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hallo loves! i happen to have an hour free in this cambridge coffee shop (thanks to twitter, i wound up at Hot Number. where the coffee is pretty goddamn good) and since it's sunday and some of us are at our leisure for the first time in EVER...

(i mean, i do have about 1,200 emails to catch up on, but this is WAY MORE FUN and mom needs to have her fun every once in a while...)

inspired by the fact that we are picking up a lot of new patrons, and also heading towards 16k people, i decided to do a very quick spontaneous Q&A. 

i'll be live HERE on this thread reading comments and answering questions until about 3 pm, taking any questions you got about the patreon....and if you wanna head over to the twitter thread i'm running, even better:

here's the link:


 it's good for people on twitter to learn about the patreon and how it works. a lot of people are still pretty confused by the whole thing. HELP TEACH THEM!!

please keep your questions pertinent to the patreon: WHEN ARE YOU COMING TO BRAZIL/KENTUCKY/UGANDA is for another thread.

ok GO!!!






I became Patreon last night and it's already inspired me greatly. The possibilities of supporting other artists, what does it mean for my own art etc... Very excited to be here and support you in a small way every month (saying that I did spent most of my overdraft on your merch last night 🤣) x


We are sitting in the park with a coffee and cake. Hope to see you guys soon.


Supporting you on Patreon since 2016, fan for much longer. I used to follow you on Twitter but eventually found Twitter in general to be way too time consuming (or maybe addicting?) - constantly refreshing looking for new posts - and a little too negative (with notable exceptions such as yourself). I'll admit I don't always take the time to read your entire Patreon posts, but I am so, so grateful that you exist in the world, that you share with us what you do, and that you stay so brave and vulnerable despite all that goes on in the world and all you've been through. Your work (music and written pieces) moves me and brings me to tears (for all the reasons) more often than anything else in the world. Supporting you through Patreon, joining with other to give you a steady, predictable source of income to give you some assurance that you can make a living as an artist, feels like a gift to myself. Thank you Amanda.


I joined patreon at the Crystal Ballroom show in Portland about a year and a half ago. I totally feel I get my money's worth from your patreon. I don't always get a chance to read every post (busy mommy and full time career) but when I do get time, all the posts and extras are awesome! I also love that on occasion I have gotten to interact with you personally. That connection is priceless 😍. I love that I can bring up a point, topic, discussion and have a chance to be heard. It's just priceless. So to me, Patreon and supporting AFP is about both the great goods I get to support being created, but also the connection to the artist and that chance to interact. I also love my hardcover book and totally found my name in the credits!!!!!! Yup! I'm a happy sloth! (Off topic, my baby literally picked a sloth toy from a store on her own volition and it's totally one of her favorite toys!)


Hiya Amanda I’m a newbie Patreon and don’t do twitter .... would love to invite you to my house for some


sound healing when you are in Glasgow ..... sending you love light and gratitude 🙏 mo xx


Good morning y'all. Amanda, when I have time to read your posts, i almost always feel grateful, supportive And supported, or evoked in a good creative way. My only concern as the Patreon keeps growing is whether it will keep feeling like a village or start feeling like a metropolis. I get that the more people, the more fuel for creation, so it's just a paradox I'm contemplating. Hugs from sonoma county..

Len Tower Jr.

I almost exclusively ONLY read Amanda's twitter & @afpwire, which TeamAFP posts to.

Len Tower Jr.

Amanda also sponsors a reddit & a Facebook page, You might email your offer of sound healing in Glasglow to patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


I am inspired by you and have been circling around patreon for my own endeavors (haven't jumped in yet) as a teacher, artist and musician. I love your work and the creative leaps you make and getting to see it all on Patreon is so exciting! I enjoy your posts immensely and get to them when I have the time. I also really like the way you use instagram to link all of your happenings and new stuff up on patreon.


Probably too late. But are you familiar with sahguru? I am doing some research for some music writing and stumbled across his talks while looking for things about the self. He talks alot about finding the you beyond body emotion and mind. And a bliss in the void. It’s interesting stuff

Andrew Miller

I like patreon, although its always a measure of value and affordability, no matter how much I want to support art for arts sake I also have a family to feed so for example haven't signed up to one writer i really like as the practical level of $7 a month feels too much for me. Also note that Gary Numan is getting a lot of flack from uneducated fans for going onto patreon, they really dont get it.


I love you and want as much Amanda as possible, which is why I joined Patreon. And after I saw you on Tour in Kansas City I became a $3 a thing person because I thought you were so brave. I’m thinking about supporting a few more artists on Patreon. People I admire on Instagram. So, it’s like I’m considering investing more on Patreon. It feels like Super Special Treat Your Self Social Media. And man, I deserve it.


I am very happy to be send you money each month. You are like an AwesomePAC. Continuing to support you is an easy decision; I love you, I trust your judgement and am far more proud of you than I deserve for 5.00 a month. I know that the artists you work with and the staff required to make this stuff deserve to be paid so they can survive in a this world of money, and make art. You don't even know it, or maybe you do, but you have been there for me when I didn't know I needed you. :)

Anna McCotter

I love him. He is on point. He talked about how one time they wanted to do a brain scan on him while he meditated and he agreed. In the end the scan freaked the hell out of the Drs cause it showed that he was either dead or brain dead because of no activity. :) He reminds me of Amanda a lot. Which is needed 🎡 Thank you for mentioning him