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hey guys 

if you’re online ...


if you’re online ... i am decorated and helping out with this huge patreon-led benefit live stream-a-thon. we have already raised THOUSANDS in just the first few minutes. we need to get this dough to artists who need emergency funding. get ready to donate! 


artists: applications are OPEN !!

4-7pm PDT. i just kicked it off and Neil Gaiman will be joining at some point to READ and give hope. 

lots of discussion to be had and we are in the middle of an unprecendented moment. 

come BE WITH US. 

here is the link:






Thank you for matching those end-of-stream donations, and thank you and Neil for your art contributions. My sniffles needed those tears for company.

Yarrow Rubin

I got to log on for a few minutes and find the link to donate. Yay! But I have satellite internet and the stream buffered every few seconds, making it hard to watch. Usually Patreon streams don't do this. Don't know if it's because the WWW is just so busy right now or something was up with the platform being used today...?

Gabrielle Motola

Thank you Amanda! I'll be there too and I don't know I could apply. I have. Literally my income for April disappeared over night. All jobs cancelled. Doing what I can but facing this prospect is scary. But I am hopeful positive and looking to continue to inspire. Grow. Start my own podcast at last and begin making videos. Inspire others more. Have already begun talking to my local businesses about thinking outside the box on how they too can innovate and use this as a way to grow and transform their businesses to accommodate our changing needs, and ultimately keep their staff on. That's one episode. There will be another on toilet paper. I think 2020 is the last year we should use it. Ever heard of a bidet? India? Does the world need another podcast? I think so. I know so many incredible people (like you) I could deep dive on so many topics with. Not to mention bring what I do on the street to life for other people to experience and Benefit from. Thank you ! Xxx

D. Franklin

Gabiiiii! What about selling high quality digital prints of you work online? I have no idea if that's a practical suggestion. Just brainstorming here. I'd buy some!

Charlotte Armstrong

Will there be a replay I can watch when I get home from work? I'm gonna miss the whole thing because its right smack bang in the middle of my work day. If donations are still open after too that would be awesome!!!!


I agree! If donations are still open after, that would be awesome! In Western Europe it was deepest night time, therefor I was sound asleep


Yes also asleep!!@


YO! Feeling good today. E


Everyone is out helping their fellow person. I am watching Willie Nelson et al raise money for the artists who were supposed to play SXSW. Check out Luck Reunion. Willie is always helping.


Hi Amanda, can you help me get some word out? My husband is a live audio engineer, so obviously he's not working right now, but he's available for consulting for artists trying to set up a home streaming situation. Everything is really weird, but we're trying to make the best of a new normal. Love.

Rhiannon Crutchley

Hey folks, I'd like to apply. I'm an artist and survive off my earnings. I lost my mum less than a month ago and i lost my musician work and ive lost my income and ive lost the studio I'm currently recording my next release in. Please help xx