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hallo loves 

i am fucking totaled 

thank you for coming 

please leave your thoughts and prayers here 

just got home, putting on soup, collapsing, ready to do it all again tomorrow. 

i love you a lot, a whole lot 






Awesome show. Loved every second of it. https://www.instagram.com/p/B5tGD2HJ1Uw/


I was worried I wouldn't make it after a week of over night stays in a.e, but I'd waited too damn long to see you live to let sickness stop me and it was god damn worth it! Thank you for sharing your power with us Amanda.

Fanny von B

When I saw Nanette by Hannah Gadbsy I was having a really tough time with my mental health, it changed my perspective on what those struggles were. I started a journey to seek help and am now receiving treatment for Complex PTSD. I have spent my life blaming myself for the traumas and sometimes using them as comedy. I never thought I'd witness something so affecting again. Then last night happened. THANK YOU! the words don't seem big enough, but thank you. I have tried to practice radical compassion throughout my life, not always succeeding and I realised last night the person I have never exercised radical compassion for is myself. My heart was calling out to everyone in the room, as shoulders juddered and tears fell, I wanted to hug everyone and tell them it isn't their fault, be kind to yourself. Yet still as I went to sleep I failed to find compassion and kindness for my experience. Noone in my life knows about the abortions and miscarriages I have had and the shame has weighed me down. I won't magically lose that over night, but I will work on it. Thank you, i needed you as so many women im sure will agree. 💜


Looking forward to tonight. My daughter Thea wanted to say hello to Amanda the Panda which is what she calls you. She also says hello to Ash (they are the same age) xx


I'm coming tonight with my partner Caroline for our 11th anniversary. Can't wait. To paraphrase Brian Wilson, God only knows what I'd be without her.


Although my life is very different from yours I totally identified with everything you said (if that makes sense ;-). Thank you for doing this.


Hi Amanda. Thank you sooo much for last night's show. I've followed your music since the Kickstarter which I participated in, and have looked forward to the opportunity of seeing you live. So often I find it is only when you see an album played that it makes sense - that was certainly my experience last night. It needs the stories with it, they are it's context. I am in many ways your opposite, I am an emotionally reserved, introverted, white middle class man, and a Christian minister to boot, but I have to say I was captivated from the start to the finish. I feel I must also hold out some sort of apology for those who abused you when you went for your abortion. Whatever your views or theology, that was not right. Please know we're not all like that. I'm in the middle of a DMin (like a PHd) in preaching believe it or not. During my research I was told that it is unnatural to sit and listen to one person for 20 minutes. Last night I sat and heard a four hour 'sermon' about radical unconditional compassion (I imperfectly sign up to that cause, although I do not have a case of knives) and how complicated compassion is. It was one of the best I've heard! Your emotional honest and passion were compelling, and left me wrung out and yet strangely uplifted (you went into the dark but brought to it light). I can't imagine how you do this night after night. You must be wrecked! Thank you for your vulnerability and gift to us.


Amanda - thank you so, so much. The show last night was so inspiring, moving and important. I am so glad that the world has you in it. You have been a personal inspiration to me for years - both in the Dresden Dolls and all your solo projects. I hope you know that for every petty, nasty troll, there are thousands of us who love you and your art and will always be here. We even sat on hard wooden benches for four hours to listen to you - and at the end, only wished it was longer ;-) xxx


I have two tickets for tonight's show- I need to give them away. I saw the show in Cambridge and was blown away.. I knew my daughter needed the experience. Unfortunately she is unwell (the vomitey kind) and there is no way we can make it :( but the seats need to be taken so... I know its last minute but if anyone wants them let me know and I will send them through to you.. No tickets to this show should be unused.


I have a spare ticket for tonight free to anyone that can make it at short notice! bakert@gmail.com


What an amazing show. I don't know how you do it so many times, it must be emotionally exhausting. Sorry i missed the patron photo (email went walkabout so thought maybe it wasn't happening, plus had to get home ready for work today!). But i left something for you with alex at the merch stand. Thank you for a wonderful show. All the talk about radical compassion really resonated with me, as i work in a forensic mental health hospital (for people who are mentally unwell but have also committed crimes)- it is always good to think about it through another lens or perspective. And thank you, again, especially for talking about death in a way which i have found so helpful. Much love to you.