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holy shit!!!!!

you mean ALL I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE YOU LISTEN TO MY MUSIC AND GET **THREE HUNDRED OF YOU** to give me artistic feedback about one of my recordings is to make EVERY SONG A VOTE?? A BLIND TASTE TEST???

I'M SOLD!!!!

every single will now be delivered as a pair of twins, and you will have to vote.

i fucking love you guys....

and....the new version it is.

and while you were voting...i was tweaking the song order. "lost" is going to go last, after "olly olly oxen free" it seems a beautiful way to close the record, don't you think?

love love love.




OH...one thing while we're here and you're commenting...will you tell me here, on this post, whether you were alerted via EMAIL, or you saw my tweet or facebook post asking for ears on this song? it'll help me figure out where the bodies are coming from. MERCI.






Email here too :)


Missed this, didn't get the email. I'll have to check this page more often!


Here, email


Hey Amanda, I'm not one to ask for favors, especially here, but, Twitter's pretty noisy... My niece, a really sweet person who got a little mixed up as many of us might as we're growing up, and got the crap beat out of her and about half her teeth knocked out... My brother has set up a GoFundMe to offset the dental bills for extraction and rebuild, and I was hoping you might sway a little social love by retweeting this link somewhere you have some eyeballs... --- <a href="https://www.gofundme.com/pamelas-smile" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gofundme.com/pamelas-smile</a> --- Thanks, /Joe 10


What has been your favorite Thing so far? (Why?)- I really really liked the Jason Webley album ( my copy came last week). as awesome and weird as Evelyn Evelyn. What kind of Things would you like to see more of? I love youre vinyl editions. Id love you to release vinyl compilations of your patreon songs when you get up to 10+. Least favorite Thing? nothing. What is your preferred format for music downloads? MP3, WAV, etc...? MP3 is easy but Im a luddite. Has anything about the process of billing been confusing? If so what? no. What is an ideal number of posts per week? I post a lot...does it annoy you when i post every day? youre the artist. as many as you see fit! When is the best time for you to participate in webcasts? (Include your time zone!!) In Melbourne, but work odd hours Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. Any other thoughts...hit me. ...........


Do you get most of your AFP related info here or elsewhere? If elsewhere, where? (Twitter, FB, the email list...) email list. Has anything about the whole patreon process annoyed you/been awkward? Tell. no. How do you feel about the actual patreon.com site, and/or the patreon app? I know a lot of you are using it. I love it. I really dont get how any one knocked you over the pledge/pareon stuff. I find you the most interesting artist on the planet at the moment so I love having the chance to hear your thoughts and get your music etc almost as soon as its dry rather than waiting for the pathetic music industry to package and push it at me. How do you all feel about the tiers ($1/$3/etc). Do you feel like everythings pretty fair and functional? Is there anything you'd like to see offered that isn't ...? I only wish i could afford more. Do you have any other bizarre ideas for me about how i can use this fantastic system? I'm all ears. no soz. Any other thoughts...hit me. ...........


I Love you! Email and here. Can't get enough Art....