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hello loves. 

ash experienced his first real death. 

chewie, named after the mighty and noble chewbacca, was a beautiful bunny belonging to our friends down the road who ash got to know and play with as we came out of lockdown here. 


ash has been quiet, strange, moody, and angry all day. we sit with it. we picked different flowers from the yard and ash helped me decorate a stone for her grave. we have spent a lot of time today talking about death and what a funeral is and what happens when somebody dies, and how you need to care for your friends who are really, really sad, and how we don’t make jokes about death or the dead, because it’s mean. 

for the first time in my motherhood, i admitted to my child that i was sad and needed some time to myself. i left ash in bed and went out into the yard and looked north at the sunset and felt my body shaking and giving way a little. i’m at an interesting breaking point right now, feeling so many painful things at once, but also so aware of the growth happening at the cellular level. 

i didn’t used to be aware of the lotuses blooming from the shit in real-time, but nowadays, even in grief and anger and frustration, i can sense it. the growing. the shift. the changing. 

the strength that comes out of loss and pain and grief. it’s a skill in itself and i’m so grateful to have such beautiful human beings around me, gently guiding me, holding me, knowing me. 

my friends and far-flung community have never felt so precious. 

the gratitude is the antidote to the hurt. i love you all. 

everything changes. may you all be well, and may you have ease of days. the change comes from the pain. 









Totally. No mud, no lotus. Lucky for us, we learn and grow through joy too. It's the change itself that changes us. Sending lots of love to those who grieve for Chewie and all. ❤❤❤




Having your child learn grief is always hard. It takes away a part of childhood innocence. It's easier to start with pets than people, but either way it isn't easy. I am sorry you have to deal with this now, but I hope you can find your way through helping your child through it. I wish Ash and you both well, and am here to listen if desired, though I'm sure you have close friends first.

Marie ☽

"the gratitude is the antidote to the hurt." 💜


Beautiful words. My father passed at seventeen... i think death is something each human fully understands during the various cycles of their life


We never forget that first death. Bless you for being there and doing the necessary things in a loving way. The questions. The answers that have to acknowledge all the things we don’t know. It’s hard. You are wonderful. But being wonderful can be heavy weight. Hugs for you and Ash.


I’m feeling the changes, too. It makes me feel hopeful and... dare I say optimistic? about the future. Then I think it too loud and I’m worried I’ll jinx it. But I feel the lotus, too.


Thank you for your love & sharing this moment. This is one of the hardest , painful deaths to go thru. You did and are doing such a wonderful job with Ash. Blessings to you both 💕💜🙏✨💫


That is a big truth. The change comes from the pain. ❤️

Blake Chambers

You love so hard even in the breaking point! Thank you for sharing Ash's and your pain and self-compassion; you share so many vulnerable way of loving—so many things worth imitating.


How totally appropriate and in tune you are, Amanda with things happening in my little part of the world. I've been meditating and leading a meditation group and we've been working on just that. Recognizing the lotus growing out of the shit. Letting go and realizing that things are always changing. And when it hurts most, its fertilizer for a more brilliant bloom. So much love to you and Ash ♥️🖤💜