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(patron only)

hello loves,

greetings from union chapel in london....we're starting NOW, and will be broadcasting the show in its entirety over the course of the next 4 hours (until about 10:30pm london time). the show starts at 6:30pm GMT but we're turning the cameras on now to give you some time to get settled and ready to tune in. we'll have cal as our hostess and hype queen before i take the stage. grab your wine and hankies.

we're Thinging tonight's broadcast (i.e. charging all patrons), which will cover the cost of the film crew for both nights so we won't be thinging (i.e. charging for) tomorrow's stream post.

you can click the stream embedded at the top of this patreon post, or if you're reading this via email, click the link below. note: you'll have to sign into your patreon account as this stream is PATRON ONLY.


and if you're reading this late, the broadcast will automatically archive right after it ends, and we'll leave that up for a little while until the final edited video cut is ready for you (we are going to either pick night #1 or #2, or merge them).

and don't forget, we'll be streaming tomorrow (saturday)'s show, too. you can rsvp on crowdcast for it now.

these webcasts work best when viewed on a web browser (chrome is recommended) but can also be watched on mobile web and the crowdcast iOS app. if you experience any technical issues tuning try refreshing your browser!!

there will be a live chat on crowdcast during the concert so feel free to chat to fellow patrons. hayley will be on site helping out and monitoring the patreon and the crowdcast on the ground. if you run into any technical difficulties or questions, please leave a comment below - we are READING (well, i'm not reading, since i'm on stage, but hayley and the team will be). we'll have bill online over at @AFPwire twitter, so be sure to follow along there for updates as well, and comments there will be seen and noted....

let's do this!

see you on the other side....




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Amanda Palmer - THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION Live from Union Chapel, LONDON - Fri, DEC 13th - Crowdcast

Register now for Amanda Palmer's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Friday December 13, 2019 at 6:15 pm GMT.


Jake Marcus

Caught the last half hour cuz ya know working in Eastern Standard Time but will get the whole thing tomorrow. SO psyched to see the evolution of the show since Philly.


The notification to watch the show popped up as I landed in London for tomorrow show! Couldn't help myself but to watch a bit, but not too much so it won't spoil the evening tomorrow. The anticipation is so high that I'm even scared that it will be over so soon.


I actually don’t want any spoilers - see you in Sydney! X


Greetings from Australia. I was in our vineyard this morning, weeding our new cuttings while listening to the live feed. All was going well until I realised I was crying. You were telling the story of your miscarriage at Christmas and all of a sudden I was taken back to December 22 1989. I hadn’t made the connection before! I was having an ultrasound, being 12 weeks pregnant but experiencing some bleeding. Like you, there was no heartbeat. I had two children, they were 8 and 5 at the time, off seeing Santa at a shopping centre with an aunt. The four of us drove the hour home, the kids excited for Christmas but my husband and I quietly crying inside. I went to the GP who was arranging a D & C for the next day, but Dec 23rd is my birthday so I pleaded with him to do it that day. Spent the night in hospital and home in the morning for my birthday party that evening and then leaving to visit family for Christmas. No time to grieve with small children and Christmas. It will 30 years from then, 8 days from now. Still crying as I write this. 💔


Looking forward to seeing you again in Melbourne, bringing my two adult sons with me.


I can't wait for the stream tomorrow!! I look forward to hanging out with y'all.


Hugs from Germany, if you want them. Thank you for telling. <3


I‘m thankful for yesterday (it actually was my first ever show). My dad passed this Oktober and although there were horrible parts in his last week, overall I’m grateful that i could be there. Even when I don’t know, wether he knew it was me, because of dementia and Parkinson’s disease. In the end he was peaceful. I still don’t always remember that he really is dead and than it hits me, but you know, dying is part of life. And I appreciate you singing and telling about. Thank you. 💜🖤


Wow, the quality of the stream itself was impressive, as was the artistry of the actual live filming! Thank youuuuu!

Pedro B. Gorman

Wow! Amanda dear, tou never cease to amaze me. I felt right there in the room with you, just like I physically was in Braga (I’m the guy who shouted “How’s Ash doing” from the balcony. Becoming your patron has been the most inspiring thing I’ve done in a long, long time, and you offer so much to us. Muchlove, my dear, and I’ll be tuning in again tonight for the 2nd show. See ya there! Xoxox


<3 I missed the live show in my city due to health stuff, so I am SO HAPPY that you decided to do this! <3 <3 <3


Can anyone help...? Where can I find the Passcode for the Patreon merch? Thankx 🙏😊


so glad to have made it in person, both for the shintaido as well as the show. I think I'm still emotionally processing after 24 hours. Thanks for the ride....