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my loves, my loves.

greetings from BBC's maida vale studios, where i am rehearsing for neil's big christmas/new years extravaganza show with the BBC symphony orchestra. jherek bischoff, my partner and soul-collaborator-arranger, did two pieces for me to perform for this huge show that neil and the BBC put together. one is something you might guess, and one is a total surprise. i took a risk. if it comes out okay, i’m going to THING the symphony recording. it’s like jumping off a fucking cliff. 75 piece orchestra, no second chances, wheeeee, here we go. maybe i’ll just stop surprising you with these things and actually tell you what i’m doing so you can mourn along with me if things crash and burn. probably i should.

sitting here with a crap cantina sandwich and a machine coffee, the classical rehearsal music that the symphony is running through at the moment is digging into my heart and i am crying every few minutes just because i'm such a currently weird combination of grateful and tired and existentially-attuned and in love with music and art and yet also feeling those terrible imposter feels i feel around all orchestras (don't forget: i still can't read music, so why are they handing me this microphone?) and....just.....generally overwhelmed. you can tell from the run-ons. 

(photo by simone george)

maybe not. maybe simply: whelmed.  

what does that even mean, amanda? i don't know. i think things are just going very fast at the moment and my processors are clogged. beginning to read your comments from last night made me feel more connected and less alone.

so many of you are so fucking smart and so fucking kind and i forget that i should ask you for support and simply....chatting more often. i miss that. 

tomorrow is a huge day of rehearsals and dress-up and photographers, and i feel my priorities swinging in the breeze. there’s about another two weeks of this and then things finally calm the fuck down. 

but before i complain any more, let’s all admire jherek bischoff‘s direction to the BBC symphony orchestra for a second. how much do we love this man? 

and a reminder that jherek is here on patreon and you should support his amazing work

mostly i have needed to catch up on the photo-posting from tour, so once again, this is a very photo-heavy and text-light post, but gabrielle motola's photos tell beautiful stories, so bam, that's why we hired her, to keep things connected.

before anything else, gaby didn't make it to NEWCASTLE, but connor kermode, alex-the-merch-queen's beautiful partner, stepped up and played photographer:

there we are, loves. a small but loving clump of people.

a word, while i have you, about connor and alex, by the way.

alex has been on this entire euro-tour, slogging it away at the merch table, dealing all day with boxes and posters and shirts and books and the thousands of hours that go into packing up and unpacking merchandise that rarely gets appreciated by the average person.

alex has been working so, so hard. thousands of you, by now, have met him doing his thing behind the merch table, and you may have met connor as well. here they be, and thanks and glory be to the two of them. merch is a hard job, and i'm so grateful to these two for helping me out night after night after night while we took this show from town to town:


working backwards....and back to gabrielle photoland.

here we were, in dunfermline, at carnegie hall. and as it was pointed out to me by douglas mackinnon (neil's director pal from good omens who lives in these parts), the ORIGINAL CARNEGIE HALL. okay, good to know.

i love this photo. i had no idea what to expect of this tiny-weeny town in the wilds of scotland but it was - i kid not - one of the strongest nights of the tour. it was made even more awesome by the fact that our house crew was all-female (you'd be shocked, wait no you wouldn't, but that NEVER happens). 

i went out into the audience before the show, as the house was filling in, and took requests. i was tired. mostly, i needed to talk to people in order to stay awake, because coffee at 7pm is a bad idea.

the lovely audience, as photo'd by gaby.

alex, taking a rare breather:


whatever liquid this was, it wasn't working....

this was a really wonderful accident-gift.

the microphone started feeding back during the start of the show when i took it away from the piano, and so i asked the audience in the balcony if they could hear me without a mic. they said they could. so i proceeded to do almost the entire storytelling part of the show with no microphone. it was a revelation of sorts, especially when i got to the section after “voicemail for jill” - talking about how frustrating and yet predictable it was that i was dismissed from the tv-airwaves in ireland for wanting to play it. tv won’t broadcast it. the radio won’t play it. 

as i’ve mentioned a few times, there’s been very little mainstream newspaper coverage of this tour. and yet. 

and yet, even without their support, i have played this show, and that song, for almost 50,000 people so far. 

city by city. 

night by night. 

old-fashioned style. getting on the road, going town to town, sharing some stories. 

the final monologue of the show last night - in that rainy little theater for 300 scottish people - was the most powerful it’s ever been. 

this is the work. this is the job. 

don’t wait for the media. 

be the media. 

here's the dunfermline patron-crew. even smaller than newcastle. but filled with SCOTTISH POWER. 


i went to a beautiful little cafe/shop called east end creative, and was inspired by another woman in the shop who had just ordered this bespoke shirt (that’s what they do there, they print custom shirts for you)....to get my own version of the same one. 

glasgow brought it in the all-gender bathroom department...

backstage ...

this man is a man i love. this is chris cunningham, my friend from edinburgh who has been my chosen family for years. i was so glad he was out there with mary. i love them both so much. 


gaby got a rare shot of me collapsing in my tour bunk on the bus. this is where i hide and sleep. 

the end...

hayley and i are working hard on the althing and i have so much to say and share but very little desk time this week. 

we are gonna get through it. 

we built this city on rock and roll. 

thank you all for being here, being my community, being my family. 

more soon. 





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Sun Nov 24 – Portugal – Braga – Theatro Circo

Thu Dec 5 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 6 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 13th - UK - London - Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Sat Dec 14th - UK - London - Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)


Mon. Dec 30 — Wed.. Jan 1 - WOODFORD, QLD - Woodford Folk Festival

Thurs. Jan 16 — Sat. Jan 18 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Mona Foma Confessional

Mon. Jan 20 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Princess Theatre, Mona Foma

Wed. Jan 22 - MELBOURNE, VIC - Hamer Hall

Fri. Jan 31 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Sat. Feb 1 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Fri. Feb 7 - CANBERRA, ACT - Canberra Theatre

Sat. Feb 8 - SPRINGWOOD, NSW - Blue Mountains Theatre

Fri. Feb 14 — Sat. Feb 15 - ADELAIDE, SA - Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe 

Thurs. Feb 20 - SYDNEY, NSW - Enmore Theatre

Sat. Feb 22 - PERTH, WA - Perth Concert Hall, Perth Festival (**NEWLY ANNOUNCED**)

Sat. Feb 29 - DARWIN, NT - Darwin Entertainment Centre

Thurs. Mar 12 — Fri. Mar 13 - AUCKLAND, NZ - Auckland Arts Festival: Hollywood Avondale

ALL TICKETS: https://nointermission.amandapalmer.net 



Kirrabelle Lovell

It’s so nice to see all these lovely photos of the tour and Patreons around the UK (mostly). Good luck with the orchestra recording, I love Jhereck’s instruction (I’m sure the musicians did too). I’m a music teacher who can read music no problem but I would perform on stage like you do - everyone has different skills in music, don’t worry! 😊🎶


OMG Amanda I love you 😁 Reading your posts is like getting messages from a friend. Your excitement (about creating even though you're also exhausted) is contagious, you are fab 💚


Such a good show (Newcastle)! It's been a tough year so far and this was medicine. You and everything that follows in your wake is so reassuring in the face of messiness, hurt, frustration... So, thanks Amanda and crew for still conjuring such amazing energy from your exhausted souls you don't have to do the extra but you do and I'm so grateful. PS - Thanks, AFP, for the extra love n' hugs after show it meant the absolute world, I can only imagine how tired and how much you wanted to get bed and then your family, so extra thanks 💜💜💜 Also, my partner was (still is) quite amused by your aftershow back-cracking request! All my love to you and yours. -Wen


Really enjoyed the Dunfermline show - it was a great venue (though about 10 degrees to hot!) and the all-female staff were great. Also - cheap bar!! I think the reason there were so few patrons in the photo was that there wasn't an announcement - I said to my partner let's wait in case there's a photo, but everyone just got up and left so we did, too! Next time.


I always love reading these updates. You make me wish all the more I had gotten to see you in Boston, plus you make me want to get a traveling jones. But is there some reason I've gotten four copies of each newsletter this month?


I've been so excited for this update! I was at the Glasgow show and it was phenomenal. I wish I got the chance to say hello at the end, but I was awkward and I also had a Rocky Horror halloween party to rush off to. What I would have said was thank you for everything. Towards the end I was messaging my dad that I loved him after you performed Creep - he's learned to play it on his Ukulele and he also shares a love of your music which has brought us closer together. So thank you for providing a voice and a connection through music and art which got me through the difficult parts of life and has helped make connections of family and friendship. And now I can't wait to see you perform again.


I'm so, so grateful for being part of this community. For what you've given us the last year, with this tour, album and other art. Dunfermline was indeed special. The no-microphone thing made it very intimate. This has been a life-changing year for me, and the No Intermission-art contributed to that heavily. Due to a medical miracle, I was able to leave my house for the first time in years. Chronic disease makes lonely. And going to your concert was the single best thing I could've possibly done. Because there I felt it: the healing power of music and story-sharing. Everywhere are wonderful, kind people, who all have stories. That feeling: I'm not alone and we are all connected. Thank you, and thank you all. (And yes Alex, thanks for your hard work, kindness and enthousiasm! It was nice meeting you.)


Amanda you were amazing tonight with Neil!! Your voice, your outfits, oh my God, simply exquisite! Are you coming out for a patron photo?? Some of us are here and hoping!! Much love xx


Amanda, your accent is perfection,and I'm so sorry that some fuckturnip twatbadger dared to say otherwise. You were incredible at the Barbican event tonight. You are loved. 🖤


As a brand new patreon, i had no idea i could come at the end of the show and meet you and all the other patroens! much dissapointment *cries*. Next time youre back in Glasgow.... x<3 x


It is a shame i rarely take te time to read it all and comment. Every time i allow me that time it is a blessing, i shiver, eyes dimmed, and i fill blessed for the day knowing there is love.


For some reason I've stumbled across this a zillion (okay, five or so) times in my email and I've read it and looked at the photos every time. I love it. It inspires me to be brave and sing my songs and tell my stories and share my artistic vision. There is nothing more truthful, brave, and beautiful than you being you and connecting with people everywhere doing that. Thank you.