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hallo loves.

first off: WELCOME TO ALL THE NEW PATRONS. so many of you. HELLO. HI. welcome, welcome. it's nice here.

please feel free to leave reviews, comments, thoughts....i'm reading.

also: HEADS UP, i'm going to send a mystery post in a moment asking you for a christmas photo contribution....i have a weekend-surprise-project for you.

greetings from a collapse-me after two epic london nights....holy bananas, that was a marathon, but just so, so wonderful. i apologize if i forgot to announce the pateon photo on night #1, i was stuffing so much bakc into my brain after the long tour break, and i just forgot. we tried to round everybody up....

i feel so exhausted and so grateful. the night one show was far more emotional and sloppy...i forgot bits....i foundered a little as i got my stage-legs back. it was like opening up scars again, like that feeling when you rip up a rug or open a hot oven - the emotional whoosh. oh right....this again.

so night one involved pretty miuch crying through every song, and last night i was a lot more polished - the show was back in my head - and i wasn't as collapse-y (i also managed to keep the show a little tighter, since we went 5 minutes over curferw on night 1 and the venue has been so lovely i did not want to piss them off....)

here's the patron post-show picture from night #1, taken by hayley rosenblum:

and here's night #2, taken by gabrielle motola:


i was so astounded at the massive number of patrons at the show last night and i was reminded that it was the first show to go on sale....that would account for it, i guess.

i also just got sent the 4-star review of the first night, from the UK telegraph. it's behind a paywall, but here's the start of it, so i can feel ethical about not copying and pasting the whole thing....

“Welcome to my Christmas show, we’re only going to sing Christmas songs tonight,” announced Amanda Palmer, strumming a ukulele on a church altar next to a large fir tree, and beneath the vaunted arches of London’s imperious Union Chapel. “No, I’m kidding,” she added, to nervous laughter from the pews. “I’m going to talk about death and abortion.”

Which indeed she did. For four hours. Interrupted by the occasional musical interlude. 

This was not a concert for the faint-hearted. “If you thought you were going to see a nice lady play lovely piano songs, you’re allowed to leave, without shame,” she generously announced, after an hour in which she had squeezed in just three songs while telling a sinister, darkly comic story about the circumstances leading to an abortion Palmer underwent while still in school. A handful actually did depart, shuffling nervously to the exits. But most were well-prepared, many having even brought along cushions (as advised on Palmer’s website) to soften the impact of spending a long night perched on wooden pews in a cold church.

Palmer is one of the boldest and most original singer-songwriters of our times, although less well-known than her talent warrants. This is partly because the 43-year-old American is a genuinely independent artist, the reigning queen of internet DIY music, who has effectively crowdfunded her whole career. This has allowed her to develop an idiosyncratic style unadulterated by the usual constraints of the commercial music industry. Palmer has a tendency to vent in music, concocting long songs where honest lyrics combine with extravagant melodies and melodramatic dynamics in a style blending cabaret, goth rock and flamboyant pop.

Hammering at a grand piano as if she might demolish it....


given everything i've been through in the past week with the UK press, this was a welcomne blessing of a review. 


and here's a few shots grabbed from instagram....gabrielle has some amazing shots but she hasn't uploaded them yet:

from @elcannings:

from @alexisgebbie:

for those who came....thank you all so much, it was.....incredible.

i love you all a lot.

more when i have a brain back





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net





Last night, holding hands with the stranger next to me. A beautiful moment to end an evening of catharsis and confession. Or should that be proclamation? <3 The night before, as you walked to the front of the stage, I imagined a moment where the entire audience linked together, arms from you all the way to the back. But sitting quietly, and supportively with each other is a moment I won't forget.


Last night was more beautiful than I could ever have imagined. More painful and a whole lot funnier than expected. Thank you for everything that you are, and everything that you share with us.




Thank you for yesterday's show. It was amazing. So many emotions together. One of the best shows I've ever seen and I've seen a lot. Worth the trip from Barcelona to seeing you. Thanks for talking about all those things nobody dares to talk about. You are so brave and a great inspiration. I want to write something about the show for a website in Spain. Do you think I can use one of Gaby's photos for the review if you uploaded them in future posts? Thanks again. And I hope you come back to Barcelona with the Dresden Dolls. I have some friends there that are huge fans. If not, it will be a great excuse to come.back to London.


Two months until i see you down under. I am counting the days x


Mostly I loved it but I was really floored by the fact that when I shouted out "Amanda, I'm too sad!" You called me a fucker or a dick or something (can't remember exactly, was a bit overwhelmed). When you'd told us to call out when we felt too sad. And I did. I called out when I was genuinely crying too much because life is TOUGH at the moment and one of my best friends is dying and it feels shit. I noticed that after my "Amanda I'm too sad" nobody else felt comfortable to say it - didn't want the same response I suspect. I'd also like to mention that the first SIX rows of the central section and the first two seats of the side six rows were all reserved for Amanda's friends. As a Patreon who took time out of work at ticket release time to get them, and queued up outside from 5 pm to get the best seats, that was pretty disappointing. I saw the show in Nashville and no doubt it has tightened up a lot since then and was a great show but I didn't stay for the patron photo because I felt awkward which made me feel kinda sad.


i’m sorry you were hurt by her response! i know sometimes we can’t take it, although it definitely wasn’t meant in any negative way..... just like an good old english totally-full-of-love “cunt” ;) i have seen shows where she said she would only do it once - probably because of the fear of overuse. i mean, basically you could scream that every fucking minute of the show! and the “guests of amanda” seats were also (mostly?) reserved for patreons with a higher tier! i know because some friends were sitting there..... so it wasn’t for special invited guests by her.... just to clear this up :)


What a wonderful day! Shintaido session before the show was fantastic ( I thought I had got away without any resultant stiffness yesterday, but am feeling it now!). I brought a young friend Elly (daughter of one of my oldest friends, and I have known Elly since she was a tiny baby) who is an avid Amanda fan, and one of the best gigglers I know...I hope we didn't disrupt the Shintaido for anyone. Turns out Elly is also a grade-A sobber, too, as was I, both of us making excellent use of our monogrammed handkerchiefs. This was a mighty, mighty performance and touched my very core; I only just stopped myself from standing up and tearfully shouting "Everyone!" at Amanda's rhetorical question at the end of the show. Thankyou Amanda, Alex and Connor, Subul, Hayley, Michael, David and the Union Chapel staff, and all assembled fans for a truly unique experience. X


I wondered how the person on the end of that "oh you dick" would feel, too. After all she had invited us to do exactly what you did, and it does take some courage to yell out in a crowded room. But if it's any consolation even while I wondered that I also I heard it the way Betti heard it. As if to an old friend who has called us out on something.

Stefanie Oepen

What a day, what I night. Shintaido was fantastic (and i can still feel my sore muscles now!) and the show was beautiful too. It was #8 on this tour and I watched as it evolved, got tighter and stronger since the first one i saw in Berlin. I have loved them all and cried and laughed at each one. This one was less crying than some of the others, but left me in awe just as much. The hand holding was a beautiful experience (shoutout to Cookie and Jack - thank you, it was lovely sitting between you). I feel truly grateful for everything you give us, give me every night. Thank you! <3


Friday night was just so much more wonderful, and just MORE, thank I expected. And I'd expected a lot. I didn't stay for the Patreon photo but it was lovely to feel part of the magic. The hand holding was beautiful :) Thank you for baring your soul and taking us with you. What you are doing is so important, and I'm so grateful. Loves. x


I have a spare ticket for Friday at the Union Chapel - my sister in law was meant to be coming with my friend and I and she's blown out (don't know what she's missing!) - is anyone interested in the single ticket? Caron xxxxxxx


sorry - I hope it's okay to write this in here! xxxxxxx


Is there a setlist/running order anyone could share with me? Message me so no spoilers? Thanks