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hello my dears.

i’m in maine, with 13 of my immediate and extended family.

i feel like i am inhaling and exhaling fully for the first time in two and a half years.

it’s almost the end of the month and i haven’t put anything official.

really, truly. might do a watercolor. i feel like i can get away with that every five years or so.

maybe with a poem.

or maybe not.

i’m, like, braindead.

and i’m really, deeply happy to be home.

going slower than slow.

going at the pace of the pines.

floating in the bay.

it’s cold.

i love you all so very, very much.

breathe with me.






Amanda is an Eagle. @neilhimself is an Eagle. Many of you beautiful people are Eagles as well. Her call and majestic vision resonates with all of us. She is with a pack of loving forest animals now, as she is with you. Fox, wolf, hawk- there are many of you here. Eagles understand Eagles. Eagles need dogs to recover. Fill this community with love and support for our Eagle. https://worldbirds.com/eagle-symbolism/


You give me hope.


Just got home from ME a couple days ago. Enjoy. Yay for family. Cheers


My mental disorder is OCD. Many Eagles suffer from this. I don’t know, but I bet Anthony Bordrain, that majestic eagle we all loved likely died of OCD. I’m not a doctor but have suffered from this condition since I was a child I just left a long comment that was erased that involved me crying and taking drugs. Let me summarize. I am an Eagle. My Eagle Wife committed suicide. I went through a period of total breakdown in 2020. The goverment was crushing me., I’ll explain because this is the most important post of my life. I am a lawyer but my language is comedy. My dream job was to write for the onion. I met Amanda through my work as a Guantanamo lawyer. At the time, I was drinking too much, had a bi-polar Eagle wife and two small children. I was never a dolls fan but I really loved who killed Amanda Palmer and her Radiohead stuff: I reached out to her and as you know she didn’t say no enough. As Eagles we had some great yet to be disclosed art- Se/SW in Cuba- Amanda’s idea on GTMO. I can’t say for sure but I think this was before Neil, who sent a signed copy of AG to my family and my client. My young Eagle Amanda slept with that book because coralline is her favorite of all time. I mean she’s dark. I don’t like scary shit, but we are enjoying Stranger Thinfs. Great fucking show. I believe a signed copy is still in the GTMO prisoner library so another reason why AG is an historical text. Not much good shit gets in there (comedy rabbit hole). I know a lot of famous people, but if i could choose two to work with it would be them. My Eagle Eilish as i call her at 14 comes up with critical thoughts i use at work. Anyhow, I discussed Amanda (with her permission) with my HVD client, he’s an Eagle named Muhammad Rahim Al Afghani. ISN 10029. He is innocent and has been held without charge for 15 years and nobody cares. So it goes. Rahim loves her. He also had a match.com profile. Look that one up (Daidism Comedy). They exchanged letters, some public and some private. This is all on the internet. They were busy famous people but they took the time to help this man. So back to Amanda, I’ve been out of touch, but I saw her recent IG post and texted her just as an Eagle concerned about another Eagle. I explained how I am getting through it. I have no problem with her sharing what I wrote if she wishes. I pray to God for her to heal. We live in a simulation btw- please don’t go down this comedic rabbit hole as there are no answers and it leads to existential questions which will literally (hate the word) drive you crazy. If your interested look up Nick Bostrom on Lex Fridman In 2013, on the verge of me “making money” (whole comedy routine- on Kuwait and Crypto- you must watch the twitch of the squid game crash- hilarious) my wife had a breakdown slept with someone else and left the family. Eagles do this sort of shit especially when they are manic. I have no idea if anything has happened between them. I was where Amanda may be. Losing an Eagle she loves, and that’s complicated for an Eagle. I instantly found a a wolf to protect me and tried to replace Eagle. Dumb. That didn’t work because I was crying every night over my Eagle and listening to Prince Nothing Compares to you. I got over it and now have another Wolf, equally strong and that’s a great match. Eagles and wolves fuck and it’s great. Side note since this involves sex: I would LOVE to hang with pornstars like Adriana Chechek, she is my absolute favorite. What a fucking sexual eagle. pornstar friends would be cool but no space fucking for this 51 year old eagle. This is why they are board when they have to fuck a fat Bassett hound on a dare. Terrible. I’ll stick with my wolf. It’s tiring to hang with an eagle. We are dinosaurs and weird and annoying and nervous. Google “eagles fucking.” It’s crazy death shit like falling from space (I have a totem comedy routine- I literally (hate that word- Carlin I use nigger, rarely because it’s a fuckin word. See Carlin Amanda. Cancel me I’m not doing comedy for money.). This is why we watch porn stars. If I were Amanda I would call David Byrne, Wayne Coyne and Rick Rubin. two wise eagles and one of the wisest owls from what i know. Btw, eagles cannot fuck owls. It’s gross. Trust me i tried it several times. They are wierder. And like Eddie Murphy said in raw about fucking someone with a sense of humor you have to cover your eyes and have her tell more jokes or tell me more advice. I’m sure Rick Rubin is fucking some owl well- I don’t want to see it. Nor do I want to see elanor Roosevelt fuck. Not even curious. Ok a little morbidly curious. That should be a part of the dolls show. God idea!


Anyhow I spoke to god on Mother’s Day this year through my grief and asked it to end my suffering and now I am feeling better and my humor is back. It was gone for 14 months. I am now on Gabapentin- I can’t google meds because it will convince me I will die. I believe a Gabapentin commenter from a quanon site, i believe he actually knows what he is talking about when they give it one star and say “it made their dick shorter.” I am fine but I don’t want shorter.


And I told Amanda about this and she hasn’t responded but I know she hears me. Not about the dick thing. Comedy


"pace of the pines." that's acool line, for a poem or a song of sorts. keep making music


Love you all and god bless and I hope I don’t take up too much of your time. Kickstarter for Palmer/Byrne/Coyne produced by RR. 🤯


I am just so happy for you. You deserve to feel the relief of being where you need to be, where your heart needs to be, with who you and your heart need to be. Sending love, take the time to breathe.


So this is like the end of a tunnel for you. You need rest and time to just breath, float and feel happy. Good to see Ash growing up so healthy and strong. He was breathing all the time. He shows comfort. He knows you got his back. And you, you are never alone, you got your family and friends close again and you know we got your back. Time is all yours.❤️

