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hey all

exhausted post from bed


some pix and video to warm your heart, hopefully. the kids and folks here went feckin nutz. the tradition of track or treating is just getting started here. lots of home-workers insisted on tricks. i showed how i could make a bagel with my stomach, and one of ash’s friends always did a cartwheel. and then there’s the knock knock jokes. endless.

it was so beautiful to ash participate in his first full-on house to house trick or treat, in a werewolf costume dada sent as a gift. that is ash in full werewolf:

the mask and werewolf-glove-claws lasted exactly 2 minutes of trick or treating as i suspected, but he still ran around in his fury werewolf shirt and furry claw feet, had a hard time keeping up with the big kids, ate his weight in candy, and got to do halloween like he never has before.

it’s so strange that we are able to do this weird-ass american tradition here in new zealand in a way, and with less caution, than people in america.

i am more grateful more this moment than i can put into words. it’s also the first time i’ve done halloween in the spring/summer.

how weird. christmas is coming.

how weird again.

i’m homesick. but i know i’m homesick for a place that doesn’t quite exist.

and i know ash is happy. that’s all that seems to count in my heart at the moment. that i can make it through each day, and that he’s happy.

thanks to rosheen for tipping us off to the neighborhood and supplying post-trick treats.

her coffin in the yard was indeed very popular

oh: “what are you, amanda?” i am literally everything colorful and costume-y that was in our house. elsa on speed. day of the indie elsa. i don’t know.

the Let It Go monster. 🖤

happy halloween all

i love you so much

i’ve got ash for the rest of the weekend but i am still behind ... i want to post the wellington photos before the election cycle eats our brains.






Never mind the culture debates. It is great fun for the kids and gets neighbors talking to each other. We had a ball. It is a deep feeling when you find another thing you can never go back to. Been a lot of that this year. "Take what you want, but I think you will find, that you always leave something behind".


Thank you soooo much for Halloween joy. And isn´t one always homesick for a place that doesn´t quite exist? Or is that just me, who moved around so much that I call every place "home" that I will be spending the next night, because there is no place I can call home in any more meaningful way? I feel like the thing I am yearning for when I am homesick is the feeling of completely belonging to a place, but that place doesn´t exist. And I am good with that. We just moved from innermost, dirty city to quite a lot countryside and when I take the bike for a tour around one lake or the other with my boy, I feel home. I feel complete and whole and home breathing in the sky, swallowing the view and maybe that´s the best I can get. Being home nowhere. Being home everywhere where "the sky reaches all the way down" as my boy said when we moved here. Be it as it may... I Love you

Marcella Kinsella

Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh. Which means Happy Halloween to you as Gaeilge (Irish). I miss being at home (Ireland) for Halloween, with trick or treating, bonfires, the works..I feel it more in my bones at home. But there are usually pretty good festive stuff happening here in Canada, so its still great. (Though not now during covid). But I'm still dressing up and eating sweets in my house. I'll go for a spooky wander later. 🎃 👻


I'm so happy you guys are able to get out and celebrate and have fun just like normal times! Here in NC we have record levels of COVID-19 outbreaks because...they started kids back to elementary school a week ago. It took all of 5 days for the cases to reach record numbers. Argh!


I really needed this. Thank you! & ♡ from Pennsylvania.


The blinded and muted statue of liberty is amazing and unfortunately appropriate. Ash rocked those werewolf feet!


love the cape. love ash. love you.


That Statue of Liberty costume gave me chills. I hope one day that her eyes can open again and she can speak again. Damn.


I'm homesick for a place that don't really exists. Sounds so intense sad. I've never seen such a badass halloween btw. Love and support. You're so loved. But I realise...


This is so far behind. You were a top artist singing creep there in the opera. I don't belong here... How could you, with such a big hole in your heart. Reeeespect! And looooove!