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(patron only)

hallo loves. 

i just wanna say....i fucking killed it today. i managed to get on a flight, get to the recording studio on time to produce a vocal from a fancy-pants melbourne musician for the bushfire record AND i am gonna make it to daycare to pick up my fucking kid. and i’m managing to get this post out the door. WE WIN. 

but i do none of this alone. you know how books have acknowledgements? this day of killing needs acknowledgements.

i would have been able to make my re-scheduled flight without jordan pulling a total smooth one at the virgin ticket desk in sydney. 

i wouldnt have made it to the recording studio if i hadn’t magically stumbled two weeks upon the first-class sound engineer who has wound up being the secret weapon of this flash record, anna. and jordan found her. 

and i wouldn‘t have gotten this post out if hayley hadn’t taken the time, while i worked in the studio and picked up ash, to cobble this post together and upload my voice ramble to soundcloud. 

this shit may sound boring to you but so many people help me every day, especially jordan, michael and hayley. on a day like this where everything happens by the skin of its teeth, i feel it even more. they make the magic possible. thanks my team. i fucking adore you. 

to say nothing of the patreon. you. guys. i would never have the balls to leap so fast without you. i know i thank you all the time. but goddamn. thank you. 

anyway...here is my little voice ramble from this morn. it’s 7 minutes. those birds, i found out, were probably sulfur-created cockatoos. i asked jordan. 

play native here or stream or download from soundcloud, here:


meanwhile - i got a four-star review in the sydney morning herald and that’s just fucking fantastic. the reviewer snuck up on me and came to the blue mountains show. 

heres the start...


Blue Mountains Theatre, January 8

In fact there was an intermission, slicing the four hours in half. Otherwise it was one woman's voice, piano and ukulele, leading us through the secret doors of her life: the ones behind which hide the memories most people try to forget. And this soul-baring, heart-baring, abortion-baring and life-baring had a cumulative effect.

Amanda Palmer's finest song, the gripping 10 minutes of The Ride, was the first encore, and worth the wait....


for all of you in oz who are trying to convince people to come to the show: THATS THE ARTICLE TO POST along with the remaining tour dates. please do....

here’s what’s left:

Fri Feb 14 & 15 - ADELAIDE, SA - Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe 

Thu Feb 20 - SYDNEY, NSW - Enmore Theatre

Sat Feb 22 - PERTH, WA - Perth Festival Hall

Sat Feb 29 - DARWIN, NT - Darwin Entertainment Centre

Thurs March 12th: Auckland Festival: Hollywood Avondale

Fri March 13th: Auckland Festival: Hollywood Avondale

Sat March 14th: The Piano, Christchurch

Mon 16th: Wellington Fringe - St Peters Church

all info:


please post everywhere...that article is gold for convincing people the show isn’t weird and scary. 


if you want to read more about why our flight was cancelled last night:



and last but not least, i promised this screenshot in my voice ramble. someone posted this to my instagram...

really? still?

i posted this to instagram:

this comment is worth its own post. dude. define need. we all bleed red and we all need places to sleep at night. and i don’t care if you have $5 to your name or $5,000,000 in the bank. staying in someones house is a goddam honor and the oldest, realest and, i would proffer, even holy form of human kindness. i wrote a whole book about this shit after doing a TED talk to explain it .... and i still believe that we are one human family, and i still feel a kind of failure of imagination and community every time i check into a hotel. and i stay in hotels all the time. i can afford to now. but. nothing beats staying in the home of a stranger, ie a friend i haven’t met yet. i made a ramble-voice-recording this morning for my patrons and was musing about this before i even saw this comment....really, there is nothing like a home. with real, human pictures on the walls. a kitchen with smells. a bookshelf. a bathroom with half-empty exotic shower gels that smell delicious. cats. dogs. sounds of spoons clanking and radiators rattling. in short: life. spending the night in someone’s house - especially in a last-minute pinch - is a reminder that there is an invisible web of human kindness and generosity that delicately connects us, always. we forget. okay? okay. .
greetings from the actual couch on which i am sleeping tonight. all flights to melbourne were cancelled because of the heavy rains and flooding and jordan, my australian manager, is putting me, @mwmccomiskey and @hayleyfiasco up in his house and we will try agin in the morning. we could have stayed at the airport hotel. but why? we got to play piano, play guitar, look at records, eat food in a kitchen, and talk like human beings around a low-lit table. i can think of nothing grander. money can buy you a suite in the hilton, but it can’t buy you this. maybe i have to write another fuckin book. jeez.




ps for your amusement, yesterday also contained my most-liked comment on instagram, under the same photo:



1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Fri. Feb 14 — Sat. Feb 15 - ADELAIDE, SA - Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe 

Thurs. Feb 20 - SYDNEY, NSW - Enmore Theatre

Sat. Feb 22 - PERTH, WA - Perth Concert Hall, Perth Festival 

Sat. Feb 29 - DARWIN, NT - Darwin Entertainment Centre

Thurs. Mar 12 — Fri. Mar 13 - AUCKLAND, NZ - Auckland Arts Festival: Hollywood Avondale

Sat. March 14th - CHRISTCHURCH, NZ - The Piano

Mon. March 16th - WELLINGTON, NZ - St Peters Church, Wellington Fringe

ALL TICKETS: https://nointermission.amandapalmer.net 



Laura Wellner

I don't get it either, the people who are trolls...in the most cynical moments, my Fred and I both say, "Other people are hell..." Sometimes, we just grunt, "Other people." Good grief, trolls like that need to get a life...for the love of all goodness get a fucking new something to do, please. Oh bother. Thankfully, not everyone is a troll, and there are still good folk (like us on this Patreon) who are kind to one another. I love the noisy birds, they're awesome. My bird feeder is quite noisy, we have a fuck ton of blue jays, and they are noisy as can be! (But they're asleep now, it's dark.) Anyway...trolls. Sweet Monday, what the fuck... oy. Anyway, it's way past my bedtime, I have to be up way before the ass crack of dawn! Love n' hugs!


Opening my home to you would be my greatest honor. How dare that commenter think to rob your fans of that opportunity! It’s the epitome of your fandom, we get to know you in a way fans don’t ever get to know their favorite artists or heroes, though the realness of your music, your personality, and your sharing. If you ever need a place to stay in metro Detroit, my guest room is always open. Haters gonna hate, Amanda, someone will always be upset. I’m grateful you never stop being yourself. Gives me courage.


Can I post a text ramble in response to the voice ramble? First I wanna say that as a new patron, it's the first time I've been privy to one and I totally dig it - it made me happy. then I would echo a few thoughts about the insta comment. I recently did a little experiment of my own regarding giving and receiving. Ask a few people around you, what they got for christmas. Then ask them what they gave for christmas. I garantee you that almost everyone will hesitate and um and ah and be a bit embarrassed about the first question, and will have far less hesitation in telling you what they got for others. It's kinda natural; we've spent time and thought on figuring out what to make or buy to give to someone else. Receiving a gift is just a moment's pleasure usually, except for a few rare occasions where a gift is just the perfect gift and you use it frequently from then on out. so yes, I agree; the gift of receiving a gift with grace is one of the most beautiful and generous things you can do. Who wouldn't be chuffed to bits at having an international rock star crash at their place for a night and get to meet them and tell them how awesome they are? And finally this. I wonder if another way to see it is simply that this person may have been genuinely confused and in need of having it explained to them? It's not a concept which is obvious to the majority of people. It's why we love Amanda for showing this generous mindset for all to see. It's part of what makes her amazing that she's educating and giving an example to all those people out there whose lives will be enriched by learning of the concepts of generosity and sharing and community and genuine love and interest in others. so give the person some slack and send them love and an explanation of why this matters and why it's right.


oh, and PS; yes to bird sounds on the album!


I’ve done a fair bit of theatre in Marrickville. In crappy old sheds dressed up as playhouses. We call that period when a plane is overhead a ‘Marrickville Minute’. You can’t perform there without making a choice about how you’ll deal with that moment! It makes Chekov somewhat amusing. Also. “In need” killed me. It’s not like we went down the list of people who had applied for lodging on that particular evening and performed means tests. That bed and couch weren’t going to be occupied by anyone else. And, as so many of the commenters pointed out, he obviously has absolutely no concept of you or your work.


Interesting SMH review - my thoughts are that if all he felt you were bringing to the stage was a voice, a piano and a uke and that Hamlet would have been more concise then he missed that the greatness came from the full embodiment which included the occasional "vocal and pianistic brutalism" as well as delicious timing always and spell blinding softness at times. - I think I would have added a couple of more stars and, incidentally, you are welcome to share our abode any time you like - sorry about Sunday but as our property was a little wet I couldn't make it .

Nicole Ives

I think it's awesome that you're so down to earth you're happy to stay in people's homes :-) You sound like a kind, decent person.


To team AFP, making miracles happen! Big love

Stefanie Oepen

As you talked about in your voice ramble - for some people staying at other people's houses is heaven, for others it is hell. I like it sometimes and sometimes I prefer to be alone at a hotel, not having to talk to anyone. The person who commented on your Instagram seems to think the only reason to couch-surf is saving money and it might be for some, but as you explained to them, there are many reasons to do it and looking for connections is one. Maybe it never occurred to them to see it that way. That being said, I'd feel honored if you (or any other artist I admire) wanted to stay at my house. What a beautiful thing for any fan to connect with you and see you outside of the concert setting. So if you're loving it and are staying with people who love to put you up, it is win - win.


I've finally become a patron after being on the fence about it for a while. What pushed me over was finally reading your book (or rather, listening to you read it to me, which is a whole other comment I'll get to you at some point). I'm glad I'm here because I love you and your community, and every you all stand for. I'm a bit of a community hermit, meaning that I don't really engage with communities, I just enjoy the content. But I know you and the community here all love each other so much so I'm going to try and change my ways. I saw the post about couch surfing and that comment and I guess I just can't relate. I could write a long thing but really it just boils down to this: I like friends! I like to be with people, in a cozy home. Maybe the poster just doesn't understand that to you, we're your friends. And I guess that makes sense, it's not the common artist-audience relationship. Additional thoughts: I love the voice rambles. And you are anyways welcome in my home, it would be my honour. I'm told by my friend that I make excellent eggs for breakfast.

Anne ROBERTZ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 23:29:00 Also, paying to stay at a hotel, well, it is not quite "home-y" so why not stay at somebody's place if they agree to it? Why would that be wrong? REALLY? Ok, so I earn enough money so that I can pay for a hotel room if I would stranded getting back home by train after a gig. Are there really people who think it is a bad thing to ask friends of mine if I may crash on their couch after a gig, instead of going to a hotel because I can afford it? Don't you think those people are aware I could pay for a hotel but would rather have me spend some time at their place, if only shortly, for the sole pleasure to be there for me as I would be there for them or someone else??? I just can't relate to the way those people think... Couch-surfing is not just about "sleeping somewhere for free (=without paying actual money)", it is about meeting people, different cultures, getting a feel for the area, and for those who welcome you, maybe they will never get the chance or opportunity to go to your country, but by welcoming you to their place they get a glimpse of where you are from and they could travel around the world without leaving their home... <3
2020-02-13 17:05:37 Also, paying to stay at a hotel, well, it is not quite "home-y" so why not stay at somebody's place if they agree to it? Why would that be wrong? REALLY? Ok, so I earn enough money so that I can pay for a hotel room if I would stranded getting back home by train after a gig. Are there really people who think it is a bad thing to ask friends of mine if I may crash on their couch after a gig, instead of going to a hotel because I can afford it? Don't you think those people are aware I could pay for a hotel but would rather have me spend some time at their place, if only shortly, for the sole pleasure to be there for me as I would be there for them or someone else??? I just can't relate to the way those people think... Couch-surfing is not just about "sleeping somewhere for free (=without paying actual money)", it is about meeting people, different cultures, getting a feel for the area, and for those who welcome you, maybe they will never get the chance or opportunity to go to your country, but by welcoming you to their place they get a glimpse of where you are from and they could travel around the world without leaving their home... <3

Also, paying to stay at a hotel, well, it is not quite "home-y" so why not stay at somebody's place if they agree to it? Why would that be wrong? REALLY? Ok, so I earn enough money so that I can pay for a hotel room if I would stranded getting back home by train after a gig. Are there really people who think it is a bad thing to ask friends of mine if I may crash on their couch after a gig, instead of going to a hotel because I can afford it? Don't you think those people are aware I could pay for a hotel but would rather have me spend some time at their place, if only shortly, for the sole pleasure to be there for me as I would be there for them or someone else??? I just can't relate to the way those people think... Couch-surfing is not just about "sleeping somewhere for free (=without paying actual money)", it is about meeting people, different cultures, getting a feel for the area, and for those who welcome you, maybe they will never get the chance or opportunity to go to your country, but by welcoming you to their place they get a glimpse of where you are from and they could travel around the world without leaving their home... <3