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Hello Hello!!

**edit, made 9pm NZT tuesday, march 21st**

hey all: some of you emailed having a little trouble signing in / registering for the event, which starts in about 11 hours; some of you didn’t get confirmation emails. NEVER FEAR, here is the DIRECT LINK FOR THE ZOOM!! NO NEED TO REGISTER!: just click and join:


If you are unsure of the time, you can see this event in your time zone by visiting helensword.com/calendar.

or check the time zones below !!!


i’ll send you all a little reminder bump email in the morning. xxx


original post:



TL;DR, I'm doing a private online talk with writing-expert Helen Sword tomorrow at 8am NZ time (March 22)!!! More info below.

First of all....A HUGE WELCOME to many hundreds of new patrons, HELLO HELLO!!! You've probably landed here because of the new "Surface Pressure" release. THANK YOU! Your support means the world to me and you'll hopefully find that you love being a patron, because random fun things are happening all the time, including, like, RIGHT NOW....I'm about to do a surprise TALK with someone amazing. (And a reminder, the download links for the song are HERE. Also it's blowing up on TikTok and the comments are fucking HILARIOUS).


Greetings from Waiheke Island...I'm about to get on the ferry to Devenport, where my new friend - the writer-who-writes-about-writing Helen Sword - lives. She has invited me to have dinner at her house spend the night, and get up at the ass-crack of dawn to do a deep-dive live online conversation with her about THE WRITING PROCESS. Specifically, HOW to write to really connect with people. How to cut through the bullshit and get to what you want to SAY. 

This is Helen. 

She looks like an adult but secretly she's fooling you. She's a wild woman poet friend.


I REALLY LOVE TALKING ABOUT WRITING and haven't done it in a long time, and am actually really, really excited for this. My writing - and my relationship with writing - have changed during the pandemic, and Helen is a TOP-CLASS interviewer.

SO, I know it's short notice, but I hope some of you can come, especially my NON-FICITON FRIENDS, the POETS, NOVELISTS, SONGWRITERS and, oddly, my ACADEMICS! Helen's specialty is working with academics to help make their writing more readable and accessible (see more below).

These live event/talks with Helen are usually for HER MAILING LIST ONLY (and she's interviewed some real heavyweight writers, next month she has Steven Pinker)  but she's making an exception for ME AND Y'ALL because she knows how dearly I treasure my patrons. 

Here's the link to register to watch (for free): 


THE TALK IS LIVE FROM HELEN'S HOUSE TOMORROW AT 8 AM NZ TIME, which Tuesday, March 22 HERE, and Monday, March 21 in USA/EUROPE  That's:

  • 6-7 am Tuesday March 22 in Sydney
  • 12-1 pm Monday March 21 in Vancouver
  • 3-4 pm Monday March 21 in Boston
  • 7-8 pm Monday March 21 in London
  • 8-9 pm Monday March 21 in Paris
  • 9-10 pm Monday March 21 in Cape Town

Helen's house is very fucking beautiful. 

So is Helen....I wound up spending a night over at her place last week because of weird accidental reasons...like you do (I mean.....things happened. I missed the ferry....don't ask.)

Here's her back porch, where she served me the most beautiful cup of tea:

That's Freddy the doggo and Helen's mostly companion. He'll probably show up during the interview. 

And because I missed the ferry and wound up inviting myself over for the night...I took Helen out to dinner and I took this picture of her....and her beloved Freddy...over dinner:


So, as I said above, you guys can come watch without having to sign up for her mailing list. But, y'know, it'd be real nice if you signed up anyway, and Helen is an incredible woman and writer.

I was introduced to her via a random connection (a chef in San Francisco of all places, who was like: AMANDA, HELEN, YOU ARE BOTH ON WAIHEKE ISLAND MEET EACH OTHER), .

I immediately fell in love with Helen and her work...a few weeks ago we took a long walk on the beach and I gave her a copy of "The Art of Asking" and she loanded me some poetry books and gave me a copy of her book "Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write."

Check out this passage from the beginning of the book. IT'S FUCKING CHARLES BUKOWSKI and now you can understand why I love this woman:

Here are a few more of Helen's published books:

And here's her bio:

Helen Sword is a poet, scholar, master teacher, and international expert on academic, professional, and creative writing across the disciplines.  Her books, articles, and online tools have empowered writers around the world to write more clearly, confidently, prolifically, and with greater pleasure.

Born and raised in Southern California, Helen received her doctorate in comparative literature from Princeton University and has lived since 2001 in New Zealand, where she is a Professor of Humanities at the University of Auckland and runs a private writing consultancy, WriteSpace Limited.  She is the author of books including Stylish Academic Writing (Harvard UP, 2012), The Writer’s Diet (Chicago UP, 2016), and Air & Light & Time and Space: How Successful Academics Write (Harvard UP, 2017) and the creator of popular digital resources such as the Writer’s Diet, an online diagnostic test that is now also available as a free add-in for MS Word; the Writing BASE, an interactive productivity tool; Helen’s Word, a YouTube channel that encourages writers at all levels to “show up and write”; and Zombie Nouns, a TedEd video that has received nearly a million views on YouTube.  Helen’s current book project, Writing with Pleasure, is under contract with Princeton University Press for publication in 2022.

Helen has been honored with a number of research and teaching awards, including the University of Auckland's 2007 Teaching Excellence Award for Innovation in Teaching, the 2013 HERDSA-TERNZ Medal for a scholar who has made a major impact on the tertiary education research environment of New Zealand, and the University of Auckland's 2017 Research Excellence Award. Her evidence-based writing workshops and presentations have taken her to more than 1oo universities, research institutes, and other organizations in 20+ countries and on every continent except Antarctica.  Rising to the challenge of having had her travel wings clipped by the COVID-19 pandemic, she now specializes in facilitating experiential online workshops, masterclasses, and retreats that bring together writers from across the globe in a shared virtual writing space.

If you miss the talk or want more....you can also head over to Helen's website (www.helensword.com) for writing resources including books, workshops, videos, retreats, online tools, and the WriteSPACE, which is a global virtual writing community with members in 30+ countries.

Hopefully see a bunch of you there...




1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (over 150 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. are you new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



erica munhoz

Amanda what a fucking AMAZING COINCIDENCE!!!!!! I can't believe this! So last year I participated in a virtual academic panel organized by my adviser to discuss literature and women and stuff in that general direction. For weird reasons a huge chapter of my thesis ended up being about the symbol of the swan and poetry tradition (don't ask. or do, it's fun). I decided to talk about how different critics read the poem Leda and the Swan by W. B. Yeats, and use that to discuss what I believe feminist criticism can do, and also what are some pitfalls we end up encountering. I had a few examples of the traps we fall into, and I had one great example of an amazing essay that discussed the Leda myth in different modernist works. That essay was written by HELEN SWORD. I had never heard of her, to be honest, but it became such an amazing example of how great academic writing but especially creative literary criticism, and feminist criticism can work. ANd now here I am, on your patreon post going "wait... I KNOW THAT NAME!!!" Oh my gosh I am SO EXCITED!!!!!! I can't believe how you make the pieces of my life come together, you know? Like you told me in the NYPL listening party: "I'm in your head". Yes, you are. Wow.

Len Tower Jr.

a * if Helen's Zoom host is up to it & her privacy policy allows, please save to file(s), the Zoom chat (& if used, Zoom Q&A) & share the web link(s) with the Zoom archive web link. * the ballad of the NYT would benefit with Brian on drums i'm not sure it's a d.dolls song, but it would still benefit from his drums & panache ** yes, the world needs a release of this -len


This is perfect timing! This week I am finally starting to write my bachelor’s thesis. After 2 years of putting this on hold due to a pandemic and the need to take care of a sick grandmother I am getting back to writing. Only to realize I am totally lost on how to start, hope this gives me some inspiration. Thanks so much.

Laura Morland

Thank you, Len. It seems that *perhaps* Amanda is not happy with the production of the Ballad of the New York Times -- originally she'd planned to do a studio version IIRC -- but I think it's so perfect as it is, live, with the audible reactions of the Waiheke audience in Morra Hall. Maybe if I were to hear it with drums layered in I'd change my mind. Maybe on the "thumpy-thumpy" refrain? But I would add that it's a song about intimate moments, in bed with her son in the dark on her phone... the intimacy of tiny Morra Hall reflects that. https://youtu.be/1An19HhhNvw

Laura Morland

P.S. Len, taking your idea and shifting it a bit, perhaps Jherek on strings would create the perfect "completion" of the song? He could add some "thumpy-thumpy" base where you would like drums, and then some soulful violins at the sad moments....


I was introducing my children to your music after they happened to hear the surface pressure cover and were intrigued by your style.


Ach! Wasn't done yet! ANYWAY-- I came across Sing and found it eerily appropriate for what's going on these days. Hoping to catch this conversation later today!

Alexandria Stuart

I'm preparing to enter the final stretch of writing my Master's Thesis so this is SO timely. Thank you Universe. And Helen and Amanda.


On my photo memories this morning, Amanda Palmer in Detroit 2019. 😭 Had we all only known what we going to be happening in the not so distant future. I would have asked for different things. I would have answered differently too.


Hi Amanda! I'm hoping to tune in for this discussion later. New to the Patreon community, but I'm a long-time fan... writer/artist/witch who self-published a tarot deck last year and I'm working on a novel (well... a few novels... just not all at once). I'm so bogged down in self-doubt and perfectionism (i.e. the belief that I will never be good enough) that I let anything and everything hold me back from sharing my art and writing... thanks for all of your messages through song that break those chains... they've been my mantras for years now. So much love...

Len Tower Jr.

Hi Laura, We have had a lot with Jherek collabs lately. More polished & classical/ Few of Brian's. More passionate, more animated, more Dresden Dolls. A separate version with each would be cool. -Len


Amanda, this was my first experience with you on this platform. I absolutely loved the zoom meeting. Thank you so much I learned so much and it was such a loving rainbow experience. BIGLOVE


Hi Amanda, is there a replay of this, it sounds fabulous but I missed it. Thank you!

Len Tower Jr.

Amanda said they might be. She'll make a blog post here when/if it happens.


Ooh, I just signed up as a patron and would have loved to be at this! Is there a recording or was it live-only?


Oh, I just saw the other post saying there might be - I’ll just keep my fingers crossed then :)