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hello beautiful.

greetings from a coffeeshop in glasgow, i'm about to head over the venue to soundcheck.

this post is mostly pictures....all by gabrielle motola unless otherwise noted.

if you haven't been following the global politics around abortion rights: northern ireland JUST passed laws that decriminalized abortion. it will be legal. 

this was unthinkable a few years ago. 

i hope you take the time to listen to the podcast i did with roisin inghle from the irish times...i learned so much that moved and shocked me.  

i had known that women could be jailed for getting an abortions.

i had known that doctors could be jailed for performing them.

i HADN'T known that if you were a friend of a person who got an abortion, and that person told you their story, you were considered a criminal if you did not go to the authorities.

this blew me away.

the amount of fear that will be released now that these laws have been passed is immense.

and yet, there is still so much to do. as we know.


i took this on the train to beflast. we woke up at 6 am in the dark to make the train, me and roisin and simone george and david....and as a reard we got to watch the sunrise from the train:

we went for a walk and the belfast clouds 

screamed hello



(photo by me:)

then it HAILED. and a rainbow emerged...

here's one i took of david screaming back at the rainbow. this was on our walk to do shintaido....

after shintaido, i hitched a ride from connell. he knew lyra mckee, too.

lyra was a journalist and community organizer who was shot at a protest earlier this year. 

she helped me with a ninja gig a few years ago at the rainbow project LGBTQ youth center.

connell organized a march after her death.

we went to her mural.

here's connell.

best chauffer ever.


here's some shots from the women's podcast, which you can NOW HEAR...and it's really incredible.


listen to it.


backstage with roisin and simone george, a human rights lawyer:

the crowd....

comedian kelly turtle, talking about being raised to believe that abortion was a sin, and her own abortion experience:

above, from left to right: róisín ingle, kellie turtle, paula bradshaw (the alliance party MLA), and activist danielle roberts. and me.

(david really taking his video job seriously and looking like a pleather-clad lizard. photo by simone geroge)

playing "voicemail for jill"......

i mean:

i was given my own "decriminalized" t-shirt:

then...to the venue. ulster hall, which was gorgeous.


a gift:

Instagram Posts....

Frecklescorp What a night!!...A complete roller-coaster ride....There's not many gigs you end up holding your friends and sobbing your way through but this was after all, #amandafuckingpalmer



this photo that gaby took .... no words:

port_79_finger_daemon@amandapalmer signed my arm with this message (i said to her, that i want to experience calmness, serenity, to feel at peace, to know what it's like not to have the pain that anxiety brings to me every day) that her best friend Anthony would say to her; i did much mad dancing at @ponyhawke and some of it has faded @orionstarfallen i need this immortalised in ink when i see you later for the other tattoos.

j0ni_augustineOK so part of changing your name legally requires you to get it signed by a witness...... Look who I got as a witness!!!! Amanda Fucking Palmer!! Such an amazing night and such an amazing gig, if you haven't seen the show and have the opportunity please I urge you to go see it. Only a few people in the world as amazing and beautiful as Amanda and so happy I got to meet her and feel so privileged that she helped me to become me. 😘

Thank you Amanda, love you to bits you fantastic person you 😘😘 #amandapalmer #transartist #transgender #belfastartist #belfastart #portraitpainting #portraitart #portrait #dresdendolls @dresdendolls @amandapalmer




here's the portrait that joni made, that i've been using as my new avatar on socials:

it's so good that i'm considering making a tour print. want?

the patrons of belfast!!!

simone took this photo of the bus as we pulled away....BYE....

and some post-show bus snaps:

i love you all

off to play glasgow....





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2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

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4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Want tour print please...the portrait is beautious.


I would absolutely buy a print of that painting. It's so amazing!


Beautiful. Moving. And yes to the Joni portrait as a print!




The lives you touch.... just simply beautiful! I'm so happy for this unprecedented turnaround on abortion rights in northern Ireland. But it's quite a different story back here in the US, land of the free... everything changes, indeed

Eva Ozean

Yes for the tourprint! Would also buy a shirt with it. I am absolutely in love with the portrait.

Laura Wellner

Oy, I finally listened to the podcast, I've been home down with a yucky head n' chest cold with one of those awful coughs that rattle the ribs, so I quietly laid down, warm n' snuggly, kitties surrounding me, and listened. Voicemail for Jill always makes me cry, so more nose blowing, but there is such a relief in that song, seriously...worth the tears. Love n' hugs!