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GOOD MORNING! Kia Ora! Mōrena!!!

ABOUT TO GO LIVE to talk to Helen Swords on Zoom about writing writing and more writing, live from her living room in New Zealand. Here's the DIRECT ZOOM link for patrons only (and to the folks on Helen's mailing list)....


if you missed the whole announcement about this last night, it's HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64058600

I slept over at Helen's house last night and had one of the deepest and best sleeps of my life. even her front door makes me cry.

I've also noticed everything in her house is perfectly ordered. 

The teacups. The Books. The towels in the bathroom. It's one of Those Houses. She has already raised three kids. She even called it a "Grandma House" yesterday.

I am going to ask her about where the mess goes, and how poetry exists in order.

I still have not learned this.

Freddy the dog may join






Erin Beggs Wilson

It was so wonderful to see and hear you, your beautiful voice, face, words and thoughts. 🖤 Restorative.


This was great! I will be writing my masters thesis soon and this was a good conversation to hear. Also, can we please have a Patreon arts and crafts virtual meet up? I love this idea!


I didn't know what I was getting myself into, and it ended up being what I needed when I needed it. Basically, I just wanted to thank Amanda, Helen, Victoria and the entire chat. You made my day 💖


I am glad I got there for a little while, thank you.. I needed the Aardvark song. Today has been especially rough.. And you (Amanda) know I have never really said that about a moment currently happening in my life. Love.


That was SO FUN, thank you all! here are some notes if you missed it (doesn't capture the whole thing, just a couple of things that jumped out at me): 1. find (established) exemplars who write with a voice you want to emulate 2. write a thing exactly how you want, then borrow that energy into other writing (even if it's traditionally more formal writing) 3. you have to write based on you, take all the masks off and just write down what you have to say 4. SOFT FRONT, STRONG BACK armadillo-sunflower -- be smart about your vulnerability! -EmVT


Geez, I couldn't make it. Sounds like it went well xx


hey Titus, just want to say I hear you. I hope tomorrow is a little better than today. ❤️


Enjoyed this very much, thank you and thanks to Helen!


It truly was fantastic (and Helen gave the perfect answer to my question)! But now I have a more important question: Amanda, did you find out where she puts the stuff? How does she keep such a pristine space?! (I can only imagine a staff of housekeepers...)


Thank you SO much for these notes, because I was going to have to go back and watch the recording again to remember all of this. Plus these notes made me realize that there was good advice last night that *didn't* apply to me. Paul said something about writing for your audience, but I think what I've been doing is writing *too much* for my audience. I need to also write for me!


Kathryn, you are welcome! And what an important insight, I totally agree it's essential to have your own say. Reading your comment made me think of something someone told me about not underestimating the audience as well--although for academic writing I can see how there could be a fear factor from being bludgeoned into more and more specificity over the years.

Len Tower Jr.

It is supposed to be archived & the weblink shared with us Patrons.

Pedro B. Gorman

Dear Amanda; Dear, Darling Patron-Family, Firstly, apologies for posting unrelated feeling to this particular Patreon Post. For financial reasons, I lost all Patreon access right after “Enjoy the Silence” came out—credit card hardship—and only got to hear the song once before I was “cut off” (note: no resentment here, it was my own financial insufficiency which led to this.) But I DID want to say this. My GOD I have missed ALL of you SO fucking MUCH! From Mama Creatrix Amanda, to Angel, to Fleassy, to so many of you whose names I cannot cite off the top of my head (but by no means less important—we are all one)…FUUUUUCK! It’s been nearly a month now since I was “locked” out of Patreon, and you all wanna know the Guts Of It? It felt like I had been exiled away from my chosen family. I missed all the Crowdcast, the Encanto cover, all of yer love, support. When I was finally able to pay the Patreon today for pressing the Key to the Gates of the Multiplicity of Love back into my hand… you—WE—all constitute…I’m still crying with joy as I write this. And yeah, I know…while beautifully pragmatic souls such as my darling Len Tower might rely to me…”Uhhmm…Pedro…Shadowbox?” I half-forgot it existed. With all the impending Tsarist doom Putin et Camarilla have been wreaking (though, clearly, he is not the only culprit, serial killer though he is)… I missed the love. I missed the posts. I missed the casts. I’ve been SO missing the freedom of the “isn’t-it-nice-when-we-can-all-cry-at-the-same time.” I have also been grossly overworked in my new job, which seemed interesting and well paid at first (working for Facebook…yeah…I know) but which is sucking the soul out of me. Plus…who the fuck am I to complain? I’m not being bombed. My little life is still miraculously intact. Nobody around me has been blown up. I don’t wanna ramble too long, ‘cause I’ve been outta the loop and have lots of catching up listening/reading/loving/watching. But—and precisely because I’m outta the loop—is Discord up yet? When is the next crowdcast? ANGEL: where can I send poetry to, and what are deadlines? GOD I need a community hug. My mental health has been hideous. Once again, I have stupidly sacrificed my creativity for the base need for money. But these are all negligible concerns given what is happening to our fellow brothers and sisters in Ukraine. Really, I just wanted to say HELLO! Lighthouse-style. To reaffirm my love for each and every one of you. Haven’t eve checked Shadowbox yet, but can some more knowledgable one of you point me to a virtual hug-point, whether Shadowbox thread or upcoming crowdcast? I love you all, I hope as many of you are as safe as possible. My social media handles are the same throughout: Pedro B. Gorman (FB/IG/Twitter –the latter, I don’t use much), or just point me to a Shadowbox thread. Anyone? (Len? You are usually the Correct-Thread-Sensei!) I wanna know how you all are. I love you all. And—as a footnote, which rather goes without saying—Amanda, I miss the FUCK out of you! Gonna catch up with you on substack too. Y’all know what they say: you never know how dependent you are on two (metaphorical) legs until you lose one… And in this time away from y’all, I was limping and crying. And sure, I have beautiful friends who love & support me. But all of you are an entirely different lot altogether! I’ll shut up now, ‘cause I’m gonna start getting maudlin on the couch and repeating myself over too many glasses of wine! I love you all! It’s SO good to be back here! :) Everyone's, as EVER, Pedro B. Gorman

James Cowie

there are three things about having a job ... one is money an other is the actual work and one more..the people you work with ... and to stay at any job requires two of these things ... if they don't do that .. busk

James Cowie

Wow I haven't seen this much criticism since ....hmmm "A is for Accident" ... wondered what happened to them ...


I'm sorry I lost you for a while and I don't know when I'll be back. Good Luck with all the work you are doing. I just lost one of two of my children. Nelly was 47 yo and was bipolar. Her life was like walking through a minefield without borders. It had to go wrong. I ask attention for bipolar people. I wish you find funding for those suffering from a bipolar disorder an illness of the brain. I can't tell you how this loss will change me, but it surely will.


Oh, Jozias. Feeling for you. I have a sister in law who is bipolar, and now sliding into dementia. All I can offer you is a big hug from Western Victoria, Australia

Pedro B. Gorman

Jozias, my dear! i can only imagine, but cannot know fully the level of pain you must be feeling as I am not a parent. But I am a human who has lost people to a myriad of reasons. my absolute love and compassion will be with you in my nightly prayers for protection of all those in need who are brought to my attention. the loss will change you, yes... and while you may not be able to watch it now, I would recommend Andrew Dominik's "One More Time with Feeling," about Nick Cave when he lost his son, and his take on how it changed him. Sometimes, grief shared is one slow, but tentative step towards healing, when it can be taken. remember...baby steps, my friend. one day at a time. I am with you, and sending you transcontinental strength! all my love, Jozias, and so deeply sad for your loss, and also deeply hopeful you can find it in you to mend. Pedro B. Gorman