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greetings from napier, aotearoa new zealand. i am in xanthea's new hill-y apartment trying to be too jealous of her new proximity to the ocean and sky. there's going to be an announcement tomorrow about whether not we are staying at level two or moving up or down. everyone feels fragile. i'm glad that wellington is going to be postponed. i am excited to put new art out. i am feeling heavier and happier in my own skin. i tweeted this out a few moments ago:

i am feeling a very strange, dark, delicious, deep growing pain, and i know many of you are too.

i love knowing that i am so not alone on this planet, even though i'm half a world away from home. all of you keep me going on a daily basis...thank you so much for your love and encouragement.

(and yes, i'm starting to read your comments on the post about how everybody is doing. they're all so honest and beautiful and painfully wonderful to read. it's going to take me at least a week or two to read them all....be patient...and they are so, so, so good. i love you all so much. and if you haven't commented yet, please do. i'm reading).


ok. i know i've been posting a LOT of asks lately....but that's what you get when i start to emerge from one of the roughest few months of my life (and my team's life) and we start rubbing our eyes, rolling up our sleeves, and getting back to work. 

first off: THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE WHO IS ORDERING THE FREE CDS!!!! they're disappearing!!! i have absolutely already won my wager with alex and am doing a little dance. if you haven't ordered yet, go here. they are going very fast and i daresay will all be gone very soon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patron-only-you-40594383

NEXT UP on the "WE FINALLY HAVE TIME TO HAVE SOME FUN AND GET SHIT DONE" list.....(hey. is that a song? i think it is....oh shit, another thing to do, amybe not.....) 

this is a weird one.

but really....a fun and joyful one, even more joyful than saving CDs from a landfill.

here's the ask:



DO YOU KNOW ANYONE WHO DID??? (friends? grandparents? queer pals in georgia? your kids? your ex? ANYONE??)



i will explain.

so....me and my beloved bestie and frequent collaborator jason webley wrote a song about a year ago.


it is about getting married at city hall.

we are gonna release it here using patreon, obvi, but we wanted to make a video, too....and this is where you all come in. we are going to make a COLLAGE video, basicaly, all photo stills. it will all make sense when you see it.

the weirder and more diverse the photos (through time, space and gender) the better!

always better to crowdsource this stuff than google it.

we are looking for photos of folks getting married at Any City Hall Anywhere (....or, possibly, other city-hall equivalent "beaurocratic place" in your home country if they are good!)


ok? ok.

again: bonus points for FUN, JOY, EXTREME DARKNESS and WEIRDNESS and DIVERSITY.

you know our aesthetic. 

note: if the photo is dull and blurry it just ... won't be useful.

yes, you can even go make a fake one in front of city hall. go for it if you're bored.

yes, you can even use this as an excuse to finally get married.

in fact, if you use this as an excuse to get married....we will applaud you and almost definitely use your photo and give you special thanks. because, go you. and big weddings are not all the rage nowadays.

here's the details!!!!!

jason is going to be editing this video himself.

the deadline to submit is MIDNIGHT, AUGUST 31st, pacific coast time in the US.

that's eleven days. 

send pictures to: jason@jasonwebley.com with the subject "City Hall"  

PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO USE THE SUBJECT "CITY HALL" or your submission may be missed.

by sending photos you are giving us the right to use the image in a video, and that the song has, er, light profanity. thus, you should be the copyright owner of the images (in other words, you took the photographs yourself, or the images are creative commons/in the public domain) and by sending us these images you are granting us permission to use them in a video.

reading the above, yes....you can spend time googling on our behalf! we can use anything from the internet that is relatively hi-res, FAIR USE / COPYRIGHT FREE (here's a tutorial on how to search for images that are fair use), and fun, sweet, diverse, and old-fashioned photos would be great. if you find something online, you MUST also provide the source link so we can double check that the image is fair use.

1) make sure you include your full name or however you'd like to be credited, as well as

2) the COUPLE (or more) NAMES and LOCATION/DATE of the wedding. for example:

KATE & MARISSA  - City Hall, Juno, Alaska - October 30th, 2005

JAMES & JILL - City Hall, San Francisco, CA - June 30, 2014

3) PLEASE SEND HORIZONTAL, since this is for a video, unelss it's so good it's gotta be vertical cos thats all you got, and we will see if we can deal. the photos can be in any color and size, but please make sure to send us the highest resolution you have so they don't look too pixelated. if you found it online and don't have names, just tell us that.

here's some example photos - from google - of the kind of thing we're looking for:

got it!???


i really hope a couple do take this excuse to get married because....why not.



SEND !!!!!!!!

we love you.....


amanda, jason and team AFP



1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Now I wish I'd taken better photos when my 80-some year old mum came over to Las Vegas from England several years ago with her long-time boyfriend to get married at city hall! 😁


Aw, we got married at city hall and only have pictures from dinner after. It was actually at a school that was being used as a temporary city hall because someone had set fire to the real one. And I had made my dress. It had dinosaurs on it 🦖🦕🖤


Yeey!! My best friend is getting married in 2 weeks! Will it be on time?


Pictures sent, hope they're good enough !

Len Tower Jr.

send them in anyway. singles. & perhaps a collage in horizontal vidoe size, if they are lo-res/blurry?

Len Tower Jr.

Eager to hear the song & see the video!


My parents eloped in 1972, but they still got married at a church. The pictures are hilarious. My Mom & my Aunty Jan are wearing mini-skirts.


I am reading this on the 3 year anniversary of my husband and I's courthouse elopement, 13 year anniversary of being together. What timing. Will send some photos now.


I got married at the birth house of Leonardo da Vinci in Tuscany, we were doing a city hall wedding there and this turned out to be one of 5 official city owned locations where you could get married. It was outside, a tiny ceremony with only 14 people including us and our daughter, and a bunch of strangers visiting the site because it's a public space. It was wonderful!


Not a city hall wedding, but I think folks here would appreciate this couple who got married and immediately stepped out, joining protesters at one of Philly's early George Floyd protests. https://www.phillymag.com/philadelphia-wedding/2020/06/16/black-lives-matter-protest-wedding/ https://www.inquirer.com/news/george-floyd-protest-philadelphia-wedding-kerry-anne-michael-gordon-20200606.html


Is the timing of this song thing because of how wedding receptions and stuff have been illegal during corona? My (Mormon) brother in law got married at the start of June cause even though all their plans were cancelled they just couldn't wait. They did it in a friend's backyard and streamed it over zoom. So I don't have city hall pics but I do have zoom wedding pics.


I'm getting married in my City Hall this Saturday. This has to be a sign.

Claire (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 22:49:34 I am bugging my brother & SIL to agree to send photos from their wedding at Government Center. We hit the beer garden then wandered to Bell in Hand... It was a kickass wedding day!
2020-08-26 04:12:14 I am bugging my brother & SIL to agree to send photos from their wedding at Government Center. We hit the beer garden then wandered to Bell in Hand... It was a kickass wedding day!

I am bugging my brother & SIL to agree to send photos from their wedding at Government Center. We hit the beer garden then wandered to Bell in Hand... It was a kickass wedding day!


Took my SIL to your show at the Orpheum in April 2019. Michael held me while I sobbed that night. Bless you all.