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hallo loves. HAPPY DECEMBER. 

love from my work-desk in london. i'm also going to send out merch today, if all goes according to plan.

quick question and i'll try to keep this short....i'll be online here to discuss for the next half hour or so. 

(i'd also like to remind you that i'm still working on a few other posts about other topics, and all is comin, all is comin'....everything's a bit behind. bear with me. i'm fitting this shit in between practicing piano and picking ash up from his nursery in an hour :). 


i am doing what i always do when me and/or the team hit a thinging schedule-conundrum. the community is always incredibly responsive and thoughtful, and often even comes up with creative solutions that we didn't think of, so here goes:

when jack and gaby came on board (literally, on board the tour bus) to create these "there will be some introspection" pieces of tour & community reportage, we thought there were going to be one, maybe two, parts. 

the first one came out and, despite the additional twitter kerfuffle, the feedback on the piece from patrons was fantastic. (it's here: https://medium.com/we-are-the-media/there-will-be-some-introspection-on-the-road-with-amanda-palmer-a32ff8dc0fbc)

i just read the draft for jack's second piece. it focuses on the climate crisis and it's really, really good. it blends the world and the community together in a way that i'm so happy to see, it's really what i was hoping these pieces would be: a snapshot of this community against the landscape of the real world. jack's really impressing the shit out of everybody, and gaby's photographs are such a gorgeous slice of tour life that i can't imagine NOT having partered up with her for this project. she's capturing more than images with her camera. she's stitching things together. she's making a special kind of visual medicine. i am so, so, so happy we are doing this project.


jack has been writing a LOT. a LOT a lot. 

the sum total of the four pieces he will probably publish is nearing novella-length. 

and in the end, if we make 4 pieces, gaby will have worked on something like 300-400 final photographs - balancing their color, captioning them, cropping them for the piece, etc -  before this is all done. it's a shit ton of work. 

it seems like we are going to have 3-4 pieces in the end, instead of 1-2. so.

how many things to thing?

to jack and gaby, this part doesn't matter much.

they are doing the work they are doing regardless of how it gets thing-ed, and they are loving it (well, it seems so to me, though the burn-out is setting in for all of us a bit), and they are going to get paid their standard going rate for a pro writer and photographer, by us, via the patreon, whether we thing one piece, four pieces or anything in between. 

the finished pieces are going to be coming out about every 3 weeks to month. possibly less if they work hard to finish up pieces 3 & 4 in december and january....but the holidays are coming.

however, the team is scratching our heads as to whether it makes sense to Thing all four pieces. we can, of course, make up all the rules as we go along, because there were never any rules to begin with. piece one has been THUNGED. we could thing pieces 1 and 4. we could thing pieces 1 and 3. we could thing pieces 1, 2 3 and 4. we could do...anything. 

we also have other pieces of art coming out - the artbook PDF, a recording or two i'm excited to share...there's plenty in the pipe.

my heart often leans towards thinging everything and encouraging you to please, please for the love of god, cap your pledges so you never feel over-thanged. 

thoughts?  talk to me please.

peanut gallery is open, i'll be in comments for at last the next 30 min

i'm here reading in the kitchen.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I don't think thinging them all is a good idea. That said, I have recently reduced my pledge and capped it so I feel I don't have as much a say.


Thing all the Thingamies, or should that be Thingamabobs? Thingamadoodles? *Don't mind me, I think I've lost the plot.

Sparo Arika Vigil

I vote for thinging all the things. I love the art you, Jack & Gabrielle (& whole team) are creating & feel it is so important that you are incorporating how your art reflects/speaks to the state of our community & the world. 💜💜💜



Michela M.

I've capped my pledge since day 1. Thing away as you like.

Kate Michmerhuizen

The cap makes this a non-issue for me. Think it all!!!


I absolutely loved Jack and Gaby's work, I think it would be fine for you to thing all of them - and we can cap our pledges from our side xxxx


The last piece was stupendous. Definitely worth thinging. If the others are equally amazing then thing them all. We have our end capped. I have NEVER been sad about anything you have thonged. Sorry I don't respond as much as I would like, Amanda. I have been following everything all year but the busi-ness goes on and I don't always have time to write back. I miss sitting 3 seats down from you at Omega but sending you virtual hugs.

Jake Marcus

Now I have to check whether I have a cap. Personally I think Jack should be one thing. If it were published as a book I might buy it ... once. Unrelated to the Twitter kerfuffle, and I really respect Jack for putting themselves out there so raw and vulnerable, I felt the medium piece was too long and only occasionally about AFP’s work. Choosing whose Patreon patron I want to be obviously involves supporting the other artists who make AFP’s art possible. I don’t feel like supporting Jack’s journey is making AFP’s art happen. It is independent and perhaps Jack needs a Patreon of their own. Gaby on the other hand is making art from Amanda’s art. And by the way I would be her Patreon patron. This may seem like a distinction without a difference but I see the photographs and I am transported into Amandalanda on the road. Jack’s piece is in many ways inspired by the experience of their being on the road for this show but really is about Jack’s experience. And, yeah, without meaning to touch the source spot that is Twitterverse abuse, I felt it was PR pretending to be journalism. I winced - tho totally with love. Late to this convo because I’m in the road myself but that is my loyal patron view. When I feel the thinging decisions let Amanda make art - even if I don’t like the outcome in a particular project - I’m supporting Amanda’s process. that is what I signed on for. The medium piece is Jack’s art, not Amanda, and, again with love, I don’t want to pay a lot for it. Love Kate from Omega.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 23:44:23 I say Thing every dang thing you want, and keep reminding people of the cap option as you always do. <3
2019-12-08 23:31:38 I say Thing every dang thing you want, and keep reminding people of the cap option as you always do. <3

I say Thing every dang thing you want, and keep reminding people of the cap option as you always do. <3