The e-mails seem to say the same things as Patreon most of the time? Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. I am having a hard time with all of the surprise Things. I want to feel like I have the option of opting out, even if I never do opt out. I like knowing what's coming. Some surprises make sense, I know, but it feels like everything is a surprise and that's uncomfortable. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. It needs a lot of work. Certainly appreciate the existence of the Unofficial group and to a lesser degree the Official group as well, although the Official is a much less personal space. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? The $5 feels basically like the $3? We don't seem to get a lot of special things. But the fomo makes it hard for me to go down to $3 so I guess it's my own damn fault. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. Just share more about future plans? I know not everyone likes spoiling things, maybe I'm a freak about this, but I just want to feel more "part" and less "audience". I love supporting you and your incredible art, but this platform makes it so that I'm "blindly" supporting you with quite a bit more money than I might have expected to be spending on an artist I like (not counting the shows I try to go to and the merch I try to buy). So within the context of Patreon I would like having a bit more certainty. Any other thoughts...hit me. I am so grateful for the community that has grown as a result of your art, particularly in the Unofficial group, but also prior to that within the Israeli AFP-fan community that grew from the Kickstarter. The art that comes out of our shared space, the connections, the support... At this point, I can travel to about 50 different cities in the world and know that I have a safe place to stay, and this is all thanks to you. Your messages (through your music, TED talk, the book, everything you do) have filtered through and changed people's lives in such a powerful way and I am so glad that I have been lucky enough to be influenced by it in this way. Thank you. Thank you so much. <3


What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) Oh for sure the Dresden Dolls Coney Island concert! It made me sooooo happy!! I was at work on the weekend I think, by myself...and I put it on the SmartBoard really big and loud! I had a blast watching it and feeling all the love! What kind of Things would you like to see more of? A few more sweet songs...love...motherhood...I love the controversy too...but I also like your soft side. I love the way you write and use words. Least favorite Thing? Nothing...literally...love them all! What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? not sure? Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? no...not billing...but I still can't figure out how to download anything??? What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? 2? I don't mind if you post everyday...but I don't get time to read it everyday usually...maybe once or twice a week is all I have time for... When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) PST Evenings or weekends...love you on Periscope! :) Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Mainly twitter...I have the email list but rarely read any email anymore...no time! Ugh! Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. Just can't figure out how to download the music as previously mentioned...and I'm usually pretty techyish... I need a tutorial or help page or something...and I don't see one? How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. I like it overally...I think it's a good way to support artists I love! How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? Tiers are fine Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. not at the momento... Any other thoughts...hit me. will do! :)


What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) Oh god, I really liked your cover of Vincent Black Lightning, and the video that went with that. I also liked your EP with Jason Webley. What kind of Things would you like to see more of? Big projects. I know it would be kind of difficult to make that work with the way that your life might be structured, or the way the financial arrangement you have with your fans on patreon can be, but I do kind of miss the anormity of the Theatre is Evil project was. Sometimes big projects can encompass a bigger story or bigger picture. Whereas, some of your mini projects, though awesome, have a disjointedness to them that prevents me from getting super obsessed as I have in the past with your previous works. I do love them as well however, and if that's what you need to do, than there are no hard feelings, and I would happily continue to support your art. But also, I really like it when you write more long winded personal reflections on life. You are such a good writer. Least favorite Thing? Probably like, podcasts and some of the live stuff. I had trouble seeing some of it clearly, and I am never around to see most of this stuff. I get kind of sad when one of your Things is taking place somewhere far away from where I am at. I live in the rural north west and there is no way I am able to get to a show or anything without spending an enormous amount of money. What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? Whatever works. Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? It's been extremely pleasant and easy for me. What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day?  You know, it doesn't annoy me. It kind of goes past my radar though. When you post as many times a day as you do, it lessens my degree of excitement. I might not see it either, depending on if I am at work or not. Whereas, when you had your old site, and you posted a new blog, it was such a hardcore big deal. It felt like a episode of your favorite show coming on once a week, something that you anticipate and think about. It's not generally like that anymore. Whatever works for you is fine though. I might just be reminiscing. When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) I generally don't partake in those. So whatever works best for you. Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Facebook, usually, but I generally hop on at least once or twice a week to Patreon just to see what's up. Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. Nope. It's serving it's function sufficiently. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it.  I don't actually use the app, so I just don't know. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? I pay 10$ per thing. I am not sure what it's like for the 1-3$ patrons. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears.  I would say, that a part of me wishes you used this more as a diary for your personal use. I mean, obviously you can keep some stuff private, and you also need to talk about upcoming projects, shows, collaborations and so on, and you do post lovely pictures of you and your family. But I have to say, I love it when you bring up deep meaningful topics that are universal and thought provoking and painful. I like your long winded rants and reflections. I'd like to see more of those. Any other thoughts...hit me. That's all, you are beautiful. Stay awesome.


Sorry if this is waaay too late. I'm having a nice afternoon of Amanda catch up :) What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) Initially, I loved The Thing About Things, speaks to me as a thing-hoarder and made me feel better about a similar situation (ish). I also love Bigger, Machete and Confession (I'm not a mum!), just love them all. They seem grouped together somehow, to me. But Rainbow's End...wow. Just LOVE. I connect with that one. Non song wise, Behind The Trees was gorgeous. And the time lapse video. This is not concise, oops. What kind of Things would you like to see more of? Songs. Sorry to be boring. I enjoy ALL the stuff and truly don't mind how you proceed. But music is where my heart is at. And an album would be delicious. Can't wait for the one you've made with Edward. Least favorite Thing? Purple Rain. I don't like Prince. Just don't. Or maybe the dad record. Appreciate the thought behind it and glad you could do it, the style just isn't my bag. What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? Nice to have both. MP for my phone, higher quality ones nice for my PC. Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? Nope. What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? No I like to see you being in touch so much, it makes me feel involved. I just sometimes don't get to them for a while. When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) I'm in the UK but sometimes I get up for work at 5am. Sometimes I don't so its dependent on that, there's no fixed good time for me. Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Here! Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. No, not really. Its fine. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. Its fine. I'm easy. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? The tiers are good, everyone can feel included to what they feel they can afford. Its nice to get a little more content at certain levels. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. Be free and create at your whim, my love.


The world latest response from me.... What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?) the shared "evening with neil gaiman and amanda palmer' stuff. i love the interactions between you both. but choosing from the list of patreon things i'd say Neil interviewing you, and machete. the interview i enjoyed because the interactions and love between you both is so warm and lovely to see. Machete i adore because it touched my heart and deciding what do with the things of people who have died is so hard, so i'm glad theres a song that sort of explores the concept and grief in general. also the thing about things is amazing - i was raised by hoaders. Least favorite Thing? umm i don't really have any What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? mp3. What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? i love reading posts from you so however many a day or week you like doing - that would be the optimum amount :P you posting every day is wonderful When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) late afternoon, so 4 to 7pm Australian Eastern Time Zone UTC+10:00 Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) umm bits and pieces on facebook and twitter, but mostly from emails or going on the patreon site or the actual amanda palmer site at random. i also see an astonishing amount on youtube now that i've started 'liking' your videos. Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. no. websites can be clunky since i usually use my mobile not a laptop or desktop but otherwise its all good. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. wait theres an app? yay. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? umm more blogs and writing if you have the inclination. not for any particular tier but i love reading your posts. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. whatever stuff you come up with i'll probably like :P do whatever you want and most of us will probably be impressed with whatever direction you pull the world in. tho the last minute add in at concerts, like the glitterish at sydney opera are awesome.