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my loves 

too tired to go into detail but we did a great thing today and raised $30k for artists in need. such a drop in the bucket and so much more to come. if you want to watch the archive its here:


as you go to sleep in america and wake up in europe ... know that i’m here, and that i love you. ‬

‪even if you’re alone, you’re not alone. ‬

‪breathe. ‬

‪we are gonna get through this. ‬

i cried today twice. 

‪i love you wherever you are, whatever has happened, and whatever you’re afraid of. ‬

‪i love you.‬

we have so much to do

and so much to learn

more tomorrow 






Amanda, if you see this, I love you. If you don’t see this I still love you. I am lucky enough to be able to work today and I wanted to tell you that I took a copy of your picture on Twitter where Ash is reaching toward Neil and I put it on my desktop background so that as I’m working I remember to reach. Thanks to all who made the thon a giving thing. A loving thing. A life thing.


You're a good human, Amanda Palmer. Well fucking done. ❤❤❤


Thank you to everyone who made this happen. Your kindness is inspiring.


Cheers to you, Neil, and Ash. To crying when we need to and finding plenty of smiles everywhere


I love you so much <3


Thank you so much to everyone who made this happen. I'm in NYC, and things are so bad here that it feels like the whole world is broken. Watching your stream-a-thon last night and the Howl Round webinar a couple days ago has been so incredibly helpful. Feeling connected to the arts community and being reminded that the outside world is still there and things are still okay in some places has been a huge help in trying to stay calm and grounded. (If anyone reading this needs more info on resources for freelancers and/or artists, or US advocacy efforts, I've put some helpful links in my profile!) Stay safe, everyone!


thank you for connecting the people! solidarity, love. my thoughts coming from Amsterdam tonight: The road ahead is being laid out for us as we walk. As far as I can tell, nobody knows the full extent of the health and economic challenges ahead. But they will not get any easier if we don't work together. I'm concerned that the focus on herd immunity, without mentioning anything about the threshold corresponding to Covid-19, is clouding the most important messages right now: Wash your hands. Stay at home if you can. Practise social distancing when you are outside, keep a minimum distance of 1,5 metres. If you are sick or are showing symptoms, self-isolate for a minimum of 2 weeks. Secondly, many people are worrying about their rent and bills.They're still going to work with a fever and/or a dry cough. Some because they think it’s just not that big a deal. Others because they are afraid of losing their jobs. I respectfully ask all leaders, in the attempt to get us back on our feet faster, to suspend rent. Ban evictions. Cancel bills until this turns around. We all have to learn from this, as quickly as we can. For all of us, for now and for our future. Data should be collected and studied with precautions. Numbers vs actions vs timelines are critical, when we make short and long term analysis on which actions to take and how effective they are/were. If we had this knowledge now, it could have been possible to give a better answer to where the road ahead might lead us. This will surely not be the last time we are called upon to safeguard the lives of the vulnerable. Take good care of yourselves and each other. Be safe. Stay calm. Love. https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/52/7/911/299077


I’d like to forward a long email from a Stanford doctor and medical immunology researcher about the details of how to keep ourselves and each other safe, explaining the specifics of California’s Shelter In Place regulations as it applies to each age group and why. How should I do this?


I am watching it now. Thank you for doing this. Can we donate after the fact? I was making bread while I watch and have a silly song lyric suggestion. I am not musical enough to write a song or the rest of the lyrics to surround it. “Art is not bread, but we need it.” The knead vs need pun is making me laugh too hard. Thank you again. Love!!


We can all be powerful, we can all be compassionate and thoughtful, let's hang in there ...


Hey Amanda, we’re getting married today it’s been a fucking ride. It’s the last wedding the venue is allowed, we all have to be 2m apart, my dearest friends can’t travel. But a wedding is happening ish, so far my loves are all safe.

Laura Wellner

I've been meaning to write sooner, but things are unsettled. I'm glad you and your family are safe and healthy! I'm adjusting to the "new version of normal" I guess...as best as I can. I'm still healthy, and that matters a great deal. My Fred and I are working from home through remote access to our computers in our offices at the University, I'm fine with it, but I am a very hands on person, and I miss the art collection, doing my rounds, the routines, the inventories, the paperwork storms that I create when I do an inventory, and the interaction with art objects and people, I love seeing the students in the galleries soaking in the artwork on our walls, amazed that what they're looking at is the real thing. It's all locked up. Safe. Secure. Hopefully, I'll go back to work soon, but I fear it's going to be a long while, I'm not really scared, I'm cautious. Worries, yes. I could drive myself mad thinking of "what if's" so I tamp them down before my busy brain sets them on fire and I can't put them out. Meantime, Monday through Friday, our office is our dining room table. Kitty cats sleeping nearby, the kitten is constantly getting into shit until she takes a nap. My wee donkey and tinier goat are safe and happy, currently sunbathing in their paddock. Food isn't a problem, we're prepared as best as we can be. The sun is out, we're taking advantage of it, even tho' it's cold outside. I'm simmering my "Corona Chili" on the woodstove this afternoon (seriously, it has Corona beer in it, and it smells heavenly.) I should go back outside, I have a garden to prepare for this Spring's planting. I'm going to try to grow okra this year, we'll see how that goes! Take care of yourself. No worries. Happy thoughts. Hee-Haww! Hugs n' Love.