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(patron only)

my dear patrons.


here we are. it is the MONTHLY ALTHING. new patrons: click on that link if you want to understand WHY we do this....

basically: this is a big-ol' wrap-up, state-of-the-union monthly newsletter about EVERYTHING that's gone on in the past month or so in patron/AFP-world, including check-ins with the whole team. it's a great way to keep up-to-date if you don't have time to read my sometimes-daily (sorry not sorry, but i have a lot to fucking say)) posts from the road and my brain.

we try to keep these monthly posts as DIGESTIBLE as possible. we sometimes succeed! JUST THE FACTS, PEOPLE. but really....hayley and i and the whole team work really hard on putting together these posts every month just for patrons, and we love that you take the time to read them. 

merci in advance for your attention...we're a weird family, consider this the dinner table. bring yourselves for the occasional family meal. 

here we go, and a reminder that hayley and i (and others on team AFP) are reading all the comments. this is a good place to flag any of us down with anything important.


greetings from the UK, where things are winding down after almost three solid months of start-and-stop touring. from the tour bus to picking ash up from school with a croissant in my hand. my brain is stretched. too many feelings and no time to document them. and you know i like documenting. 

it's been madness. i'm really, really tired.

i have never been more grateful for the solidity and warmth of this patreon. it's kept me going when everything else starts to feel shredded.

really, truly. thank you being here.

i am behind on a few posts, blogs, and thoughts: about the tour, about brexit, about the facebook group, about race and politics and art and community and the patreon, about how it all (of course) fits together.

i haven't had very much time to blog and write in the last month and i'm looking forward to some catching up in the month to come.


one of the things that i'd like to bat out up top, instead of putting it WAY down in the bottom, is a word about where i'm going to head after australia and new zealand, which wraps in march.

then....NEIL AND I ARE GOING HOME, to new york. 

for a while. come spring, we are planting ourselves in new york until further notice. i am actually, really, for the first time in my life, truly homesick. i miss new york. london is nice, but it's not my home, and i miss having a kitchen with friends in it, and a neighborhood, i miss ash having woods and animals around him, i miss the local library, i miss lighting fires in our house, i miss seeing the trees and the sky.

 i even miss americans. insert miss america pun here. i miss my local yoga studio. i think i just i miss the warmth of knowing and trusting my surroundings. 

sadly, poor neil gaiman is going to have to run the reverse emotional course. he feels cosy and at home here in the UK, finds a different kind of ease, and has even been shocking me by enthusiastically talking to strangers (now i get it....they're not strangers, because they're british). for anybody out there who belongs to a bi-national relationship, i feel your pain. there's just no easy compromise when it comes to two homesick people trading-places, as if we could solve this problem by moving to an island in the middle of the atlantic ocean. 

anyway. i've been toying with the possibility of doing a VERY short US run of shows in may (stay tuned) and possibly doing one final run of the THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION stage show in the fall before i put it to bed. there VERY WELL MAY be some dresden dolls shows in the fall.

but mostly, i am trying to steer clear of any more road work in 2020. i want to settle into a home routine for a while and raise my kid without my kid crying every time he sees me packing up a suitcase. that age has just hit. 

i told ash i was going away for a show tonight and would be back tomorrow and he started whimpering, threw his arms around me and literally whispered like a lover in my ear: "no....don't leave me."

i mean, for fuck's sake, what kind of film is this.

i will attach some amazing bonus ash photos far below.

back to work. 


the show?

i don't know how i can quite describe how it feels nowadays to do this THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION stage show, but i can tell you this: I HAVE NAILED IT. the only problem is that i was hoping it would be nailed at 2.5 hours long, and it's just not possible. i don't think. the show as it stands is 3.5 hours without cutting any more fat.

i have one show in portugal later this month, and then FOUR MORE IN A ROW IN LONDON.

QUICK & IMPORTANT: regarding at the union chapel shows (dec 5th, 6th, 13th, and 14th, all sold out!): the doors for union chapel are now 5:30 pm with the show starting at 6:30pm. i had to do it to fit the show and an intermission and...


WE WILL BE FILMING/LIVE-STREAMING THE LAST TWO NIGHTS OF UNION CHAPEL JUST FOR PATRONS!!! the stream will be starting a little before 6:30 pm GMT on december 13th and 14th, and we will be talking to patrons during the intermission and after the show. i'll probably take the better of the two nights or merge the shows together to make an archive film of the show for everybody. the filming will cost about $15k, we are making this an official patreon thing. if you've seen the LA show, wait until you see how it's evolved. it's so much stronger.


ok onwards.....


it was october.

I PUBLISHED A PIECE ON MEDIUM, about the late late show in ireland not allowing me on their show:


it made the rounds of the internet and i'm really proud of it.

read it and share it if you can.




after being up on youtube for two weeks it's already garnered over 350,000 youtube views and it's gradually climbing. THIS IS EXACTLY THE WEIRD IMPOSSIBLE-TO-MONETIZE KIND OF "HOW DOES THIS EVER MAKE MONEY????" MUSIC/ART/COLLAB STUFF I WANTED TO MAKE WITH THIS PATREON!!!!

it's a triumph for me to be able to make this sort of work with really talented artists and be able to pay them out of patronage money. you made this happen. YOU YOU YOU, US.

it's now being picked up by the french press and going weirdly, slowly viral.

here's the direct link to view it on youtube:


some french press....



in the works, STILL:

the "ART OF ASKING EVERYTHING" PODCAST, first of all, is still in the works, and going slowwwwww, but great.

right now i'm trying to plan the release date along with all the materials we need to make for it to be public. this has been hard to nail down while i've been on tour.

and in the cracks of my life, i'm still interviewing guests for future episodes.

this past month i interviewed masarat daud in london. she does incredible work in london and india with women's rights and education, and i met her through TED:

i have a few more weeks in london to talk to the best and most interesting people here that i can find.....i'm setting up an interview with sir lenny henry about his new book, "who am i, again?", which i'm currently reading. an incredible meditation on art-making, race, britishness, and more, give it a gander.

(this is me and neil & lenny, at his book launch in london)




it's lovely that all the london shows are sold out. i was really tempted to add another, but i let it be. i was on the METRO weekend cover + interview.

i do not know why they used this photo from the cyndi lauper benefit last year. there are so many amazing photos where i don't look liker a country rock star in nashville.

can't win em all.



the sunday times did an interview with me and neil and the article was so thin and dumb and click-baity (and anyway, behind a paywall) that i'm not going to post the link. 

but here is a screenshot:

and the PHOTOS, by charlie clift, were amazing.

here are a few of them....

and i loved charlie's work so much, i hired him on our own dime to come capture a huge event with the BBC symphony, and he killed it....more on that soon. 


GABRIELLE  MOTOLA got some amazing photos of me on tour.

you'll see a lot of her photos in the upcoming Foreign Tour Correspondents' missive, which is COMING....(again, see below...)

here are some amazing ones, to tide you.

taken in belfast

taken in limerick

taken in cork

taken in graz





photo by michael dunaway


photo by michael dunaway


photo by gabrielle motola


photo by gabrielle motola


photo by gabrielle motola


photo by michael dunaway

CORK, pre-show photo!!!

photo by gabrielle motola


photo by michael mccomiskey


photo by gabrielle motola


photo by gabrielle motola


photo by connor kermode






this is a whole new experiment in we-are-the-media.

because there's been so little press coverage of the tour, and especially since my usual old ally in the UK, the guardian, has decided to not cover the tour or the record, i HIRED MY OWN TOURING JOURNALIST TEAM with patron funds. 

indeedy, BE YOUR OWN MEDIA. jack nicholls and gabrielle motola

are on the road with me as Foreign Tour Corespondents, photographing, writing, and working on a two-to-three (or possibly even four) part piece for you. 

there's a post about all of that HERE:


their first piece is coming out soon, this month, so keep your eyes peeled on my new Medium publication called:

(AND PLEASE FOLLOW the publication) if you're not already on medium, MAKE AN ACCOUNT!!!!

you won't need to be a medium subscriber to read the piece - it'll be totally public and free - but you may need to be a medium subscriber to "clap" for it, which is the equivalent of a twitter or a facebook like. i'm sure a lot of you are already on medium, but if not, it's a pretty great indie media platform, and i trust them. let's put our work there instead of on facebook. :)

i do not want facebook monetizing my people.

here's the link:




photo by krys fox

production is still underway....michael pope, the director, and i have decided to SHOOT MORE FOOTAGE.

this video is going to be incredible, it's just turned into a moving art-target.

and you know what???

i am so excited that we can work this way.

in the old days of major label hell, there was just a deadline and a budget and if our video sucked because it needed more work....too fucking bad for us, we just had to put it out to fit the schedule.

fuck that and no longer.

i don't care that this video wasn't ready in time to promote my australian tour. what i care about is that it be the best piece of art it can be.

i'm hoping it'll be out by the holidays....



the WHOLE team is working along with me on the special edition of the artbook here on patreon. this is not going to be a PLAIN pdf of the proof we sent to the printers for the physical book, oh noooo. 

this is going to be it's own multi-media beast....it'll have TONS of extra photos that didn't make the final book, a brand new introduction written by me now that i've had a chance to tour the show and play the album live, and it'll have some interactive elements to the pages like a SHITLOAD of links you can click to take you to videos, songs and more pictures and other things that i've referenced within the book's pages.

here i am annotating a physical copy of the book so that hayley can go in and type up and collect the links and things i want you to click off to in the digital version.

hayley has typed up the annotations, and worked with bill h to find the links, images, videos, and extra bits and pieces we'll link out in-line within the book and now my designer, andrew nelson, is inputting them and making it a PDF.

it's coming....SOONish.



we are working with the creative connection - the same team that animated a bit of the art of asking - to have this animation of the "mushroom hunters" poem that mr. neil gaiman wrote for me to perform at maria popova's "the universe in verse" event celebrating art and science.

it's coming out beautifully but animations are hard, hand drawn and take a ton of work and tweaking. 

it's feminist AF and it's going to have special music composed for it as well, by jherek bischoff.

here's hoping we have it out during the holiday season. if everything goes according to plan, we'll have it out at the end of november.



i just posted this to socials, but i did a huge gig with neil and the BBC symphony LAST NIGHT. 

I WILL BE THINGING SOMETHING FROM THE SHOW IF ALL GOES WELL!!! much about that to come.....it was astounding. it's all fresh off the presses so give me a second and all will be made manifest.



i have a few art-projects in my brain-back-pocket that i'm hoping to surprise you with and get off the ground, but i'm strapped, so i ain't gonna promise things that might now happen.

i have an exciting holiday idea that will involve ALL OF YOU

and i have a few projects that i'm super excited to lift off the ground in the spring when tour seasons calms down.




patreon bills credit cards on the 1st of the following month so we usually see a couple hundred people drop off in the beginning of the month due to payment errors and credit card issues, it takes a few days for this to adjust once people fix their accounts. it's life.

as of this writing there are about 15,708 patrons pledging about  $56,065 for the first THING of the month. 


office talk....

patreon charges you "monthly"/"retroactively".....meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior (for example, you were charged for the Things released in september on october 1st). 

so i don't have the final figures for this month, as they're still being processed, but here's august:

(i say this every month, but if you're new....)

because people have their pledges capped (HAVE YOU NOT CAPPED YOUR PLEDGE? if you are on a budget, you should. here's the tutorial again), the first Thing raises the most money, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. (I LIKE THIS. it means i never feel too guilty!!!!!).

the numbers below are gross. not net. basic math. meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected. 

also, none of this reflects the money i SPENT MAKING THE ART, running my business, etc etc. 

i don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because i assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even. so be it. this is awesome.


i posted this previously but it's worth repeating:  patreon introduced a new pricing and fee plan that took effect on may 7th, however all creators who've had accounts up until then are considered "founding creators" and for the time being are locked into the original fee structure with the 5% patreon fee and the 5-9% credit card payment processing fee.


in SEPTEMBER, i Thanged three Things:

The State of All Things: AUGUST 2019 was the first Thing and it earned about $61,505 from 15,073 patrons.

the "drowning in the sound" video documentary was the second Thing and it earned about $27,295 from 8,996 patrons.

the entire "THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION” los angeles show, ON FILM…for PATRONS ONLY was the third Thing and it earned about $19,187 from 6,342 patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

them's the numbers.



from hayley:

Much of October has been spent on the phone, on email, on text message, Whatsapp, Facebook Groups and Facebook Messenger - communicating with our various team members that help us with all the things we do. Lots of mission control! Lots of team work! I've spent a lot of time in October workin on the Official AFP-Patreon Facebook group and talking to our moderators, that took a lot of time and energy throughout the month and honestly, it was very draining and hard on me. There was also the Australian/New Zealand tour announce and patron-presale launch and that too, was a big project.

I am so proud of our team, we do so much with so little, it never ceases to amaze me. It's also been a hard month for me because I've been working alone while Michael has been on the road, and it gets hard on me to feel so... isolated from everyone I work with. We are in constant communication virtually and digitally, but that never replaces real conversations and face time. I'll be reuniting with the team in London around the Union Chapel shows, I'm excited to see Amanda (it's been so long!!!), but I'm also excited that I'll meet more of you - I live for that part of this job, it makes me feel connected and it makes the art and the work I do feel real.

I wrote out this section - my dispatch in Patreon and somehow my changes didn't save (I think I was saving an outdated browser tab. whoops), and so, here's take two. I am fighting a cold so it's that time of year where I work through a foggy head.....

I've been in touch regularly with Patreon this month to help report and resolve some bugs that I've experienced on the platform, and that patrons have written in to me about. The most notable is that some folks weren't receiving email notifications for some of Amanda's posts, even though they have notifications turned on in their profile settings. And then Patreon was sending multiple email notifications for one singular posts. Patreon's support team has been working on this and these issues should now be fixed, but if anyone else is still having troulbe with email notifications, please drop their support team a note: http://support.patreon.com so they can continue to resolve this issue and help you out.

One big change that should be happening feature wise is that Patreon is fixing a pesky link issue I brought up to them. When you hyperlink text within the Patreon post, a pop-up comes up with "http://" automatically filled in, so if you are trying to paste a URL into the field from your clipboard, you have to first highlight the pre-filled "http://" and delete it, otherwise your link would have "http://http://" in front of it and it'll appear broken when the post is published.

You see how many links are included in Amanda's posts, right? Especially something as long and full of media as this State of Althings - and so that means so much time and effort is spent just to delete the useless pre-filled text, making it a nuisance, but the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak, was that Amanda had a couple posts this past month where she didn't delete the pre-filled text, so the hyperlinks she inserted were broken. I went in and fixed the posts after they were published, but encountered a bug that wouldn't save the fixed links. I've since reported the bug, and also asked, nay, pleaded, with Patreon to remove the auto-filled "http://" text as it creates extra steps (and thus more work) and is just plain unnecessary. They understood the issue and are working now to remove it. This is wonderful news, as it will make my work just a tad bit easier (I'll take all that I can get on that front!) and it'll help other creators have a better work flow too. This is also an example where my feedback, and experience helping Amanda post her blogs to all of you is quite literally affecting Patreon itself, even in a small way, it matters.

I've also been trying to line up some partners to help us make the opt-in for the next round of Art In The Mail run smoothly, help finalize details for the holiday merch, push out all the Things we're working on and have in production, answer patron questions via patronhelp@amandapalner.net, build out patreon drafts for Amanda, share and catalog photos and so so much more. This ship is sailing full steam ahead.

While this technically happened in November, I'm going to share this in our October Althing - below is a picture of me on a panel at Patreon's Brooklyn Patreon Assembly event on November 2nd. The panel was filmed and as soon as I get the link to. view it, I'll be sure to share it here in a future Team AFP dispatch.

photo by @collabnyc on instagram, there I am attentively listening to a fellow panelist

So to recap: lots happening behind the scenes, lots of Patreon Things are in production and we're hard at work to make 2019 end on a strong roar, it's been a big year for us, and we're going to end it with a bang.

love from new york,


{special love for hayley this month, who has been slogging it on her own in the new york office since michael joined me on the european tour. we love you, hay. -AFP}


from michael:

Hello Patrons,

Writing to you from a beautiful farmhouse in a tiny town north of London where the incomparable Justine (former International Nanny of Mystery) is putting me up for a few nights.  There are animals and plants and a whole lot of peace and quiet which right now is so very much appreciated.

 For those of you who have been following along, October was. . . a lot.  As usual, there’s so much that I could write about.  I could easily spend over 1,000 words writing about any individual day this month and that still would only be scratching the surface.  So what to write about?  Life on the road?  What it’s like to drop all your plans and hop on a plane to join Tour with a week’s notice?  The sometimes successful attempts to juggle several full time jobs simultaneously?  Should I write about more personal matters like what it was like to travel to Ireland and Northern Ireland, my dream destinations since I was a little boy for the first time only to spend 5 days in 4 cities that felt like a half-remembered day dream?   Should I write about what life living on a bus is like, or how the people you travel with become family in a way that is so immediate that it can make your head spin?  So many options and so little time! 

I wish that I could talk about all of those topics, but the one circling my brain the most right now is not the who, the how, the what, or the when, but the why.  Why would I drop everything, say goodbye to cats and partners and head off on Tour?  Sure, I have a weird job that demands me to roll with the punches and help out wherever I can, that’s standard operating procedure here on Team AFP but to be completely honest, I could have very easily just said no.  I could have spoken with Jordan and Amanda and said “Look, I’ve got too much going on right now and I can’t upend everything so last minute” and I am positive they would have been a bit disappointed, but would have backed my decision 100%.   But I didn’t.  Because I knew that I could help.  Not just  Amanda, not just the crew already on tour, but to help every single person who had already bought a ticket, or who was hoping to maybe get a free one last minute, or even was holding out hope for a nearby ninja gig.  I knew that coming onto this leg of tour would allow me to help make these shows be the best that they could be, whether by helping out with Guest Lists, Patreon Photos, helping Alex with Merch, or any number of things that come up that we don’t expect (some of which make for amusing stories, others . . . less so).  I wanted to do whatever I could to help anyone who needed this show for whatever reason get the best possible experience that they could. 

I might sound like a broken record (not that anybody knows what that is), but interacting with the audience and seeing how moved they are by Amanda’s performance and seeing the beautiful interactions of the community that she has built over the years is really what makes this crazy job worth it in the end.  So really, I have to thank you all for keeping this community going and for being such wonderful and beautiful humans who are always there for a kind word, a spare hanky, a good joke, or just a nice heartfelt hug.  I love you all.

            Someday, maybe I’ll get to tell you all the stories, but for now I’ll just leave you with a few of my favorite pictures from my time on the road.

My first Guinness on Irish soil in Cork:

Standing in front of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin:

Photo by a lovely tourist couple from Atlanta, GA

Helping with Soundcheck in Belfast (on the same stage that "Stairway to Heaven" was first played in public):

Photo by Gabrielle Motola

Sunrise over the River Shannon in Limerick:

Leaving Belfast on the Ferry to Cairnryan with Gabby & Subul

Photo by Gabrielle Motola

Samhain Bonfire on Calton Hill in Edinburgh:

Amanda tuning her ukulele before starting the show in Dunfermline:

Love, Hugs, and whisky (if you like),


{michael gets whatever fucking massive gold stars i have in my heart to hand out this month. he left his entire life behind to join the touring crew and he's been the glue of our tour life. michael....thank you so so much for everything you've been doing for me, for the crew, for the community, for the tour. i love you so much. -AFP}


from alex:


ever ever ever.

this tour has been A Lot. i usually start at venues at 1pm, and usually finish loading in between midnight and 1am. i am TIRED.

but i would like, if i may, to share two of my favourite merch desk encounters on this tour:

- in cork, a girl came up and said "hi, you probably don't recognise me but i used to follow you on tumblr years ago and you knitted me an amanda palmer doll, and then the other day i recognised you on amanda's instagram so i brought the doll here for you to see" holy shit. (context: i used to use tumblr A LOT when i was 16/17, back in around 2010. i was a massive, obsessive amanda palmer fan, and i also loved to knit, so i would sometimes take commissions to knit things for people.)  

how amazing and connected is this world and this community??? MIND-BLOWING.

i'm afraid i did foolishly forgot to actually take a photo of the doll, but here's another one i made of amanda in typical bra-and-shorts combo. so you can get an idea of the quality (or lack thereof) of these knitted dolls, lol:

- second best merch table moment: in glasgow, i was admiring someone's russian doll tattoo (based on regina spektor's soviet kitsch) and she says "well me and you have matching VFD tattoos" and i'm like WHAT, WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?! and then it turns out she was at amanda's ninja gig in edinburgh over the summer, and she saw me and spotted my tattoo, and she has a matching one!! 

this time, i DID get a picture of the beautiful merch table moment, so here are our matching lemony snicket VFD tattoos....

the world is quiet here. 

it really has been a beautiful time out on the road. i'm going to miss seeing lovely faces every night. thank you to everyone who's stopped by to purchase things, or just to say hi. you are all so wonderful. 

and side note: after my encounter in cork, i went on a brief nostalgic rabbit hole dive down my tumblr - and since i stopped using tumblr right before i started working with amanda, it's quite a work of art to see my fandom level of yonder. and i came across this gem of a twitter interaction that i screenshotted, from 2014.

and in case you want to know how it ends - we did have a nice time together for a few weeks. but alas, it was not love, and it did not last 4 months :)

i think we can all take something from that.




{ALL HAIL THE MERCH QUEEN!!!! this queen has been working SO SO HARD. thank you alex....get some sleep. xxxx -AFP}




as always, all info and tickets can be found on my tour page:


Sun Nov 24 – Portugal – Braga – Theatro Circo

Thu Dec 5 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 6 – UK – London – Union Chapel  (SOLD OUT)

Fri Dec 13 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)

Sat Dec 14 – UK – London – Union Chapel (SOLD OUT)


Mon. Dec 30 — Wed.. Jan 1 - WOODFORD, QLD - Woodford Folk Festival

Thurs. Jan 16 — Sat. Jan 18 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Mona Foma Confessional

Mon. Jan 20 - LAUNCESTON, TAS - Princess Theatre, Mona Foma

Wed. Jan 22 - MELBOURNE, VIC - Hamer Hall

Fri. Jan 31 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Sat. Feb 1 - BRISBANE, QLD - Brisbane Powerhouse

Fri. Feb 7 - CANBERRA, ACT - Canberra Theatre

Sat. Feb 8 - SPRINGWOOD, NSW - Blue Mountains Theatre

Fri. Feb 14 — Sat. Feb 15 - ADELAIDE, SA - Bonython Hall, Adelaide Fringe 

Thurs. Feb 20 - SYDNEY, NSW - Enmore Theatre

Sat. Feb 22 - PERTH, WA - Perth Concert Hall, Perth Festival (**NEWLY ANNOUNCED**)

Sat. Feb 29 - DARWIN, NT - Darwin Entertainment Centre

Thurs. Mar 12 — Fri. Mar 13 - AUCKLAND, NZ - Auckland Arts Festival: Hollywood Avondale

if you're on facebook, you can RSVP to the official event pages, invite your friends and more: http://facebook.com/amandapalmer/events

and SPREAD THE WORD, always.



save the date: friday, november 29th in london. more details to be announced soon.

i haven't yet done an EVENT that directly focuses on the content of the artbook, and i was really excited to be invited by andrew trendal from NME to sit down just to discuss the work, writing, and photos in the book. we will try to stream this on the patreon!!!! more info soon. 

tickets will be available to patrons only.



we are getting ready to launch a HUGE HOLIAY MERCH sale, along with holiday cards, and candles and some new things. 

i am not saying for certain but there may be a poster with a kitten.


we're also launching the opt-in for the next art in the mail sooooon.

here's a sneak peek of the silly pretty candle we are working on....



andrew o'neill is on tour in the uk!!!!!

get your tickets and give him a hug for me.
full tour dates, tickets, and more info on his site:



torres is releasing a new album in january 2020

you can pre-order digital and physical copies on her bandcamp: https://torrestorrestorres.bandcamp.com/album/silver-tongue

and support her directly on patreon:



jherek bischoff

...has been doing a TON of work with me lately....you should support his work on patreon if you haven't been!



ben folds is on patreon!!!

he's been doing all sorts of weird things.



zoe boekbinder is also here....

give her a gander:



laurie penny, feminist journalist extraordinaire....is here:




it's been a lovely art month...

from markéta smékalová‎ (@makymutt)


from me, on instagram i said:

"i have seen a lot of depictions of my person-face over the years, and this painting comes the closest i have ever seen to the Me i see when i look in the mirror. the colors are somehow incredibly....sad? melancholy? heartbreakingly beautiful? like a sunset on a thought. thank you for sharing this gorgeous piece of work, @j0ni_augustine. (belfast native!) we should sneak into the @nationalportraitgallery and blu-tac this shit up when nobody’s looking. who will know."

and then i got to meet the artist herself, in belfast...and THIS happened:

from joni's instagram:

OK so part of changing your name legally requires you to get it signed by a witness...... Look who I got as a witness!!!! Amanda Fucking Palmer!! Such an amazing night and such an amazing gig, if you haven't seen the show and have the opportunity please I urge you to go see it. Only a few people in the world as amazing and beautiful as Amanda and so happy I got to meet her and feel so privileged that she helped me to become me. 😘




from @azzi_engel 


from @jacobstack_art 


from @lleahistired 




ash, neil, little maddy gaiman and maddy's boyfriend kevin.....

ash and  leo, his class lion, and his best friend 




that's it for now, my loves.....

i appreciate you all so very very much. thank you for being my patrons.

what we are doing is revolutionary. 

keep helping other people.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




So much love, as always. I totally get Ash and the settling down thing. My child (4) always says things like „don’t go to work“ „I want to stay home with you“ and „why are you always working“ and I „only“ have one of these 9 to 5 jobs. So: settle down. Be cozy. <3


This is so lovely. I cannot wait for the Union Chapel gigs; I have a little boy only a fraction younger than Ash, but also another little one who's still under 2. And the December gig will, I think, be my first official Night Out since my youngest was born, which to me feels very brave! May your next year be full of all the more warm sleepy child-snuggles in your own home - we'll wait.


Quick question about the London live streams: will they be available after to watch after the live stream? I was among the York people who were absolutely gutted that you didn't do the full TWBNI show there and I'm working (backstage for a youth theatre show) both nights of the London shows, so won't be able to watch live.

Amy Chaplin

As a fellow New Yorker (from Rochester) who has been married to a British man for over 17 years (damn!) i very much feel the reverse homesickness thing. Although through the whole Brexshit mess, my husband has felt less and less attached to his home country. He tells me he doesn't want to move back and really doesn't want to go back to visit for now (although visiting his family might make him go back sooner). He tells me he's been here long enough that he really appreciates our city and is the one that usually picks me up when our ENDLESS WINTERS get too much for me. He will, however, usually only talk to strangers when we are in the UK (or other parts of the Europe). Sending solidarity and love to you, music lady! ........ also, any chance of another Epic Goth Dance Party when you are back in NY????????? Please???????


Rest and have more rest - we can wait.

Kate Michmerhuizen

I read this and it makes me cry. Not sure why. Maybe because I appreciate your voice so much and I am only just learning how to use mine. I am afraid of speaking up. I mean I do it from time to time, but it causes such fear and anxiety. Thank you for HAVING a Patreon so that I can be a part of it. It keeps me grounded and in touch with what I want for the world and for myself and my fellow humans as we spin around a star that warms us but doesn't care that we're losing our shield and will burn up soon.


I'm going to be one of those people who says please come to my town - Boston! It was Passover when you played the Orpheum and I had to miss it. How about October? xo


Sorry to ask such a silly question but where oh where did you get the boots you're wearing in the pic from Dublin? Every time I see them on you I get a little bit more jealous


Amanda, To quickly touch on the race post (since I don't want to comment on it as a white white white lady) -- I recommend that one thing to continue to think about is when you do the "artists to follow and give your money to" that you make an effort to spotlight and showcase artists of color. Sometimes reparations come in the form of $$$$$. ((On that note, try to expand the people you're working with to seek out artists/technicians of color. Add them to your weird art family! See how that affects your art, since I'm sure it will.)) Poor darling Ash. I'm happy that you're planning on not really traveling in 2020. That year's going to be plenty scary politics wise, so it'll probably help you to actually get to be in your home base to be grounded in your home and physical community whilst you stay connected with your virtual community. That's all from me~


All I can say is good GLOB yes The Mushroom Hunters. I'll never forget seeing you speak those words, or Neil speaking them, right in front of me. I am STOKED for this!


Is there usually time at the patron photo thing to get a ukulele signed? Haven't been to a show yet, so don't know how it all works- will be at London Dec 14th, and would love to get a scrawl. Totally understand if there's no time or anything...


Wow. This is sooo amazing. I'm glad I decided to return to Patreon. I wonder what happened to Scandinavia though... It was in October too. I was in Stockholm and I remember that we took an after show picture with everyone, but still it's not here or anywhere that I've seen of...