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my loves

how are you all? please tell me.

i haven’t written in a while because i’ve had ash with me almost 24/7 for about 5 days, unless i’ve been on stage. i just came back from dunedin, where i had what i think could be classified as the best weekend of my life, without exaggerating...and not just because of the election results. i’ll write more when i have the oomph (it’s 11 pm here and i’m about to fall over), but i was profoundly reminded what it feels like to reconnect with friends you just hadn’t met yet.

i will post gazillions of photos, in time. for now, here’s just one beautiful one. this is little vita, one of my NZ patron amanda’s daughters, with ash on the island ...

we all held our breath together. the world held its breath - and now....

we exhale.

we lie, exhausted. and ready for the hard work. but first; we rest. we must. exhale. rest. cry. shake.

ok one more ... a sloppy screenshot of the patron party in dunedin cheering for the almost certain biden victory...

much more to come

i’m so so so tired

we all did so much - collectively - to try to make this happen. our collective effort worked. whatever we all did. it worked. every phone bank, every tweet, every dollar we gave, every vote we cast.

we did it.

thank you for everything you did.

around the world.

small and large.

collective effort came through.

so i am, like many, deeply happy...and deeply exhausted. my last few days has been a full spectrum of political nail-biting, glorious events, mant tears and frantic momming in brand new digs in the brand new beautiful city of dunedin with the help of incredible friends old and new ...

then today was full two-flight travel day to get home to hastings...soaked through to the bone with tiredness.

and then, without any warning, ash grabs “goodnight moon” and for the first time, without being asked, reads it on his own, to me.

he read to me.

i think we can safely say everything has come full circle in this universe.

i am happier than i have ever been in my life, for such small, such profound small-big reasons.

well, and the big-small ones too.


goodnight, terror.

goodnight, wait.

goodnight election that sorta held my fate.

i mean, we know. there is no certainty in this life. this election didn’t bring it. nothing can bring it. but i feel 18,000 tons lighter today.

may we begin the great healing.

there is unimaginable work to be done.

but there’s light now.

i love you all so much.

sleep sweetly aotearoa.

and good morning, america.


time to relax.



p.s. if you want a good cry, this:





This last week has been such an emotional roller-coaster. We closed our business, we opened a show, we feared for our former home, we shared an astonishing 3 hours on stage with you -- and then we laughed, cried, and cheered the day away with friends old and new. As news of Biden's victory approached, we lifted our voices in song to oust the Mango Menace, basked in the warmth of newly found whānau (family), shared food/drink/jokes/curses, inscribed various body parts + mementos, and laughed ourselves silly over Yoda and Yellow Submarine. Watching my beloved husband Matt joyfully playing guitar by your side was the panacea we all needed to share, and this gathering has left an indelible memory on us all as we traverse these liminal spaces hand-in-hand. Welcome home to Hastings, rest up / exhale, and may you and Ash wear those mementos of our former biz in all good health and happiness. Arohanui, kia ora, Amanda, Kya, Ash and Team AFP! <3

Martha Mountain

Slept soundly for the first time since March. There is a lot to do, and lots to be worried about between now and January 20, and much to be distressed about - why was this fucking close? too many Americans are happy with facism and that scares me - but I feel like we can do it.


Mixed feelings. Happy and relieved about the election. But 6 months pregnant during COVID and depression is finally rearing its ugly head. No holidays with family, no baby shower, and just feeling like this is never gonna end. Hopelessness is starting to feel all to comfy.


Dear America, thank you for raising the IQ of this planet. The rest of the world can breathe easier now. 💗❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎

Skyeanna Malito

I feel strange, to be honest. When I heard the news I instantly broke into tears. Great, body-shaking sobs that surprised me (and probably even moreso my poor husband who I had just told the good news.) The relief was so great that it just overwhelmed me. And now I just feel like I'm kind of floating, and I want to just be happy, but I'm still unsure, still afraid of the future. I want so much to believe it will all go more smoothly now, but I'm not there yet.


It’s wonderful Ash read to you. A precious, special thing. As for the election, didn’t know how hard I was holding on until I realised I could let go. And everyone I know seems to feel this. I am trying to be kind to those who lost, who made themselves a cult with strange hopes I don’t understand and who are now angry and bewildered.


I opened this post to reply with my feelings--my ambivalence, frustration, relief, fear, vicarious joy--and then I got laid and I'm feeling a lot better. So I'm doing okay. Things might be okay for more people in this future. I've got a little bit of hope. ♥ love you, love these photos.


Congratulations! We've really got this death thing done

Emilly Orr

I'm also in the camp of those who didn't realize how tightly knotted I was until it seemed like a sure thing. I'm also more with those who are saying compassion for all people is a good thing, but not letting those off the hook who were looking forward to curb-stomping me and everyone I know is also important. And I find it *extremely* on point that in Biden's acceptance speech, he thanked all nationalities, all genders, and then expressed sympathy for the Trump supporters, saying he understood. Would Trump ever have done something like that? No. In fact, he *never* expressed sympathy on anything, ever, for any reason. So...we're already in a much better place, just for that. Yes, there is still work to do. Yes, the challenges seem insurmountable. So much of how modern society functions is flawed, broken, *bad* for social support, education, understanding--and we need to break down and discard so many systems. It's going to take decades. Or longer. I won't be alive to see it fixed. But I have faith now that we are progressing forward again. That things *will* be fixed. That's...astonishing, after four years of terror.


It's wonderful news indeed and I really hope your sleep gets better soon! I'm finding it a very strange time on the planet generally with painful uprooting and disruption which is ultimately for the better. I've lost a couple of friendships - one by choice, the other one just hurt and surprised me. I want harmony again but at least a great evil has been defeated on the world's stage. I hope you and Ash are safe and well. xx


Mostly congratulations on Ash reading Goodnight moon . Also so glad about the election for you and the world. Hope COViD can start to get under control eventually.

Nicole Ives

So moving, the end of the Irish news......