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hey my loves.

it’s a big ol’ stressful day, isn’t it.

for america, and for the world.

first of all...dear, americans, EVERYONE (well at least two of us) IN NEW ZEALAND THANKS YOU FOR VOTING TODAY.

(photo by jamie macphail)

the cows thank you as well.

i would love to know how you’re all feeling in the comments. it cannot be easy for anyone today.

i know that everyone is holding their collective breath.

i had a really hard time sleeping last night. i tossed and turned and woke up in a cold sweat a few times. my body just won’t listen to my rational brain saying “everything will be fine, shhhhh.”

this whole election day is going to be stressful no matter what happens, people. we are deep in it.

given all that...i thought long and hard about the right podcast guest for election week...last tuesday we had eli pariser talking with is about the internet and voting and fake news and life and self-preservation...and by the time this podcast is getting listened to, people will probably be back from the polls, and probably freaking out. holding their breath. literally.

cue your new best friend.

allow me introduce to you one of my old, dear friends from boston: leslie salmon jones, dancer, life coach, activist and founder of afro flow yoga.

a handful of you patrons (about 50 of you) will already know leslie from our week together at the omega institute, where she joined us for our week-long workshop on compassion. i watched everyone fall in love with her and i hope you lot, especially, listen in and share this podcast, because you already know how incredible and powerful this woman’s words are.

our conversation for “the art of asking everything” podcast went over two hours, we had just spent a week together teaching a workshop at the omega institute called “fierce compassion”. it was hard to whittle it down to an hour, because it was ALL GOLD.

this is what we need right now: a deeper dive into why it hurts and how we can heal.

how to breathe instead of holding our breath. how to get back into the moment when the past is haunting us and the future is scary as shit.

leslie and i talked about everything under the sun, from what her childhood was like (she grew up in one of the only black families in toronto in an affluent neighborhood, since her dad was a doctor), how pain gets into and out of our bodies, and most importantly: how to breathe through it all. i couldn’t think of a better guest to carry us through election week.

here’s what i wrote for the official description on the website:

Bodies are weird, and feeling at home in our body can be, well, complicated at the very least. Leslie Salmon Jones is a trainer, a wellness coach (but don't let that scare you off), an accomplished dancer and the founder of Afro Flow Yoga. I've known her for over 15 years, and she was one of the first people on my podcast wish-list. We talk about Leslie’s incredible family and what it was like for her growing up in one of the only Black families in an affluent Toronto neighborhood; we discussed learning how to speak your truth, how bodies remember trauma, the importance of self compassion, finding your light in the darkest times...and why the best way to mend your mind and body is through something real simple: your breath.

here we GO!

LISTEN! and SHARE, please!:




this handy linktree has a round-up of how to tune into the podcast on some of the most popular players. we will have the audio embedded on each episode post on my website: http://amandapalmer.net/podcast

the reviews have been fantastic, and i know a lot of them are probably coming from you. keep it going, and thank you!!!!!



the follow-up chat last week with eli pariser last week was very thoughtful and engaging (and funny). thanks to everyone who tuned it (here's the link to watch the archive for anyone who missed it: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/aoae-ep5).

this week, we will be chatting with leslie two days after the election, as usual there is SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT!!!! PLEASE JOIN THIS ONE....

our chat is scheduled for this THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th starting at 5pm ET new york time (that's friday, nov 6 at 11am NZST for me)

RSVP here and start leaving questions!!!!:


(you'll need to log into patreon to access this webcast as it's patron-only).

the live cast will be recorded and you can view the archive recording at the same link above, any time after the live stream ends.


SHOW NOTES: The Art of Asking Everything, Season 1, Episode 6

Leslie Salmon Jones: The Heart Doesn’t Lie


Amanda Palmer presents an intimate conversation with Leslie Salmon Jones, recorded July 5, 2019 at The Omega Institute.

Leslie Salmon Jones is a professional dancer, yoga instructor, wellness coach, public speaker, and community activist. Along with her husband, Jeff W. Jones, she is the cofounder of Afro Flow Yoga.

The pair work with community organizations to help develop mastery over their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-beings. AFY offers weekly classes, monthly workshops, teacher trainings and outreach programs to promote diversity and inclusion in Boston, New York, and worldwide. AFY workshops and retreats are also offered at The Omega Institute, Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Festivals, Schools, Colleges and Universities, private events and at studios worldwide including Hawaii, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Bali, and Canada. Leslie’s work has been featured in Yoga Journal, Black Enterprise, Essence and Oprah Magazines, NPR, NBC, and ABC News.

In this conversation, we talk about Leslie’s amazing family, growing up Black in an affluent Toronto neighborhood, learning how to speak your truth, The Cloud Club, how one’s body remembers trauma, the importance of self-compassion, finding your light in the darkest of times, and why the best way to mend your mind and body is through your breath.

leslie on insta:


her sites:



if you’re in boston and looking for a coach or trainer, she does private sessions. i highly recommend her.

here’s leslie and her awesome partner, jeff:

photo: omega institute



i've attached a pdf of the transcript of my conversation with leslie to the patreon post. to view it, you can download it by visiting this patreon post on the web at:


(it's a hyperlink at the very bottom of the post with a little paper clip attachment symbol next to it)


photos by john coors

and here’s me, iyanla vanzant, wayne muller, and leslie at the end of our weeklong retreat with patrons at the omega institute...


because of you: No ads. No sponsors. No censorship.

We are the media!!!!!!!

and an extra special thank you to hayley, my producer, jordan, michael, alex and my whole extended team who have been slamming it this week while i tour and try to juggle All The Things.

my team is gold. my patrons are gold. thank you team, for helping me make this podcats. thank you patrons, for paying my team.









IF YOU'RE IN THE USA.....DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER TO VOTE IN THE NOVEMBER 2020 ELECTION. DO NOT BE CONFUSED!!! help is there: you can register to vote, find your local voter registration deadlines, update your voter registration, check that your registration is still on the books, find your polling place and other important election information HERE at http://headcount.org


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

2. see All the Things (over 100 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


3. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I know nothing about us but for my country vote is a huge lie people tell themselves. Nothing changes unless all the real rich people all die in one second who are ruling all the vote beggers. But then unfortunately after a while new real riches pops out (its nature of human the wild primitive nature has to put everything in a chain of feeding) and here we go again same act different sheet! We all are proggrammed to eat and feed! I dont care about election delusion anymore. Everything depends one only one person and its me. Doesnt it sound so true when you read it loudly?


Funny you should ask. I had bizarre anxiety dreams that culminated in an imaginary Amanda Palmer song about Covid and the election and the shitty state of things. She was in a poofy, extra-long, red ballgown singing: No one is asked No one is cast We're falling down... fast And I wake up Dream about it Wake up Dream about it Wake up Dream about it Wake up Dream about it

Martha Mountain

Yoga is way better than whisky as a self care. both are valuable.

Julia Mason

Leslie made me SO HAPPY when she commented on my good posture! I'm sure it was only good because I was doing yoga each and every morning at grownup summer camp, but as a person who hit puberty very early and developed a terrible slump to try to be shorter, it really felt good. Yoga is excellent self care.


...my partner and I personally dropped off our PA mail ballots at our county collection box last week, so we have been trying to breathe through to today in these days between...but, then again, we've been labouring with measured breaths for 4 years now, especially through the days we thought nothing could get worse (yet daily they did exactly that and more)...so, at this point, what is a few more days, or a couple more months? *IF* of course, this election goes the way we need it to go. Then again, the next 2 months can also witness slash & burn like nothing we've witnessed thus far, too >>> just breathingbreathingbreathingbreathingbreathing and breathing some more. LOVE to everyone here, virtually hugging you all.

Skyeanna Malito

I am terrified and bone weary, but still trying to keep things normal for my babies. I hope everything goes smoothly, but I fear it wont.


Help me Amanda. Tonight's election fuckery.


I can't wait to hear the follow up!!!


I miss Omega, even if I’ve never been there. but I could have been! I already had my plane tickets, back in march, when things were … well, I guess what I’m trying to say is, I miss feeling like things are actually possible if we go for the adventure. now I’m sitting here at what feels like the other end of the world and don’t know what to feel at all …


You made me curious to know more of her Afro Flow Yoga. So I did a class from their Facebook page. Thanks Amanda, you make lives much lighter and brighter with your art.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 22:30:31 I know I'm responding late, but I listened to this last week and it is my favorite episode thus far. Something Leslie said really stuck with me: "We're all on different levels, and different paths, and so if self care is something that's triggering, that word, I just start with like, where are you at in this moment? Actually, it's okay where you are. You don't have to be anywhere but where you are." Even though I was listening to this while embedding guts in paraffin wax at work, I immediately stopped and wrote that last sentence down (literally on my glove). When I got to my office I grabbed a stack of sticky notes and wrote "You don't have to be anywhere besides where you are now", "There is nowhere you need to be but here", and "You do not have to be anywhere but here". I've always struggled with feeling like I "belonged" somewhere, with someone. A lot of this struggle stems from my childhood, wherein I moved every 6 months to a year. I attended 11 different schools in my primary years, 9 of those different schools during my most formative years K-5th grade. It feels natural for me to move on, to get up and go, and to not belong anywhere. So now, as an adult, I constantly battle with the concept of staying in one place, both physically and mentally. My mind is a series of rabbit holes. I'm also a creative, so it's hard to stay grounded in reality without feeling like I'm being buried alive. I'm applying for two different PhD programs, and I feel under-qualified and frankly terrified to pursue this dream. Though my background is Biology (which I love dearly), I really think I want to switch gears to Biological Anthropology. This is especially difficult for my husband, a homebody at heart, to swallow given this position would require me to be out of the country 3-4 months out of the year, and during my later years of the program, for an entire year. Leslie's gentle words reminded me of my mother pushing my hair out of my eyes and gently caressing my face. Her words took this weight off my shoulders and at the same time made me cry. You see, I have this bad habit of focusing so much on my future or so much on my past that I COMPLETELY MISS how amazing and beautiful the NOW is. Thank you Leslie and Amanda, truly <3
2020-11-11 20:32:49 I know I'm responding late, but I listened to this last week and it is my favorite episode thus far. Something Leslie said really stuck with me: "We're all on different levels, and different paths, and so if self care is something that's triggering, that word, I just start with like, where are you at in this moment? Actually, it's okay where you are. You don't have to be anywhere but where you are." Even though I was listening to this while embedding guts in paraffin wax at work, I immediately stopped and wrote that last sentence down (literally on my glove). When I got to my office I grabbed a stack of sticky notes and wrote "You don't have to be anywhere besides where you are now", "There is nowhere you need to be but here", and "You do not have to be anywhere but here". I've always struggled with feeling like I "belonged" somewhere, with someone. A lot of this struggle stems from my childhood, wherein I moved every 6 months to a year. I attended 11 different schools in my primary years, 9 of those different schools during my most formative years K-5th grade. It feels natural for me to move on, to get up and go, and to not belong anywhere. So now, as an adult, I constantly battle with the concept of staying in one place, both physically and mentally. My mind is a series of rabbit holes. I'm also a creative, so it's hard to stay grounded in reality without feeling like I'm being buried alive. I'm applying for two different PhD programs, and I feel under-qualified and frankly terrified to pursue this dream. Though my background is Biology (which I love dearly), I really think I want to switch gears to Biological Anthropology. This is especially difficult for my husband, a homebody at heart, to swallow given this position would require me to be out of the country 3-4 months out of the year, and during my later years of the program, for an entire year. Leslie's gentle words reminded me of my mother pushing my hair out of my eyes and gently caressing my face. Her words took this weight off my shoulders and at the same time made me cry. You see, I have this bad habit of focusing so much on my future or so much on my past that I COMPLETELY MISS how amazing and beautiful the NOW is. Thank you Leslie and Amanda, truly <3

I know I'm responding late, but I listened to this last week and it is my favorite episode thus far. Something Leslie said really stuck with me: "We're all on different levels, and different paths, and so if self care is something that's triggering, that word, I just start with like, where are you at in this moment? Actually, it's okay where you are. You don't have to be anywhere but where you are." Even though I was listening to this while embedding guts in paraffin wax at work, I immediately stopped and wrote that last sentence down (literally on my glove). When I got to my office I grabbed a stack of sticky notes and wrote "You don't have to be anywhere besides where you are now", "There is nowhere you need to be but here", and "You do not have to be anywhere but here". I've always struggled with feeling like I "belonged" somewhere, with someone. A lot of this struggle stems from my childhood, wherein I moved every 6 months to a year. I attended 11 different schools in my primary years, 9 of those different schools during my most formative years K-5th grade. It feels natural for me to move on, to get up and go, and to not belong anywhere. So now, as an adult, I constantly battle with the concept of staying in one place, both physically and mentally. My mind is a series of rabbit holes. I'm also a creative, so it's hard to stay grounded in reality without feeling like I'm being buried alive. I'm applying for two different PhD programs, and I feel under-qualified and frankly terrified to pursue this dream. Though my background is Biology (which I love dearly), I really think I want to switch gears to Biological Anthropology. This is especially difficult for my husband, a homebody at heart, to swallow given this position would require me to be out of the country 3-4 months out of the year, and during my later years of the program, for an entire year. Leslie's gentle words reminded me of my mother pushing my hair out of my eyes and gently caressing my face. Her words took this weight off my shoulders and at the same time made me cry. You see, I have this bad habit of focusing so much on my future or so much on my past that I COMPLETELY MISS how amazing and beautiful the NOW is. Thank you Leslie and Amanda, truly <3


Also, side note, I plan on turning this variety of related phrases into various art pieces. Maybe Alex would be interested in them for the AFP store...? I'm a jewelry artist by trade, so I could easily convert them into jewelry (since you guys already have necklaces perhaps I could do earrings and/or rings and/or bracelets and/or brooches and/or buttons? the possibilities are endless...). However, these were sage wisdom words from Leslie, so I'm not sure...