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hi loves.

greetings from maine, united states of america. i don’t know what to say anymore, y’all. i wanted to take the week fully off from posting, but, here we go.

i toured for an entire year of my life - in 2019 and 2020 - to fight for abortion rights. your patronage funded that work.

my whole team worked to make sure we had abortion rights activists and planned parenthood at every show.

i talked about my three abortions over and over again on stage, ripping open the wounds every night, and felt punished by not only the left and the right, but even by the people close to me who were made too uncomfortable by what i was doing and saying.

i wrote “oasis”. i wrote “voicemail for jill”. i made videos. i interviewed people. i raised money. i gave money. i did interviews. i signed hundreds of petitions. i wrote the introduction for the “post-roe america” book by robin marty. i marched.

what else could have we done?

the saddest part of yesterday was my phone blowing up with sympathetic texts from my friends in new zealand and overseas.

america is an object of global pity right now. it’s scary, that feeling. the pity was already happening and now it’s quickly accelerating. the dread is spreading. what happens here happens elsewhere.

what an incredibly strange combination of emotions i am feeling right now.

still; i hope it’s a death rattle. underneath this ominous cloud, a sisterhood always rises. the era of frightened men will - must - someday come to a close.

maybe not in my lifetime.

but i will never stop fighting.

for all of the women on this earth who have to choke and suffer in the complex stranglehold of patriarchy, for the women who can’t escape the cage of inherited greed, fear, generational trauma and stuckness, i will never stop fighting. never. i understand too well how it feels, and i’ll use all the tools in my kit to try to create a future where we can all find some semblance of peace.

this is the battle of our lifetime. our civil rights battle, our vietnam, our suffrage.

if i have time this coming week i’ll write a longer piece here for the patreon, and maybe troy it out and try to get it published in the real world.

generally, what i’ve seen is that people don’t fully understand that abortion isn’t about “abortion”.

this isn’t just about the act of having and abortion, it isn’t about fetuses and babies. it is so much bigger. it’s about human rights. it’s about poverty, and equality.

it’s about the climate crisis.

it’s about women having a chance to control their dreams and destinies, instead of being told what to do by men.

don’t give up.

ever. keep fighting.

if you can, you must.

but god i am tired.


i love you. all of you.

more soon.





Lynn Robinson

More hugs coming your way from England 🤗xxxx

Jake Marcus

@sarah482 morning darling! NY has always been my touchstone for abortion protections but when I was researching safe states (which obviously is a moving target), I was pleased to see how strong the protections are in NJ. I will be watching this. There are a small bundle of safe states in the northeast, a small bundle on the West Coast, and Illinois. That leaves of course all the vast states in between. Much help is needs NOW to transport people to clinics in safe states. It also means we need more clinics close to borders. And it means funds are needed.


I am not your vessel Not your field to reap and sow To be filled with expectations and Ideals I am not your vessel to be sated and emptied at your will To be told when and how to fulfil Earths dreams of life I am not your vessel I am the creator of the future A full being and Being both whole and broken It my power to produce or be still I am not your vessel It is my blood, my veins, my heart That builds I am the sunlight and the forest I choose the trees and what becomes soil To nurture the whole beautiful system I am not your vessel Not a resource to be managed I am the garden and the loving gardener Choosing, tenderly, bloom by bloom Take away my tools And watch as the gardener falls to her knees As the garden grows too big, too wild Only to be deserted I am not your vessel

Margaret Schindler

Hi, Germany here. Strangely, my country took a step towards better reproductive rights at the very same time as your country stepped away from them. Here it was professional medical advice surrounding abortions that had been labelled "advertising abortions" and therefore outlawed – this has now been corrected. From here, it looks like religious nutters are taking the US back to the 1950s. How are guns more important than women's rights? How are people "pro-life" but against universal health care for that same life? Hang in there and fight, everybody. We are on your side. ❤️


This feels all so wrong. Don't know how much more soulcrushing news I can take. Found it in me to record "Sing" from the Dolls...was really hard, especially the part with "sing for the president, sing for the terrorists"..but also kind of cathartic. Can recommend...kept me going and was a step away from all the numbness and paralyzing...grief..fear..anger...


As a boy I'm weary of this fight, but it seems like common sense and a settles matter. Scary stuff. Following yer lead lady love, in this and most yhings.


Dammit, your post is powerful. Loved it! Yes, most people in the world pity us right now. In America, guns have more civil rights than women, more civil rights than children at school. I know you i wanted to “come home” to New


York and the states, you missed your friends and family. Well we’re in this mess together. It was gay pride day here in San Francisco, I didn’t participate because it was no longer the Statement it was. But, coming back to my neighborhood, I saw a new generation of beautiful young people of all colors and genders which give me HOPE. I wore my “I Had anAbortion” tee shirt,which prompted great conversations with total strangers. That gives me hope, too. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things

Laura Payne

I hear you. I see you. I love you. Keep being you: telling your truth. It gives us more strength than you can imagine. XOX ❤️❤️

Anna McCotter

In shock (not very shocked) and just plain scared, and SO VERY SAD. I went to a protest in south carolina, and 95% of what i saw where inraged, angry college kids, ready to set the state on fire. and all I could think about was your tour. Surrounded by so much rage, and pent up aggression coming from this little army, broke my heart. i wish they could have gotten a glimpse of TWBNI, maybe they could see past the rage. Maybe they would join the grief party inside my head. I just stood there and cried. feeling guilty and grateful for you and your tour. There was a young girI there dressed from A Handmaids Tale, losing her voice to "my body my choice" cars passing Would honk with approval and support... and for some reason my mind flipped that statement, what everyone should be screaming at passing cars is "my body your choice" ... maybe If we protested with what is, rather than what should be, the traffic would just stop. instead of the virtual high fives and best wishes, there would be a hug or a hand or a tissue. Empathy instead of sympathy. Its easier to fight to keep what you already have, but fighting for what you dont have Is seemingly impossible. For right now, it's my body your choice, and vice-versa. until we can all hear how ridiculously frightening that sounds. Not just in theory. not anything. not anymore. On the otherhand, I am so so glad that you are here. Things are very hard for me right now, I made a mess of my life with this DWI , i just pray i don't lose the first chance at an opening to see you, because of this financial blackhole that i created. I LOVE YOU so very much. and we will fix all this shit. it's just a ride. ❤️


Love you too! In solidarity


I just wanted to say thank you. You do/have done a lot to help advocate and we are blessed to have a woman like you at a time like this. I’ve never had an abortion, but I still wept at the overturning. I’ve known many women that I love dearly tell me about their abortions and it breaks my heart that women can no longer choose what is right for them. It’s a travesty. I find myself crying still when I consider the future. What does this mean for my daughter, I certainly want her to have this option. What about all the girls who have spent hours at my house for sleep overs, game nights, you name it. I love them all, too. I don’t understand our country anymore, our world really, but I do know we did the best we could and we can’t view this as abject failure, we’ve lost a battle, an important battle, but there is a “war” ( for lack of a better word) on the horizon in regards to basic human rights and equality. It’s time to prep for what’s brewing if we have any chance of setting things right. It’s hard, it’s frustrating, it’s heartbreaking, you might want to give up, please don’t. Sisters, brothers, we must stand in solidarity and support one another with love and encouragement. I know we can win the long game, we are stronger than they know. I love you guys.