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hello my dear patrons…

what a brutal day.

it’s past midnight here and i’ve spent the last six days organizing and performing in three fundraiser shows, recording two new songs and simultaneously shooting two music videos, packing up two years of shit, and taking care of ash. i am exhausted. i have also loved working. i would pull photos to post but i am too tired and too sad right now.

we head home in about a week. there is too much to do. i’ve been mostly staying off social media, everything is a painful race to the finish.

but i had to write and say this:

the news from america has broken my heart in places where it has been broken again and again. now it feels like a leaky faucet that will not shut.

it’s such a brutal cocktail of emotions right now, as i stare at this landscape that has held me, and my child, and kept us so safe for two years. it is not a pleasant note to leave on. and yet, the lead news story in NZ today was about a spate of gun violence here last night.

it is everywhere.

meanwhile, abortion probably becoming criminalized in the states.

i saw this today and it resonated.

and if you’d like a less snarky and more mature take on things, i highly recommend you take a moment to digest heather cox richardson’s simple and sobering post today about the history of gun laws in america. it’s short and educational and a necessary read for every american here:



a handful of people on social media asked why i am coming back to america.

the question itself stings.

you know why, right?

tonight, i am thinking about all of you and everything you’ve done for me, and for ash.

just as this country has: you have held us. you have kept us safe. you have wrapped your arms around us. my patrons made it possible for us to stay here. full stop. without your support, i could not have afforded it.

i am blessed and i know it.

the althing is coming soon, as is (if we can manage to turn it around in time) a recording of one of the new songs. (probably to be released on the DL just to you all).


i spent a while listening to ash breathe after he fell asleep tonight, unable to imagine the thoughts and feelings of those dozens of parents and grandparents and siblings of those senselessly slaughtered little children.

tonight. tonight they have to try to sleep.

they have to try to sleep knowing they will never hear that little lull of breath again, they will never feel the softness of that hair or the grasp of a little hand.

i look at ash, i listen to his breathing aliveness, and my mind cannot easily go there.

it is too dark a place.


feel free to use this post to share, rage, ask, hold, hug, scream, cry.

sometimes, in moments like this, we just need an outlet.

which reminds me, about 7 people texted me today…apparently this quote was used in the “calm” app today.

may we be this for one another….

right here and right now.

i’ll read the comments in the morning.

hold everything tight, my loves.

it’s all such a bloody blur. but we have here and each other.






Trying so hard to keep my light in this world of darkness. Thank you for continuing to shine yours.


Stay in NZ Amanda!


There are no words. Utterly devastating.


This is somewhat unrelated… but I just finished reading The Midnight Library by Matt Haig today and it is such a beautiful, hopeful novel. If anyone needs something to take their mind off current events, I highly recommend it.


Dear Amanda, our hearts hurt with yours, with all people who have ever loved a child. The world is watching America with both deep grief and utter disbelief. I don't know what we can do, but I'm going to do whatever I can, whenever the opportunity presents. The Packing: If stuff doesn't' fit in a couple of suitcases for each of you then it's gotta go. The rest, is just stuff, cool stuff I'm sure but just stuff. The Real is the small being breathing quietly beside you, or exploring the garden or indulging in vegemite on toast and some strawberries. The Real is the family awaiting you at home. The real is your home in the woods (where your other stuff is.) The Real will be hugging friends and family long missed. The real will be your favourite coffee maker and mug. So - throw out those t-shirts with the holes and the underwear with bad elastic, no one's got room for that! Fill those suitcases with rainbow gifted clothing, the tour outfits, the greenstone necklace and maybe the first mustard coloured sweater you bought on arrival. Indulge in gifting delightful things to the friends you have made, the kids books and toys for Ash's school. Call a charity to pick up the rest. Hire a cleaner to come in on the last day while you have wander round Waiheke waving and hugging good bye. We can have at least two heart homes my darling, and Aotearoa is now one for you and Ash. It always will be. You got this. We got you. And, you got us. <3


Amanda my heart hurts so much for everyone here. I can't imagine choosing to take your precious child back to this God forsaken hellhole of a country no matter how "homesick" you feel that home is long gone and everyone here has been broken for far too long. The states have chosen guns over grandma at the grocery and kids on their last days of school. They have chosen Christian bigotry over women's lives. Nothing in this country is good for any child and so many moms would beg to leave if we at all had your kind of luxury to do so. I cry for the idea that not just my son but all his precious friends who I love very very much being endangered because half the country has lost all moral compass and love for their fellow humans. I am mad and sad and heartbroken for these babies growing up right now.


What about your country you will go back to?- As you are so aware and who is not? Things not going very well there. And I saw it when I was there last year still. I saw the hyppocracy, I heard it many times meeting random Americans. So dreadful, complex and still owned by many, so much that it's impossible to start talking about and keep peace. Because it's really getting shameful to start the subject as a non American. I would prefer to be careful and just mention one thing at a time in hope you start thinking about it. But then I found this litany by Umar Hague. "America collapsing at lightspeed. And it gets worse every day." I think the whole World should read this and sure the Americans should and they should think before they react on it. Take a day. It's not about how they came there. It's first about realization by many this is today's status. And it is getting worse. Every American realizing should think what to do, to stop this free fall America is in. - I got to do something! Omar Hague on Medium: https://link.medium.com/deyvCEzUlqb


Sending you, your family, and all the humans of the world my love in the midst of all this chaos. We have one another and sometimes that's everything.


I saw a bunch of those "why even come back" comments on Instagram and I thought they were really rude and unnecessary. Safe travels, and welcome home, and I'm sorry this home isn't better but it's the one we've got and there's a lot of good here too.


I just read this last week, on a day where I was struggling to make sense of my life. I'm also the same age as the protagonist and a lot of it resonated with me (uncomfortably but helpfully, like therapy). Great read.


Dear Amanda, My new music video just came out yesterday. If you feel it and would share in some way, I would be eternally grateful. Enough is enough. https://youtu.be/hQoJwAI-FyI

Mary Ann Wesselman

Love and hugs. It’s OK to just come on home and soak up all the joyful love of your family, friends, and fellow artists. Welcome back.

Lindsey Lubow

I find it shameful that we've allowed ourselves to wait, as Americans, for the people watching from away to bring up our opportunities for growth. Our faults. Our responsibilities to even ourselves are as gossamer silk. There but not readily observed until they pile up unaddressed. I'm sorry that we haven't done more. For my part, I feel like I haven't got much hope of swaying anybody in a position to do something on a broad scale... but also for my part, I try to find the commonalities with everyone as I'm able. I try to be a living counterexample for the horrid qualities I'm expected to have. I worry that I wouldn't be in a position to identify them alone, and hope against hope that someone will think to tell me. I have not yet read the article you linked... but I agree with your overall tone that America has a lot of work to do and that entirely too many Americans are actively denying that it's work worth doing. I feel wildly underequipped for this era in this place... I've never been outside the continental US. What perspective can I possibly hope to find on my own? Please don't give up on the USA entirely, though you're certainly not wrong if you do. We'd do well to listen more, though at this point, it's reasonable to expect that people are tired of trying to talk sense into us. Thank you for commenting. -Lindsey in Pennsylvania, USA

