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greetings from the land of deep contemplation and serious packing. i have been packing non-stop for about 2 days. i have a lot to tell you and no time. that is okay. someday i will have time to tell you everything. i promise. 

i'm about to post in the althing...it'll be out in the next 48 hours, but before too much time goes by i wanted to drop a quick note and tell you that UNLESS SOMETHING WEIRD HAPPENS i will 100% be able to do a goodbye ninja gig on tuesday!!!

i wanna say goodbye. 

and i wanna say thank you.

1) WHEN: let's call it 3 pm - this tuesday may 31st!! i fly that evening.....unless i get covid! time is slightly loose, but i'll be *more or less* on time. when you arrive, MAKE FRIENDS WITH A PERSON while you wait if i'm a little late. you're all friends. okay? you have permission. be friends. 

2)  WHERE: we will assemble at FREYBERG PLACE in the Auckland CBD...unless the weather is SHIT!!! IF THE WEATHER IS SHIT, AUCKLAND LIBRARY HAS AGREED TO HOST US.!!! YAY. we will meet in the back of the first floor, like last time. 

I'll take a look at the weather around 1-2pm and make a call and message you all here. one way or another, we will find each other - it's only a 5-10 minute walk from one to the other, so we could always start at one and switch venues to the other if we wanna, the library is very groovy.

3) WHAT?: it'll last about an hour and a half or two...i need to be on the road at FIVE O'CLOCK at the latest for my flight. PLEASE....bring instruments! And food and dogs and kids and anything you wanna! (well, no doggos in the library...). DON'T BRING ME ANY GIFTS....i have had to shed everything to pack two years worth of crap into a few suitcases!!!!


4) WHY NOT....everybody brings a gift for someone else? we can play a gift-game swap at some point in the gig!!! bring a book you love, or a little piece of art or craft, or a food...whatever you wanna. it'll be a beautiful. you will gift things to each other and it'll be lovely. secret santa? secret ninja? not so secret gift thing>? maybe even write a little card from the heart to your secret ninja.  


check email that day in case anything changes.




p,s just before i made my althing video on the hill this morning....

pps second to last day of school..... 




Lynn Robinson

Have a great farewell gig - sing, play & cry your heart out !!! What a huge range of emotions you must both be feeling. Thinking of you - have a safe & smooth journey back to the US. Can’t wait to catch up on the next chapter of your lives . Much love 💕


Happy parting! Must be surreal! Veryuch looking forward to your new adventures and living vicariously through them!

Rebecca Ryan

Can’t make it dammit.. in Melbourne My brain got excited for more than a second thinking I was there..and then how I’d get there. Strange one I am. Love and hugs a 💜 ..its time can someone please give Amanda a cuddle for me? Please ..and then hug a patron there too? I Would love that. Please, cheers thanks xx

Catherine Hannah

Oh to be in there for BIGGEST GROUP HUGS and sekret Ninja gift exchange!... but I know you will all have the BEST time and cathartic cry and laugh and sing and it will be The Best... Loves to everyone!!!! 😁✨🥰✨😁


Wow, it must be so hard and weird to be leaving. Be nice to your brain. It must be very confused. And travel safely! Sending hugs!


Are there any homesick Canadians coming on Tuesday? I have a secret cache of Coffee Crisp and KD that I'd be willing to share.


I’ll try and make a fake meeting so I can skip out of work for a little while to make it there! K xx


A little ahead of this but it's light to pack. Hugs (((()))) And kisses XXXX on all your tears.

Pedro B. Gorman

Dear, dear Amanda, Wow…it’s an the end of an Era & the beginning of another one for SuperMom & Super Ash. i can only imagine how nervous/giddy/elated/worried you must be returning from a foreign land to land which, though still as “yours” as ever, has nonetheless changed. and with all the bollocks going on in the world, in general. but change IS actually the only constant in life, so hey: we’re as fucked if we run as we are if we give in and plunge, and plunging is less tiresome, so… here’s to PLUNGING! P.S. Do you realize that, if you were David Bowie, you would only ever be SAILING back to America, as he hated flying so intrinsically he literally never did it again since the 70s (or so he said). just a fun thought! Love you ALLLLLLLLLLLL! have massive amounts of fun at the ninja gig!


Big big love ❤️

Grace Beaster

Just dropping by to say: Haere Rā e te tau. Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa. Wishing you and Ash safe travels - know you’ll always have a home in Aotearoa. Aroha nui.