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i just had to post this picture because i have been in a relationship with neil gaiman for 10 years and this is literally the first time i have ever heard him utter the words 

“can we take a selfie“

i have two gigs in scotland tomorrow (edinburgh by day and dunfermline at night) but damned if i was going to miss trick or treating now that i have a four year old to enjoy it with. 

but oh my god you guys - london has not yet adjusted to the pace of halloween. we went down the street to the so-called “american“ neighborhood, which is near the american school, and there are fancy houses. there were literally lines of 30 children waiting to get candy at the front door. it was like macy‘s on black friday. it was like the merch table at a justin bieber show. it was like nothing i had ever seen. the children were hungry for blood and candy. ash took it all in stride. he was a little boy riding a dinosaur. 

i realized i basically dress like a witch every day so all i needed was a hat. i restrained myself from wasting my “everybody knows i had an abortion” t-shirt (true 2019 witch fashion!!) 

it was fun. 

justine was a sad clown. 

and neil just fell asleep in his make-up. 

he woke up for long enough to mumble “..take a picture of me asleep.”

this man is - strangely - really into this look. it reminds me of me when i get into full drag-cabaret hair and lipstick. i’m like “take a picture! take a selfie! take a picture of it falling apart! take a picture of it coming up!! IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL”

this is how neil gaiman feels about his halloween festering bullet-hole sores. 

what it means i cannot tell you 

happy halloween my loves 




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Anna McCotter

I fucking agree with all of these comments. You spread Halloween joy than Santa on Christmas. Thanxx




Some more good press for you :)


I absolutely love this post.

Andrew Miller

I'm so sad I never got to see the Neil and Amanda tour, one day perhaps a repeat


Happy Halloween! I’d so love to make tea for you Neil and Ash at The Gatehouse when you come to Australia. ✨🎃✨💜🖤💜


Best Keanu Reeves and Sharon Stone costumes, EVAR!


Dear Amanda, I was one of the people who joined Patreon after the night in Braga. And what a night! I knew I was in for something magical since it was you, but I just couldn’t imagine the extent of it… I guess nobody could. I was sad to learn what you’re going through, the world is a strange place these days, the internet making it all darker and divisive. I am glad you did not cancel the show in Braga, even though I don’t know what kind of out-of-this-world strength was needed to put it together. That’s the thing to do, as you said, but as always easier said than done, and you did it quite perfectly, you created something out of the darkness, and I am still repeating it in my head: not even now. Not yet. Not even now. Acknowledge what there is to be acknowledge, but do not feed the trolls. I have been struggling to find a way to address these hard subjects, the ones which cause such a backlash and words of hate, that the internet is quick at spreading and feeding. I felt such an overwhelming feeling of love, of care, of kindness, of intimacy, of connection that night. That’s the kind of world we ought to fight for. What you do matters. Today more than ever. Stories, music, art in general, have a healing power, they remember us of our shared humanity. Days before your concert, one of our best musicians in Portugal died. José Mário Branco was one of the main voices against the dictatorship, and produced the song by Zeca Afonso “Grândola, Vila Morena”, which is kind of our version of “people have the power”, the song was used as a key word for the revolution to start. (25/05/1974) We still sing it at demonstrations, and in 2013 people in Spain sang it during the occupation at Puerta del Sol… He continued on singing and composing, always calling out those in power, always standing up for what he believed in. The day of his funeral the media spent more time showing speeches of the first far-right deputy elected in Portugal since the revolution than to sharing his story. And this was a man arrested because he fought against fascism, who fled the country because he refused to fight in a war overseas he did not believe in… So, strange times they are. But what I really wanted to say with this story, sorry this is much longer than I anticipated, is music has not only the power to bring people together, it defies power, the establishment, but that’s only possible when you dive into the darkness and tell the stories which are so very hard to tell. And for that I will always admire you. So, keep doing you, little big wizard of light. <3 And, hey, we’re bigger than our worst days, we’re bigger than our worst faults and this too shall pass. (And a big hug and hello to the Patreon community. It’s nice to be here.)