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{patron-only post).

hallo loves

greetings from backstage in dunfermline's carnegie hall. it's a tiny cosy venue - just 400 seats and it's NICE AND WARM and there is an all-female crew, so even though i have a cold, i am not too sad. 

i'm hitting the ground limping on this leg of tour. i stayed behind in london so i could do halloween with the family, but i've been sick, and neil is going through a tough time as well, and everything is getting dark and depressing cold and feels like an unhappy uphill battle. i always promise myself that i'm not doing to tour the UK in the fall or winter EVER EVER AGAIN every time i fucking do it. and i'm doing it. why am i doing it. remind me later.

to brighten the mood, i decided to make a little voiceramble from my berth right after waking up in the overnight choo choo i took from london to edinburgh.

it's embedded here in this post (just press play) but you can also listen or download on soundcloud:


if you're new to the patreon (welcome! i love you!)....you can listen to bunch of old voicerambles i did by checking the #voiceramble or #patreon hashtags on soundcloud. mostly i was doing them in the summer because i had space and audio freedom. now that i'm sharing a one-bedroom house in the city with neil, there hasn't been anywhere to go. then i join a tour bus which also has little audio freedom. 

i might start just sneaking to the bathroom.

i also i tweeted for people to send me pictures of new york. it was weird, but it worked. looking at pictures of chinatown and the sewers cheered me up. someone sent a picture of a bagel. 🥯 

i was truly touched. i mean it.


there's a fantastic review from my show in wales here:





this morning in edinburgh, i did a sweet benefit for the quaich project in edinburgh today and despite the slaughtering rain, people showed up and we played and sang...and i got to meet and play with two upcoming musicians from edinburgh,  alannah moar (left of me) and ada grace (right). they both played acoustic guitar and blew me away with their raw talent....


i'm about to wrap the UK tour. manchester is almost sold out, whoo hoo!! the guest list is FULL.

GLASGOW is tomorrow (sat) and YORK is MONDAY...and we have a little bit of guestlist (about 8-10 spots in each town !!!). 

if you're skint, comment below and we will hook you up with tickets. 

as usual : get your FULL NAME in by 4 pm THE DAY OF THE SHOW and let us know HOW MANY TICKETS. we will confirm under your comment by four the day of the show, or before. 


NEWCASTLE - at the TYNE THEATRE - is this THURSDAY!!!! there's a slim but unlikely chance for guestlist so stay tuned, but if you've waited on tickets, i wouldn't count on it. 

ALSO, we lose the bus on the day of the show in newcastle.....we are SEEKING LODGING for the TEAM, and once again, we are looking to save resources and dough on the road!

we have been hosted by some stupendous patrons so far, thank you to everyone who's given us crash space. it's SO MUCH BETTER THAN BOOKING HOTELS FOR SO MANY REASONS, MOSTLY CATS.

we'll be arriving in the morning (thursday, nov 7th) and leaving the next day via train as we lose the bus and our amazing driver dirk after the show in york.

me, michael, gabrielle, alex & connor, and maybe one or two more are also looking for LODGNING!!! and relief from the no-intermission tight-budget-touring life of hotels. 

anyone who can offer us a place to sleep and take a shower would be helping us enormously. place needs to be relatively near the venue, have bedding, and WIFI (a huge plus - we are all working!!!!!):

let us know  if you have crash space near the venue!!!

email michael directly at michael@amandapalmer.net

use subject:  LODGING: NEWCASTLE


-the address

-how many beds/sleeping spots you got!

-whether there's wifi (eek)

-and the basic housing situation (family, housemates, air bnb, etc)

CATS AND KIDS ARE OK!!! WE LOVE THEM! but we do need to sleep, we are working our assesoff, so don't count on a whiskey & guitar & yarn party til 4 am. counton really tired people blearily falling asleep fast.


that's it for now loves

off to do a fuckin show





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




I may be a few days late to the party, but I loved this. ❤️


Yes, I love the voice rambles. I love that name for them, too.


Voice rambles are so lovely and feel so immediate and intimate - thank you for sharing <3


Always late to a ramble. Damn my corporate job and life... argh.. but i love hearing from you. hope you're well again! Xoxo


I love this as I've loved your other rambles that I've heard. Your voice in my ears and head is the voice of a friend. And we love you, Amanda...speaking just for myself, Amanda, amabilis et verō amanda es, at amo te.


I love the voice rambles!!!


Try garlic capsules and black pepper soup for that sniff love, you did on the bbc today but hell that stretch you did on imposter syndrome that’s my life, I was published really early in life and that was kinda bad for me by early I mean eight or ten in the local press I was for years loads of stupid but crazy shit, no one ever knew. Not even my brother. You just finished your ramble how about the oppression of difference in most societies mold is a trigger for psychiatric conditions and we all have rain what does this mean for mental health hell it ain’t raising damp but what if it is? Chow for now, beer for tomorrow!


I know I’m late but I wanted to tell you I really enjoy those voice rambles (whenever I get the time to actually listen to them!). They feel really raw and intimate.


I enjoy there rambles! I have more time to listen than to read so it’s efficient for me as well.


I'm late commenting on this, but I loved this voice ramble. Even with a cold, you are a welcome, warm, wonderful voice in my ears. Thank you for sharing with us!