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what i said in the picture

i’m sitting in a room watching the election returns and very very anxious

please hold each other

i’ll check in as we go






Thank you for this! Much love and solidarity, Jesse


My ask is empathy and compassion for all beings in/on Earth and the Earth itself. Much love and solidarity, Jesse


Hi all, I know the focus is on the election for every obvious and important reasons but I'm gonna follow the AFP lead and just ask anyway... I just had surgery today, had to go in alone cause Covid (I'm in Canada so it's a little better here.) I was sacred shitless but it went well! I'm ok! I'm ecstatic at how well it went! So I am asking for cheers. Seriously, if you feel so inclined, get your cup of tea, bottle of beer or goblet of republican tears. I want to know that in this global nightmare, I have someone happy for me for a little second.


You helped keep me as sane as I w!s going to get yesterday, Amanda. Thank you. I love you. PS - I'm having my charcuterie board right now. With a Grimm ale. 😁❤ Love you.


Congratulations! That is such good and heartening news! Any bit of happiness, and any life made better, makes the world happier and better. I'm glad that's you today. <3


I’m still stressed from working yesterday (I was a Clerk for Elections). My place was rather smooth so that was fine. But I got home and just wanted quiet. My dad has the tv blaring the results so I had to retreat to my room. I also had to work today and didn’t want to and got no work done at all- still have to do some work but can’t get my head right. I am feeling pretty useless and anxious and stupid stressed after the fact.

Kris Smerick

My mom in memory care just tested positive for Covid. My best friend may have to ghost for a while. My country is on fire. All the things I have been—strong, loving, hopeful—have broken. I don’t know who I am anymore.

Emilly Orr

You'll get back to yourself. We all will. And we'll know where we stand. It's just cumulative stress, for months, from all fronts. Foundations are cracking. But we will rebuild.


Well done you. It is hard being alone in hospital. And you did it. ! I’ve had 3 surgeries this year and been unable to move my left arm for most of it. I was in ICU for 3 days. And due to covid restrictions I too did it solo. It was difficult. But like you I did it - I managed and so did you. Sending you love from New Zealand. Xx


Hooray! I am cheering for you and sending celebratory thoughts northward!


Raising my coffee to you!!!! I, too, had Covid era surgery. Scary shit, but so worth it if it saves you from other troubles!! Celebrating you, today, Martine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs.


The reassurance that things will change. That things can be different and cycles won’t continue.


I need something resembling normalcy. . I need a functioning immune system so I can stand a chance of fighting off infections w/out having to sit in a chair at a local cancer center w/a 1" needle stuck in my chest every four weeks to get an infusion of human immunoglobulin. . I need some sort of yearly assurance that I'll qualify for medicaid so I can continue to receive said necessary infusions that cost $17,000/month, as well as a shopping bag full of other medications I need every month. . I need some form of regular income--accounts are running low, and property taxes still need to be paid. . I need hugs from my nieces, whom I haven't so much as seen in nearly nine months.  Prior to all this, the longest I've ever gone without seeing them was (maybe) a week. . I need for people I love to be OK. Many of them are going through horrible life events none of us could have conceived of when we were in our twenties/thirties/forties, and the future was wide open and full of optimism. . I need to feel that things are going to work out. . Other than that, I'm doing great.  😬

Emilly Orr

Yeah, all of that is hard, and none of this is making any of that any easier. I hope you find a way to get insurance, I know that's HUGELY difficult for those of us in the US.


That’s a long list and I’m sorry you have to deal with all this. I do understand missing your nieces, I hear that from a lot of my friends too. It sucks, and video isn’t the same but I hope you’ll soon be able to meet ❤️ and I’m very much hoping both your health and your financial situation are going to improve soon. Feel hugged - I’m thinking of you xx


I need to make money for my future cat rescue .. working towards my 501 c3 Don’t take animals to shelters bc they will euthanize and kill them . I’m working 3 jobs Working , model , rescue No breaks we all need a friend to talk to .


Congrats peeps!!! Happy for you all!!

Emilly Orr

It's taking me a long, long, LONG time to relax and unknot, but....this is good. This is progress. Now we can continue the work that needs to be done.


I need a hug and intellectually stimulating conversation from likeminded people because I feel so dead inside and I need to learn how to fight for myself. Crossing my fingers that I can get through all of this. We’re in this together but it feels so alone.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 22:30:33 I always love having intellectually stimulating conversations! I love chatting about they ways that the laws of the US have indirectly led to it being a Christian Theocracy more or less. Atheist who studied religious studies in college who spend years in a crippling depression. To now working on my masters of public health and applying to law school. We have a lot to fix in the US and around the world <3
2020-11-11 08:16:34 I always love having intellectually stimulating conversations! I love chatting about they ways that the laws of the US have indirectly led to it being a Christian Theocracy more or less. Atheist who studied religious studies in college who spend years in a crippling depression. To now working on my masters of public health and applying to law school. We have a lot to fix in the US and around the world <3

I always love having intellectually stimulating conversations! I love chatting about they ways that the laws of the US have indirectly led to it being a Christian Theocracy more or less. Atheist who studied religious studies in college who spend years in a crippling depression. To now working on my masters of public health and applying to law school. We have a lot to fix in the US and around the world <3