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{patron only}

good morning comrades.

i won't lie. the show in cork last night was hard. there was some (drunken?, but still) shock in the audience when i discussed abortion so openly. it was...well, it was hard. 

i am out of my comfort zone, and my comfort zone is wide.

on top of that, i didn't do my usual show prep, because i was zooming around trying to draw attention to the abortion rights campaign tables that weren't allowed to set up in the lobby of the venue. 


i just published a huge article on medium about getting an invitation from the late late show (ireland's biggest chat show) and then getting uninivted when i pushed back about their refusal to let me play "voicemail for jill".

if you saw my twitter feed, you may have known this was happening, and i spoke about this at the cork show last night.

it's a hard one. the late late show will probably tell the world that their schedule just shifted. maybe that's true. but maybe it's bullshit. i'll never know.

off the internet record please, because i don't want to burn further bridges: i was going to post this article on medium yesterday, but then the irish times offered to publish it. 

then they got cold feet and changed their minds. 

i am surrounded by cold feet here in ireland.  

so please.....please....go read it, and share it. 

PLEASE share it. share it a lot.

this link will work for anyone, even if you've used up for complimentary articles:


if you don't have a medium account, please start one. medium is GREAT and i'm going to be using it a lot in the next year to publish material..especially this upcoming long-read opress about the tour that jack & gaby are working on. please follow my account...and also: clap for the article down at the bottom. the more engagement the article gets, the more it shoves itself up the algorithmic pyramid. 

i have been working on this article for about five or six days, in the cracks. i considered thinging it (i've thing'ed essays and projects that i've sepnt less time on) but it just felt ... like that wasn't the right thing to do. 

neil stayed up way past his bedtime the other night helpng me edit it, word things delicately, get the tone right. i love him. gabrielle, max melton and jack nicholls all gave me feedback, and hayley helped me with the links and final layout. 

i am so grateful to all of you.

see you in dublin tonight.

i will be ready.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Newbie here. Just wanted to say thank you and one day I hope to thank you in person for helping me put words to the things it felt like there were no words for ❤️


Thank you for being a voice where it is needed. I know that can be a hard and cold experience. My friend, Paul, saw you in Cork last night . He has a grand picture of you sharing a hug. Know that you are valued and loved for what you do.. I love that you hold certain truths tightly and proclaim them from the rooftops. I look forward to seeing you in December at the Union Chapel...and you are welcome to as many hugs of support as you need in person...till then know that you are heard and held in thought.


Wonderful article, Amanda - I think Ani (who's now on Patreon, in no small part because of you!) had the same experience with I think it was Subdivision on national (American) TV as well. You are certainly not alone. Hopefully this article will make some shifts in the direction of better. Love ya, have fun with the rest of the Europe tour! I'm wishing I could have seen all the iterations of the show, but I'll have to feel satisfied with that night in Vancouver.

Len Tower Jr.

Commented on Medium. Great piece of writing.


Great article Amanda. I'm a Dublin woman abroad, and I'm so feckin' sad that this beautiful, tender song that offers healing and acknowledgement in a way so many Irish women need it won't be played on national TV. It would have been a really significant and beautiful thing. Thank you for offering it, for persevering and for speaking out when you got censored. I've shared it everywhere and hope my home city gives you the best and most wonderful show of welcome and gratitude x


Such a shame! There are so many women who need to hear that song. Amazing article 💖


I'm an American artist living in Ireland, and it truly is a difficult place in this regard. The Church has had a murderous stranglehold on the psyches and bodies of the people--especially the women--for so long. This has been changing rapidly however--even in just the time that I've been here. I hope that the rest of your tour is amazing and that this incident brings even more attention to your Work!


I highly recommend listening to the first episode of the podcast, Dolly Parton's America. I particularly love (aka can't believe) the irony re: murder ballads.


Great article. I wrote one myself and shared yours, both on twitter and on my blog. Our feet are not cold. They're flaming hot. Keep going, we're with you. You'll never be alone in this.


Great Article, I shared it on my personal facebook and on a group that I thought would appreciate it. Unfortunately RTE haven't yet caught up with Irish society, and is still playing it safe and pandering to the conservative, older, hinterland, though I hate to generalise. It is also unfortunate and depressing that the Late Late is really the only show in town (in the country).


Great article. Full. On! 👊💜🖤💜