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Oh holy shit here we go


I'm leaving. On a jet plane.

I've been in this country for two years and two months of my life. And Ash's life. Ash grew up in a foreign country. By accident.

I was touring for seven months without going home before Covid hit.

I have not walked in my own front door, or seen my old friends, or my states-side family, or any objects or belongings I've accumulated in my life (save the one small suitcase of show clothes I brought with me to NZ) since mid-August 2019....almost three years ago.

I have never felt this bizarre cocktail of emotions.

The last few weeks have been a blur of packing and solo parenting and tying up loose ends, school, paperwork, cars, bikes, relationships, object-shipping. Plus three shows for the local theater fundraiser, plus trying to record the last moments of emotion (see below)

I've barely had time to check my texts or emails, or keep up with any kind of long-term thinking or work. It's fine.

What do I feel? It'll take me a few years to know. But meanwhile, let's hug.

REMINDER, to the KIWIS....we are gathering TOMORROW (TUESDAY!)! I posted about it here. We are going to gather either at Freyberg Place or The Auckland City Library (if the weather is shitty) tomorrow (Tuesday, May 31st) at 3pm for a goodbye sing n' hug n' whatEVER. Bring gifts for one another (see post)! See you there...Nga Mihi....**



And welll....SURPRISE. I pulled a fuckin' fast one and recorded the two new songs that I wrote last month in a fit of emotional goodbye-feeling. There's a reason.

One of them is a duet called "Little Island", with guitar and harmony from JULIA DEANS of Fur Patrol (I played it at the Artworks fundraiser) and I'm going to release it just to patrons before the month is officially over. Like, tomorrow or the next day, cos it's ALMOST THE END OF THE MONTH. I'm still 16 cramming on my goddamn essay that was assigned 6 weeks ago, pulling an all-nighter. Whatever. I've embraced it. I work well this way. Fast, last-minute, and full of fire.

The next song (untitled at the moment, but I also played it at Artworks) will come out at some point soon...again, just for patrons. This kind of art-making is making me so goddamn happy. Art for me, for my community, for you, for life, for this, for now.

So, poetically, I have enough written-in-Aotearoa songs now (4, more or less, 5 if I record one more at home?) for a little EP. So there we go. You'll get the first peek, as my patrons, and I'll probably try to assemble something - some sort of NZ memory-album - when I get home and rested.

I'm so tired I think I might do nothing but mother for two months after I get home. Three months. Four.

But anyway....here we are, me and Julia recording this number, this last Wednesday. 

Where are we? In an underground WW2 tunnel on the far side of Waiheke Island, of course. How could we not? And....fear not. We got video. We'll work on releasing that much later.

It's good. 

It's really, really good.


At the moment I'm typing this last little bit of the post, it's early early morning in Aotearoa, and it's my last day here on the Island. We leave on the ferry this evening and we'll stay the night in the city, then fly to America tomorrow night.

I have volumes of things to say to you.

But I also have Ash, and he's about to wake up and start packing with me, and I need to make us breakfast and keep sorting through the books...which ones we are going to take to post office, which ones are going in the bags, which ones are long-lost library books (I found two), which we are giving to friends, which ones we are giving to Ash's school....

I counted, and Ash accumulated about 700 books since arriving here about two years ago. I didn't go into an op-shop or a bookstore without getting him a new book, and many were sent from his faraway dad, and many were sent from authors, and friends, and many were given as gifts from the locals. 700 books is a lot of books. That's like, almost a book a day. I'll write about it more later, I'm sure, but I feel that one of my biggest accomplishments over this last two years is that I kept the kid more or less off screens. We read. A Lot.

I do not take books - and where they come from - for granted. 

Every one of these books came from....somewhere. Some of them came from YOU. It took me the better part of the day yesterday to sort through them all, and I gave special consideration to any books that were gifts, especially the ones from Aotearoa - the local stories. 

It's gonna cost us a goddamn king's ransom to ship them back, but fucking FUCK IT. These books will live on a special shelf in Ash's room at home, and when we read them, we're going to feel the love and kindness of stories and connection that this land has showered on us.

I won't start in about how many books I accumulated. There were many, including many from you all.

I won't start in about a lot of things.

I can't.

The last two years has taught me this: there is a time and a place to tell the story of what happened, and the time is not always now.

I've been the art-maker AND the journalist of my own experiences for a very, very long time. For the next while, I'm going to focus on being a mother and an artist, and little less on being the journalist of my own life. There is too much catch up.

Right now, the time is for packing, for traveling, and for loving Ash, and loving this goodbye, and getting on a plane and going home to recuperate from the hardest two years of my life. 

I know you understand because I....know you do. Because I know you.

And, I will say here what I said in the parting video.

I would not have been able to stay in this country were it not for you, my patrons.

You literally made it possible, covered my rent, and put food on my table.

You paid my staff.

You kept our lights on.

You kept me safe.

Because I needed to put art out every month, I sometimes felt trapped, but mostly I felt motivated. To keep going. To make, to do, to create. 

I will be spending most of the next year - and years to come - in a daze, thinking about what this all meant.

But I can say it in rough words right now: you all, collectively, kept me sane, safe, protected, loved, understood, informed.

You changed my life.

You. My patrons.

You changed my life.

I'm going to get back to packing.

But before I do....here are a few more shots.

This is a Kumera (sweet potato) I allowed to flower in my kitchen, and my friend said she would babysit it, and that same friend also left some underwear at my house. So I call this Sculpture "Kumera with Unreturned Underwear":

Here is my friend Susannah, in the midst of our packing frenzy today....(nad there's Michael on the couch, more on that below) who agreed to deliver the art to its rightful owner.

It's her birthday today. Happy birthday, Susannah.


This is the Goodbye Gardenia we planted in Tanya's garden. It was a gift to me, to stay in the ground here.

Tanya promised to send photos when it flowers.

This just....accidentally happened this morning and I thought it was funny.

Also....I just gotta say something about this guy.

Michael McComiskey, my assistant and friend for five years (we just celebrated our 5-year work-a-versary last week) got on his own jet plane and came all the way to New Zealand two weeks ago to help me transition back to the states.

He wound up also watching Ash, helping organize a theatre fundraiser, working on a film shoot and song recording session, playing ukulele IN the fundrasier, and...we managed to get some hikes and swims in.

I cannot say enough good things about this human being. 

Michael is one of the kindest, smartest, hardworking people I have ever had the pleasure to work with, and I'm so happy he got to know my friends and the island a little bit before I left. He and I have been on the phone for two years without seeing one another. My life has changed immensely. He's had covid not once but twice. My business more or less fell apart and hung in there by a thread.

But we survived it, and we are still a work-team, and we're fuckin' great at it.

That you all help to pay his salary is not lost on either of us. What he does for me, he does with and through you. It's all connected.





WE HELPED RAISE ABOUT $15k for the theatre!! Thank you to all the patrons who came, and those who donated from afar. And honestly, the fact that I'm crowdfunded and effectively salaried by a crowd (you) made it possible for me to do this. So you all donated, in a roundabout way. Any time I do something to help others, anytime I donate money, it's flowing through me from you. Don't forget that.

Just a few days ago, I played my final shows here in Aotearoa.... three back-to-back-to-back shows at the Artworks Theatre here on Waiheke. Like most tiny theatres in the pandemic, they've struggled to stay afloat. This event not only made some dough, but it sparked people back into seats.

I went out in a cloud of glitter. 

My friend Koro - aka Constance Maraj - and I played co-host and did like 14 outfit changes....and I played 5-6 songs every night, including the two new ones (see below). We had about 12 different variety acts, singers, dancers, burlesque, songs, aerial....it was DIVINE.

It all felt alive. 

The community was so so happy to be out and about after the up and down and down and up of lockdowns...

Here's the theatre....

And here's a little about them from their webpage...

Artworks Community Theatre (‘Te Whare Tapere o Waiheke’ –  the house of entertainment) is one of Waiheke greatest attractions. We are proudly the largest venue on the island. Being a multidisciplinary performing arts hub, you can enjoy a diversity of shows and events, from dance, comedy, music to theatre. With a passionate team we constantly ensure all guests, performers and directors have the best possible experience from enjoying efficient processes and systems to experiencing a clean and safe artistic environment.

They're still taking donations, since they run entirely not-for-profit, so if you're in New Zealand, you can donate here:


Here are some photos I took during the set-up and backstage...

I miss this mess.....

Michael, by night...

Ash came to see mama at work....

My boy, my boy....

Watching Ash explore the theater was one of the highlights of my stage-heart's life. He loved it up where it was SECRET.....



This one from Simone Flight...

And some backstage photos from Victoria Bell....

Is this not heaven....?

We are Queens, yes.

We plundered the local costume rental shop, who donated.


Who us?

And a few photos from the show itself, by Peter Rees...


Michael singing "No More Fucks to Give"....which brought the house down....

Duetting with Aura....who was pulling triple duty as Social Media Assistant, Babysitter, and Lounge singer....(this is the new song you ain't gonna hear for a second)





This new little song....tt's coming. To whet your appetite....here are a few behind-the-scenes shots from Michael....taken the other day at rehearsal at Whittaker's Museum on Waiheke...



This month, we've released.......

.....NOTHING YET. It's a race to the finish on every front.




From Jordan:

Greetings Dear Patrons!

I write this to you from a fairly elated sense of happiness and hopefulness in Sydney, Australia. Change is afoot! Not only is Amanda leaving Aotearoa (NZ) and going back home to the US, but… Australia has a new Prime Minister! A Labour one… With an arts policy… with Indigenous constitutional recognition in its aims… and he’s local! In fact, we live on the same block. My dog pees on his gate every day… some days TWICE A DAY! After years of conservative “leadership” to now have a more left leaning government is a palpable relief. Especially for those in the music and art world, for our Aboriginal mob and those looking to a more sustainable view towards climate change than the Australian Governments who have systematically ignored the environment in the past years. Hallelujah. Hopes are high.

May has been a great month for me. I managed to make it to Aotearoa to share good times, yummy meals, friendship and ideas with Amanda and Michael. I got to talk monsters & villains with Ash. I got to see Waiheke Island, meet with a new distribution company we will be working with for New Zealand and even get in some record shopping. I rate Real Groovy in my top 10 record stores of the world. Yes, my dear Kiwis who are reading this – in the not too distant future you will have easier access to a selection of Amanda’s merch with the cheapest shipping prices available for those in Aotearoa.

I have sincerely loved having Amanda in my timezone. It’s going to be very sad to see her depart, but also… I am happy for her to be reunited with her family and community of friends in the US. We’ve got so many art projects in the slow- cooker in the kitchen for the next few years, I think we’re going to be in for quite the ride, and one I am sure you will all enjoy coming along with us on.

As always, thank you.


{Love you Jordan. I'm gonna miss being in the same time zone too. But ...trades. - AFP}


From Alex:

A quick one from me this month - I've been out on the road with Grace Petrie, slinging merch. I worked out that as I am writing this (on May 25th), this is the first day that we have not either had a show or been travelling since the tour began on May 4th. 

It's been very tiring.

So I'll just leave you with two recommendations - a book and a song. 

I've been reading this book, given to me in a Christmas book exchange in 2020 (shh, my reading list is very long). It's about mermaids, and a crew that goes out to investigate a previous crew that may or may not have been eaten by mermaids.

I thought it sounded like it had the potential to be lame, hence why it didn't race to the top of my list. But actually, there's a deep sense of terror and foreboding within the pages, that I'm finding myself utterly captivated. (plus, lesbian content!)

It's called Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant, and I'd thoroughly recommend it (although I'm only 300 pages in, so I take no responsibility if the last 150 pages are shit)

And my song recommendation comes from the support act on the tour I'm currently working on. It's a song called "14 Miles" by a singer-songwriter named Jasmine Kennedy (not the queen from drag race, lol)

It's a beautiful, sad, raw, honest song about the death of her nana, and I can't stop listening to it. 

I came back
at lunchtime the next day
and asked what it was you'd ordered
that you were pushing 'round your plate
you said you didn't really have much appetite
but you let me read the menu and suggest things you might like
and I guess it didn't matter
'cause you weren't gonna eat
but if we didn't plan for wanting we'd be accepting what that means

It's on Spotify and all the usual gubbins, or you can download it free (or pay what you want) on her Bandcamp page here:


And that's all for now.

Take care of yourselves, my friends.

(In my natural state, napping in the back of the tour van (in my vintage AFP #LOFNOTC Caps Locks FTW shirt, as photographed by the aforementioned Jasmine Kennedy)

{WE LOVE YOU MERCH QUEEN. I hope we get to see you soon, maybe in NYC, hint, hint, hint. - AFP}



As of this writing there are about 11,900 patrons pledging about $38,000 for the first Thing each month.

A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: you are welcome to (and encouraged to) CAP YOUR PLEDGE! PLEASE.

I cannot stress this highly enough.

Your pledge on Patreon supports me per Thing that I release, but sometimes it's unpredictable how many Things will come out in a month (sometimes it's just 1, usually it's 2 or 3, we have been known to do 6 or 7).

We know this can create financial insecurity and uncertainty - so Patreon allows you to cap your pledge. This is, essentially, setting a MAXIMUM amount that you want to pay per month. YOU CAN BUDGET. Say for example, you're happy to pay $3 per Thing, but you don't want to pay more than $10 a month. In that's the case, you can "cap" your pledge at $10, and whether I release 4 Things or 40 Things, you won't be charged more than $10. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, you will still have access to ALL the things, even if you cap your pledge!!! It doesn't effect access.

You can read all about capping your pledge here.

I go over this stuff in every Althing, but if you're new to all this: Patreon charges you monthly & retroactively, meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior.

Because people have their pledges capped (SEE ABOVE), the first "Thing" raises the most money by far, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. I LIKE THIS! THIS IS GOOD! It means I never feel guilty about releasing TOO MUCH!! So really. Please, cap your pledge if you are on a budget.

In April, I Thanged THREE Things:

Judy Blume from Auckland Library, and BTS doc, which earned about $43,163 from 12,094 patrons

Dirge Without Music, which earned about $18,198 from 6,753 patrons

The State of All Things: April 2022, which earned about $10,265 from 4,076 patrons

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

Them's the numbers.

And remember: these numbers are gross. Not net. Meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected.

These numbers also do not reflect the money I SPENT MAKING THE ART, paying my staff, paying the office rent, paying for crowdcast, getting myself around, getting the team around and fed and slept, all the collaborators, and my actual staff payroll, etc.

I don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because I assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even.



I've said it again but I'm gonna repeat....the only thing I'd love to ask you to do this month is READ SUSAN CAIN'S NEW BOOK WITH ME!!! I'm taking it on the plane.

She and I have a huge interview coming out together within the next few months - patron-funded - and I want you to get to know this book before it happens.

Her new book is called "BITTERSWEET". 

I'm sorry.


Didn't I just do a whole fucking tour about that?

Sign me up.

And if you've missed susan's TED talk about the power of introversion, it's amazing. That's how I met her: https://www.ted.com/talks/susan_cain_the_power_of_introverts



I've been reading a ton of Sophie Strand's online work lately, and I think you would all really love her.

If you're on Instagram she's a peaceful and honest force: https://www.instagram.com/cosmogyny/?hl=en

She posted this, for instance, on Mother's day:

She's a neighbor and new friend of mine from the Woodstock area and we have plans to hang when I get home...and her writing is a beautiful mish-mash of plants, the human spirit, feminism, and "I can't explain it and that's why it's good".

Her new book just went on sale for pre-order and I've read enough bits from it that I can recommend it.


If it's up your alley, it's gonna be REALLY up your alley. If you know what I mean. 




From @loimestudios on instagram...based on a photo by Allan Amato....

To just give a break from my tits....this is from @daisies_and_tears on instagram...

But now back to my tits....from long-time darling @zugart on instagram...this image clearly inspired. Who doesn't love tits.




This is the space for you all to share and promote your work, crowdfunds, anything else! Send through anything you want to post here to patronhelp@amandapalmer.net and we'll be picking a couple every month to feature! 

This month....

Some of you will recognize Pedro from the webcasts (and for always leaving beautiful, thoughtful comments on posts here). Now he's set up his own Patreon for his work.

I've just joined, I'm so excited to join and see what happens here...SUPPORT PEDRO!!!!

Check it out here.  


Some of you will ALSO recognize Callie as our Hype Queen from the webcast shows at Union Chapel back in the heady days of 2019.....and she's an incredible musician and spirit.

She's set up a GoFundMe page to help with transitioning - both in the medical sense, and also whilst relocating to Glasgow.

Here's the link, please donate and help one of our own live her best life:



That's all I got folks.

I'm gonna release this song,

get on a plane, 

and fucking collapse.

Wish me luck.

I love you so much.




1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (over 150 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



This is "IMG_7975" by Amanda Palmer on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



OmGoodness, the photos!!! To start with, the books!!! I wonder if any other child in the world has had this kind of experience! I am happiest above all, to have had a hand in this (social experiment to be informed by the) experience of Ash, surrounded in love, exquisite nature, creativity, community, and all the books!!!!!! It's like a collective rebirth, renewal, reincarnation of childhood! (no pressure, Ash) that has been a great wonder to see! I feel deeply the retreat essence for you as mother, out of the States, like you wrote, not walking through your own home door, not on your home country's land, for over 2 years ' what a deep, deep withdrawal. (tapas, and growth/change) I am so glad for Patreon for this; truly this community's ongoing investment, your ongoing Self!! The necklace means so much and I hope you keep wearing it for months to come! Wishing you well in the transition, and so looking forward to the road ahead and all it has to offer!! Glad for all the hands helping you! Glad for all of us to find our way to this great niche with you! Many cheers, What a ride to have been on this special story: (aha! yes, natch, a children's book to be made) Ashland in Aotearoa! Ash Lands in Aotearoa! The Island Adventure! "700 books is a lot of books. That's like, almost a book a day. I'll write about it more later, I'm sure, but I feel that one of my biggest accomplishments over this last two years is that I kept the kid more or less off screens. We read. A Lot. I do not take books - and where they come from - for granted. Every one of these books came from....somewhere. Some of them came from YOU. It took me the better part of the day yesterday to sort through them all, and I gave special consideration to any books that were gifts, especially the ones from Aotearoa - the local stories. It's gonna cost us a goddamn king's ransom to ship them back, but fucking FUCK IT. These books will live on a special shelf in Ash's room at home, and when we read them, we're going to feel the love and kindness of stories and connection that this land has showered on us."


Safe travels! Also can confirm that the last 150 pages of Into the Drowning Deep are also excellent! Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire is an excellent writer (I think she's like a queer Neil Gaiman). Every Heart a Doorway is my favourite of her series


I wish I could come and say good bye this afternoon but my work schedule is forever uncertain and roads apparently can’t be built without me. I wish you and Ash safe travels in your journey to the US and can only hope the memories you both keep of your home here in Aoteroa are ones of joy and happiness.


Safe travels, dear Amanda and Ash. Your leaving Waiheke has filled me with an immense amount of nostalgia for my homeland, Australia. I grew up in the suburbs in the 70s and 80s when life was small and slow, and the bush was my playground and my mystery. I left my beloved land of oceans and parrots about 23 years ago to find love and help raise a family in Canada, and yet, the Australian landscape is forever a huge part of my psyche, calling me. I know you, and Ash, will one day feel the same way about New Zealand. It will be an interruption and a giant breath of oxygen in your memories. As someone who is disabled and on limited income, I still dream that one day I will cross that great ocean once more and retire with my wife in some tiny corner of paradise near the sea. I don't know it will happen - as you know, with life, nothing is promised - but it's a dream I hold dear and cherish. I'm so glad Ash will be able to take his books with him, as I think it will be a part of the fabric of your combined New Zealand memories, and he will always love them. Sending love to you all, and thank you for bringing us all along with you. <3

Emilly Orr

Also a fun follow on Twitter, if you like to see BIIIIIG housecats. :D


@Alex: Ooooh yes, I strongly second recommending Mira Grant's book "Into the drowning deep", it is amazing! Mira Grant is a pen name of Seanan McGuire, so there is a ton more books to explore once you are done with that one (yes, they are all on my (looong) tbr list) ... That said, @Amanda: Safe travels and may the heart-tugging pain of leaving this place not be too bad. May your old home welcome you with beauty and love!!!


Safe travels, and welcome back. Be safe; be well 🌻


Amanda. Just to say all the best leaving home to go back home. I can't imagine how it must feel leaving this place you never expected to end up but which made you welcome. All love to you and Ash.


Goodby to nz and welcome ‘home,’ though home is where your heart is and that’s always within you.


Getting to this at the end of my day. You and Ash are on a plane... settling in for the long haul. Maybe drinks in tiny plastic cups have been served and Ash is choosing his entertainment for the evening. Wipe your eyes, you're on the way home. Dinner will be served soon and then you can try to sleep while you watch a cartoon plane slowly crawl across the big blue. Get some sleep, you'll need it. Breakfast will be served with a fresh round of excitement - the cartoon plane will show North America. Wipe your eyes again. Start to gather your things, have a pee... you're almost home. People always ask why... standing on country, family, friends. Love you both. So excited for you.

Pedro B. Gorman

Dear, Dear Amanda! You probably won’t read this now, as I’m super late myself in having read this! OHMYGOD, I’m so thrilled you referred my new Patreon in the Allthing! Goodness gracious, you really ARE a sweetheart! Thank ou so much!!! I’ll have to catch up and read your most recent posts. I will thank you for that more in depth in one of the most recent ones! I hope you’ve arrived well, and a just popping in to say a super warm loving HELLOOOOOOO to y’all wondrous, shimmering Patron-Brethren! :) Been absent for a while, last couple of weeks because I’ve been struggling with a change of medication, which has had me at a low mental health/focus ebb. I hope nobody thought I was being downright rude and ungrateful, given that Amanda was so lovely to have mentioned my new Patreon and all. I came off my Antidepressant by my psychiatrist’s request, as for the first time in my life have started ADHD treatment, so we’re trying to figure out exactly what Ritalin does to me in and of itself, so I’ve been struggling on te dopamine-less apathy front. Enough about me, though! How is everyone doing, here? Amanda darling, I hope you’re settling in to your new/old home as well as you can! Can’t wait to hear about what it felt like! Also, can’t wait to hear the song! Love to ALL of you! Yours, with LOVE, Pedro B. Gorman

Skyeanna Malito

I know this is a long shot, but can anyone tell me what the book on the left with the flowers and what looks like a greenish baby with antlers? is called. It looks really fascinating!

Lindsey Lubow

As a person who is also much delayed in reading the Patreon updates for Amanda due to recent adjustments to my psychiatric treatment, I thank you for your candor & I hope your own medication swaps are going well! -Lindsey

Lindsey Lubow

In keeping with Alex's book recommendation, it looks like that's the second book in a series. First one's called "Rolling in the Deep", also by Mira Grant. Similarly, this person wrote a book called "Final Girls" I... respected... (mostly because creepy sci-fi isn't really something I would describe as enjoyable, but it was effective and thought provoking!) I enjoyed so... time to pull out the "eventually borrow at work" lists and add some more!