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hello loves.

oof i have lot to write about. there’s also a lot of new people here: welcome!

but just for now, it is RADIO DAY!

i’m going to be live on RNZ (radio new zealand) today talking about the “surface pressure” disney cover that we just made - all with patron funds - in auckland with mahuia & jherek & co, how tiktok and social media is amazing and terrible, and what’s next for amanda and aotearoa…

tune in from anywhere in the world: around 2:20/2:30pm NZ today, which is 9:20pm nyc time. it’s with jesse mulligan, who’s a sweetie, i’ve been on the show before.

here’s the free global livestream link. very honestly, i find it comforting just to listen to kiwis chatting about … whatever. RNZ has been one of my sanity-mechanisms during this whole pandemic.

stream here:


other than that, i need to sit down and write you a few long posts. lots is happening. the althing/monthly newsletter is coming out next week, alex and i and the rest of the team are hard at work on that, and i’m learning how to use tiktok without melting into a pile of 2011 re-triggering trauma.

the kids over there are alright: very emotional, which is how i’ve always liked it.

i love you all dearly.

here’s a beautiful little windy video …


more soon






I love it and I love you. Will you be addressing the issue people are raising with your past covers of NWA? I'm curious to hear your side. I also upped my amount because I hate how the tiktokers are treating you it's a nightmare. I hope you are safe and well. ♡


I had plans to listen and then had to deal with a minor kid crisis instead (she's fine, but I missed the livestream) so I'm happy to see comments saying that RNZ often posts content online. I'll look for it!


Direct link to interview: https://www.rnz.co.nz/audio/player?audio_id=2018835714


omg I just saw your blog post from 2020 and you totally addressed it. sorry. I love you. thank you for everything.


What a day it’s been today. I’ve spent my time trying to stop the trolling of AFP that is slowly tearing away Dresden Doll & AFP fans via shaming & interesting interpretation of her art. I realise they need to understand her in their own framing but woah they’re bringing the cancel culture to 1000%. Am I the blind dinosaur? AFP what is your take on this hate? As a human who raged against your own machines as a little one, is this evolution of art or is this tyranny of youth? I usually try to listen to the kids but I get a bit testy when they shit on my counter culture icons.


hi Carolyn, I'm interested in this as well. my take is that a lot of it amounts to essentially burning someone in effigy--nothing new under the sun. people unfortunately often feel 'safer' beating up on women, especially strong women like AFP. I do think there are some topics of potential interest to discuss, such as that the Latinx community apparently feel it was cultural appropriation for a white person to cover the song. however I haven't seen anything to suggest that people are interested in a thoughtful discussion of where the line between censorship/self-censorship and artistic responsibility to authenticity/integrity/freedom lies. they're just using AFP as a punching bag to take out their anger and frustration. It's a lost opportunity, for sure. maybe they never learned how to engage someone in a respectful debate/discussion on topics that are important to them, so instead they're hurling insults on social media and waiting for AFP to do all the work for them. I think they refer to this as calling her out on her 'racism' and on her being culturally tone deaf (their words). When has 'calling someone out' ever been the basis for a productive discussion? I'm not sure what they expect her to say to this, or what their 'ask' of her actually is. Do they expect her to deliver some sort of statement, like a politician would? Apologize for making the cover? Totally unclear what outcome they seek, if they even have a goal in mind beyond the instant gratification of acting like bullies. I should mention I've been following this via IG, and am not on TikTok. basically, anyone who is ignoring her blog post that addressed some of these issues already, is not acting in good faith, they're just acting out. this too shall pass. I'm not sure why they're piling on Amanda when they could be focusing on actual racists like the senators showering contempt on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson during her confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court. Maybe because the senators doing it are men they are less tasty targets than Amanda.


https://blog.amandapalmer.net/racism-words-art-time-progress/ amanda addressed it. tiktokers are saying she refuses to take accountability ok so what the fuck is this?


I’m not going near TikTok. I’m over 50 so it’s not for me anyway. 😉

Janet in Georgia

Amen. I’m about to be 44 and I’m not on anything. No Instagram, no Facebook, no Twitter. not anything but patreon.


Thank you, Emmalisa! I swear to science, every damn thing I'm having a hard time with Amanda has been through it, almost always worse, and written something helpful. I've been seeing that SO much this last however long I've been a patron here. Thank you, Amanda. <3

Pedro B. Gorman

oh...my...god... I only now took stock of the hate campaign against Amanda going on in Tik Tok by pasty, talentless kids whose idea of "identity" or "cultural affiliation" is defining themselves in association to what/who they hate, instead of defining themselves by what they love...and what have THEy done of worth to add to the world's betterment? but then again, I was born in 1976. What would I know, right? At 45, I'm also hitting "crypt-keeper" age, as one little idiot referred about Amanda's age. In the 90s, I so fondly remember how we rallied around what we loved, and yes, we disliked what we disliked, but we wouldn't go all Ku-Klux-Klan/ Jim Jones/ or Charles Manson culty over it, now would we? dunno...maybe I just had a weird group of nice friends who lived and let live. But...Hm... just paused for a second to reflect: on second thoughts, I know what it was: the internet didn't exist, and people had to say it to your face, so mostly, they didn't. Now, don't get me wrong, sisters and brothers, I'm NOT one of these people who says "technology is killing the world." Not at all. It's just the way that some people decide to use the channels technology has given them to get revenge for being bullied at school. I was also bullied at school. But I don't do chicken-shit, virtual Hate-Crime on those who never bullied me. No saying I'm better. just stating a fact. Amanda, my darling...you know me...you know I admire the fuck out of your compassion...but the kids are NOT alright. No there. Not on THIS! I'm having a tough time with this one, y'all...and REALLY holding back from going Dexter on all those puckered, entitled, little sphincters, and I hate that I just speed-typed the four words before this last comma with clenched teeth. I only watched two reaction videos, and was half an inch away from going verbally berserker on people. But then I breathed. I sighed. I shrugged. And I walked away. Can someone here help me figure out if i did the right thing? Because from where I'm standing...people fuck with my Sister Amanda (or anyone in my large, extended family, which includes ALL of y'all here Patrons)...they fuck wt ME. FUUUUCK! I'm so ANGRY at stupid people. These last two and a half years have revealed that the invisible killer has not been Covid...it's been a bludgeoning, boring, predictable, depressing lack of empathy, appreciation, nuance, healthy discourse, lightness, community and Love. This shit makes me wanna cry. AMANDA: What can I do to help? ANYONE: What can I do to help? How can we make this better? Can we get ideas together and come up with a communal, beautiful piece of imperfect art that rips? If this makes sense to anyone, let me know. Find me anywhere to discuss: FB: Pedro B. Gorman IG: Pedro B. Gorman Apparently (and quite unintentionally, as I didn't name myself at birth), I'm the only Pedro B. Gorman on the internet, so I'm easy to spot! :) haha As a bit of humor, amid my angry rant, In case your wondering, the B. In my name isn't an "existential" order, or a clever quip on my behalf. It's the initial for Bernardo, which is the second of my FIVE names...my parents were hippies with a penchant for odd word-associations, what can I say? ;p Both my profiles are public...you don't need to wait for my "approval"...simply hit me up in DM's and announce yourselves as sisters and brothers from here. Maybe create a group to think-tank how we can teach with elegance, creativity, panache and "imperfect" style? NOTE: not asking for follows, at all...I'm asking for friends here, so we can put our heads together and help inform and teach the less informed. Is it even worth doing? Sometimes, I do falter. I LOVE y'all. Amanda: you know this. I love you. I remember your very first words when you came on stage at the Braga show after the Guardian debacle. That show, that night, is beautifully, positively SEARED into my soul for ever. We all held each other. We laughed together. We wept together.We saw each other. We realized it was okay to be vulnerable. Which is why your vocal interpretations SLAYS! I can hear exactly the sinuous lilts and bends where you were damn close to tears, then victorious, then exhausted, then triumphant and resilient again...and isn't that the whole POINT of the lyrics to "Surface Pressure?" I can feel every little millisecond of emotion you put into that. You will always be my Mother Creatrix! My inspiration, my Muse! :)))))))) Why do these kids wear so much armor? Love to all, as ever, Pedro B. Gorman

Grace Beaster

Ka pai, Pedro B. Gorman! You are speaking my thoughts aloud... although I also spoke them aloud to a person half my age that tried taking me and my affinity with Mama Amanda on about this yesterday. At our advanced ages, one thing we know - and it isn't a threat - is that they will (if they're lucky) live to regret their cruelty and stupidity.


It’s so sad to see so much toxicity in every space other than Patreon. Seeing the onslaught of vitriol being spewed on tiktok and then seeing sooo many TERFs being awful in Amanda’s Facebook post about Judge Jackson… it just makes me want to disconnect from technology and live in the woods for a while.

Catherine Hannah

I may be mis-remembering, but didn't Lin Manuel Miranda say he liked it? So basically all these no-name cranky toddlers can get bent... And, also, yeah... Please post the instrumentals only track, I beg you. Every single one of those armchair critics can post a cover for us. Let us see YOUR fucking tonal purity and your IHaveARightToCreateAndYouFuckingDont card. MF assholes.

Pedro B. Gorman

life has a funny and quite often very stern way of teaching people the lessons they need to learn, and i do firmly believe, that if vitriol and anger is what you put out there, it's pretty much what you will, eventually, get a taste of, as a sometimes-but-not-always rule of thumb. Grace, I love you, and thank you for your kind, warm, understanding. :)))))) we are all in this together!

Pedro B. Gorman

Dear Jordan, totally feel ya! I have often felt inclined to go awol into the wild to live specifically with and learn from bonobo apes...at least they are attuned to glories of pure pleasure-seeking and relaxed peace-keeping...if you've never seen this glorious snippet of theirs, I believe it will make you smile! https://youtu.be/82GUjPConiE We all, and especially angry teens, could learn much from this superior matriarchal and, of course, peaceful society. hahahah :)))))

Pedro B. Gorman

Catherine, you are so right... wanna see them slay it without auto tune. I did ask one Tik Tok critic who entitled herself a "voice coach" the following: "hey there, I am looking for a voice coach, where can I hear see your work, could you DM me a link to your work?" her reply? crickets. Sad, sad, sad.

Catherine Hannah

SOO SAD... (I am still stomping around the house mad - you can destroy me to a puddle of goo with criticism... but touch my FRENS... RAWR HULK SMASH)


I do not think ignoring it is the only part of the answer. I recommend making a wonderful apology of how you didn't mean to offend anyone (because anyone watching your process of making that cover knows you didnt) and deny anything that isn't true (gently and with the compassion and empathy that your fans know you are so full of). Don't give them flames to burn you with no mater how firey you might be feeling; it won't help. Your fans love you, but we need you to make some sort of statement so that we can keep telling people how wonderful you are, and have well thought out words from you on this topic to prove it. People learn and grow . You are people. You didn't mean to insult anyone, but that is just how some people (a large number of "some people") do feel attacked because they are not familiar with your intents. Explain to the public the openness and willingness to be inclusive that you have shown here. Address everything, maybe edit it with time if anything seems off, but then ignore any haters who won't accept you regardless of how much you try to fix things. Please do say something. You will have then at least defended yourself one more time in a kind, productive, peaceful way then, and people who are actually open to forgiveness should be able to recognize that. 🤍🏡💡🏖🌊🌊🌊⛵🌊🌧🌧⛈⛈🌧⛅