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 (patron-only project time!)

hallo loves....

greetings from london where i am still exhausted. 

in the cracks, becauise deadlines for the holiday....

i have a project for you!

i'm putting together a slightly secret-holiday patreon surprise but i need some THINGS for it.....

i would love to gather together a handful (i need at least 40-50 to make it work) of PHOTOS FROM PATRONS from all over the place, and all i need from you is an uploaded photo, your name, and WHERE YOU ARE FROM. 

not just any photo!



1. most critical: IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PHOTO, there needs to be a star. a star of any kind. a star from your tree, a star made of tin foil, a star cut out of paper, a star drawn on your hand, a star tattoo, a star on your belly like a sneech, a star, a star!!!! a two-dimensional or three-dimensional or four-dimensional STAR! just make sure it's basically in the MIDDLE of the photo - try your best.

2. YOU can be in the photo, and you can interpret that as you want.....also on option: multiple people, whole families, dogs, cats....and: you could also NOT be in the photo. but a picture of a star on a plain white wall won't, y'know, say very much, so try to be creative and have the p[hoto reflect your life, home, situation....somehow. wide berth. here. think abot what you would want the world to see, a window into your world. 

3. specs: the photo can be taken inside, outside, upside-down-side, but it needs to be LANDSCAPE, not VERTICAL. this is important! black and white or color is FINE. please send it as hi-res as you can.


you can cheat and say you're from ANCHORAGE, ALASKA (if you're actually from anchorage, alaska) even if you're taking the picture in florida, that's fair. you can, basically, pick the more tasty option: where the photo is taken, or where you are from.


**note !! if we get a TON we will need to winnow it down. don’t be sad if we don’t use yours in the main project, we will put up a gallery of everything if we can!!**

just some examples, ideas,,,,easy quick ones.

just popped outside and made this one with jason ...

you can obviously get extravagant if you want and build whole theatrical sets!!!!....i took these photos in under 5 minutes using nothing but a pen and a paper-towel and a star sticker i stole from ash's bedroom. you can beat me by a yard, people.

oh and 

....we took this group london-shintaido star-photo the other day (well, gaby took it:)

(shintaido was really wonderful!!! london, people, reminder that there's still room on the 13th and 14th, info here.)


GOT IT????

extra points for far-fetched locations and creativity!!!

DEADLINE: december 11th, 11:11 am, london time!

TO UPLOAD, go fill out this google form:


as said above....simple, just follow the directions on the form.

upload ze photo, tell where it was taken/where you're from, and do write your name as you’d like it credited in the film.

OK GO!!! you have til december 11th!!!!!

then, surprise! if this works.....our surprise should be out by december 25th. 

any questions, hit me below in comments.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Stefanie Oepen

Done! That was fun. wonder what it is going to be in the end. :)


Love the blue meanie


Just got this notification today. Goodness. An idea just popped in mind and I submitted just in time, I think.


Just uploaded a picture - and stayed up way later than I meant to trying to get my new camera to spit it out ^^ I'm curious what that's gonna turn into! Will you let us know how many pictures you were sent? I'd find it interesting :)

Zena Darling

Should have read all the previous comments first... I will keep it SFW!


I did it!!!!!


Weird star pic: sent.


Hey Amanda! I'm really really sorry for being tardy (lighting issues). I've just uploaded my star pic.🤞🏻Hope I'm not too late!! I know there was a deadline.😬

Amalija Vitezovic

I broke the deadline too by a few hours, but uploaded anyway *shy apologetic smile*

Fanny von B

I made a dyslexic error on the time! Uploaded anyway 🤷‍♀️

Eva Ozean

please enlarge the deadline for my gold foil-still at my mum's place! i just remembered and submitted 11:12 pm!


I've been late, but my daughter wanted you to see her in the picture with her star, so I uploaded the photo! I am intrigued.