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hallo everyone. 

cork day.

it’s been a rough and tumble couple of days over here with a-plenty going on. 

greetings from backstage at the cork opera house....we are just setting up the show here. it's a gorgeous venue. i have some GOOD news embedded in bad news about the cork show tonight.

first of all, there is still a little time for patrons to grab a space on the guest list (please get me your name by 4 pm!: that locked post is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/30936174)

ok. you may have seen that on this whole tour, we have been partnering with non-profit organizations in almost every city to get the local word out about local issues. in north america we partnered with a lot of abortion rights orgs, and we planned to do the same thing here in ireland. 

Volunteers from the group abortionrights.ie were all set up to come to the venue and put tables in the lobby of the cork opera house tonight.

then we found out that this was not going to be allowed, because of reasons having to do with the way the venue is funded. 

i was, obviously, not about to un-invite all these people. 

SO. solution.

when you come to the venue tonight, abortionrights.ie (and possibly others) are going to be set up literally EVERYWHERE. BUT. the. lobby. they'll be outside the venue. in the auditorium itself. on the stage. i will shine a nice disco ball on them. 

apparently it is all allowable as long as the public space belonging to the venue is kept clear of “politics”. oh my lord. 

there is, however, absolutely no rule stating that YOU are not allowed to talk to each other and tell one another your personal stories. no rule.

in fact, i may just make it even easier than usual for you to do this.

and i may just have cordoned off some tables all over the lobby, and i may just be breezing through with a bottle of wine, pairing people together, and i may just being doing this for a large swath of time before the show starts.

well, hello! look at this lovely lobby in CORK!! what a nice view.


there is ALSO NO RULE stating that people can’t come into the lobby for free up until the time the shows starts: its a FREE AND OPEN PUBLIC SPACE. 

so i may…do some of the show in the lobby, for anyone who comes between about 7pm and 8:30. 

just…come ready for anything, ok? bring a guitar, even. if you want to play, i’ll find you a little table. 

music for everybody, cork.

please get to the venue by around 7 pm latest if possible, and if the doors aren’t opened yet, i’ll be outside and waiting for you. we will….do something. 

merchandise will be open throughout the night and, most important, at the end of the show. 

see you all soon. 

(ALSO, patron shintaido is OPEN/pay-what-you-want today and happening right near the venue from 4:30-5:30. info is here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/30936174)



p.s. how about this shot from yesterday’s video shoot? this is my mood today. i am not fucking around.




Rock on, rebel ❤


Hi, I have two spare tickets id love to offload for face value if anybody needs them. I over ordered. The venue cant take them back and im not sure when to post this to get the right people who need them.


Knocked me out,beautiful.


That's a show with being at. Wish I was there


REVOLUTION! Sneaky is good :)


Cork is the place to be, damn I'm in Cambridge. Roll on York!!!


Gonna be there with bells on!

Len Tower Jr.

For other places to sell yourtickets, click the second link in my bio, which you get to by clicking my name just above [ same as my bio: https://www.patreon.com/user/creators?u=627145 ]


Thank you SO MUCH for setting the bar for performers! I hope other artists follow your lead and create this kind of relationship with their audiences. You are showing how artists and their fans can bypass old,worn-out structures of success and collaborate something new, vibrant and meaningful! I am in awe of each post I receive from you, and I see how one person's passion can have such a huge impact. You are truly the Goddess returned!! Rock on!!


Yes we will be there! I will being a few singing teacher friends and we can provide any harmony lines ye want!!! I will be the girl in the disco ball jacket! :) excited!


It sounds like it’s going to be incredible! I hope someone takes video!


❤️ ❤️


Even started crying reading the post. Feeling the vibes. Wishing you all a great gathering. Hugs from Marijke from the Netherlands (been to Bexhill)