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{strictly patron only}

hey loves

greetings from the tour bus in luxembourg, where the internet is superior to the internet inside at the music conservatory where i'm playing tonight (bonus, there's an ORGAN. i think i'm gonna play the organ).

i just came from the climate march and spoke/sang to 5,000 marchers. IT IS ON. i'll upload photos and videos soon. it's hard to get everything done out here, we are running faster than the speed of life. here's a quick one:

 photo credit luxemburger wort


OKAY - and now for an OFFICIAL THING.

i’ve got a treat for you, but this one is also complicated for me, so hear me out, and help me out.

as you may have gathered (and as some of you must know first-hand, because you’ve attended multiple THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION shows on this tour),

this show has not had a, er, linear life-span.

i’ve been working on writing it WHILE i perform it, no two nights have been the same, and i’ve added connections and stories as i roll along.

the shows i just played in germany contained totally different stories than the american show. tonight in prague will be its own unique thing.

almost no two nights have had exactly the same set list.

i *thought* that by the time i reached los angeles, towards the end of the north american tour, that the show would be LOCKED, done, written, finito,

and then i’d just be polishing and polishing as i continued along.

i was really wrong.

i don’t feel like the show was really “finished” until i got to SEATTLE, which was quite a few shows later…and i really kicked myself for not filming that show (or one of the portland shows) instead.

but so much of this life is guesswork.

so if you’ve seen the show since then, you may notice how much things have changed, grown and connected.

for instance: i didn’t decide to add the story about “the corruptor” until after the LA show. it’s now a critical part of the show.

the entire scaffolding of the show is there…but it’s all become so much clearer. 

that being said: a lot of people loved this show when it happened. it was….a great show. a triumph, even. i just didn’t know how much it would grow.

and…..i will be honest with you: the perfection part of me is really frustrated with putting this out. it feels like this isn’t the version of the show that i want you to see, because it’s gotten SO MUCH BETTER SINCE THEN. so, so much better. this feels like a beautiful pencil sketch where the show now feels like a 3D oil painting.

but i know, i know, i know….process, process. PROCESS IS THE ART.

and we spent a FUCK ton of money filming this show. what’s the alternative, just not put it out?

and you’re my patrons. i want you in the weeds with me. this was the whole point of the patreon. so fuck it. here we go, putting it out.

but maybe, if you’re like….ah….i have no time, and i only want to see this show once…..then don’t watch it, wait.

i’m working on filming at least one of the upcoming shows….maybe LONDON, possibly one of the upcoming australian shows (sydney? maybe melbourne? {the australian tour announcement is coming soon, hang tight})….

and by then things will be off the hook.

i know i don’t want to film the show more than three or four times…it starts to feel like wankage.

but given that the show keeps changing and it’s like lightning in a bottle….all i can say is: THANK YOU, because without this patreon, it wouldn’t be financially feasible to film it AT ALL without losing money, there’s just no way to “monetize” the filming of a show like this. not the way things work nowadays with media and internet.

i’d also love to hear your thoughts about this….please comment.

i'm also in the THICK of trying to decide whether to film dublin, belfast, and/or london.

i think london is a no-brainer. and maybe we will also stream. but belfast? dublin?

how many times can we record/stream this show before it's stupid?

i just don't know. there are no rules here, it's patreon.

tell me.

literally. tell me. i'm reading. i need to figure out what to do, because the film crews need to be HIRED, and soon.

as you know: i listen, and it's your money. for stuff like this, i like input.


meanwhile…..please enjoy:



MAY 11, 2019

WATCH HERE (this is a private link for patrons only, please....do not share):


Directed by Jesse DeFlorio

Production Designer, Lighting Designer:
Lauren Sego

Tour Manager, Live Mixer, Recording Engineer:
Chez Stock

Personal Assistant to Amanda Palmer:
Michael McComiskey

Patreon Manager:
Hayley Rosenblum

Whitney Moses

Merch Manager:
Heidi Kunkel

Manager, Amanda Palmer:
Jordan Verzar

Costume Designer:
Andrea Lauer

Mixed by Justin Phelps at The Hallowed Halls Portland, OR

Lighting Tour Support Provided by littlelightningstrikes.com

Director of Photography:
Seth Iliff

Jesse DeFlorio

Camera Operators:
Joe Beckley
Seth Iliff
Christine Kelly
Mike Liska
Alex van Putten
Dolly Grip
Patrick Monroe

Production Assistant:
Emilia Paré


thank you alex, for putting together time codes for each song:

00:02:33 - 00:09:20 Judy Blume

00:17:13 - 00:20:05 Runs In The Family

00:32:13 - 00:38:40 The Thing About Things

01:04:02 - 01:12:15 Bigger On The Inside

01:18:43 - 01:19:15 Oasis (first verse)

01:23:03 - 01:25:35 Oasis (re-started)

01:46:32 - 01:50:23 Part of Your World

02:10:18 - 02:16:35 Machete

02:31:38 - 02:42:03 A Mother's Confession

02:49:06 - 02:54:34 Coin-Operated Boy

03:05:46 - 03:10:11 The Killing Type

03:19:12 - 03:26:08 Drowning In The Sound

03:41:05 - 03:47:03 Voicemail For Jill

03:56:20 - 04:00:48 Let It Go

04:10:42 - 04:20:45 The Ride


extra credit!!!

the day of the LA show i rode in a great little antique car manned by whitney’s friend joseph who drove me in style to my patron-photo…

you can watch a little clip of this in the first 20 seconds of the main video link:

here are a bunch of photos from our day at the ace…it was an incredibly special venue - i hope to return there.

janky smooth photos below by jessica moncrief

photo by hayley rosenblum

our LA patron photo at grand hope park

photo by hayley 

special thanks to my whole team: chez, lauren, heidi, hayley, michael, jordan, alex, whitney, bill, and my team at fame house: nick, braxton and brittney.


one note: IF YOU WERE AT THE LA SHOW and are wondering what happened to the "father michael" confessional footage we filmed in the lobby - WE HAVE IT. it was a separate crew, and we are still figuring out what to do with it.

it's all up in the air, yo.



i want to hear ..... everything.

i’m also going to grab a couple clips  (maybe just songs, maybe songs + intros) from this to pop onto youtube for the public: what are you faves?

i need ideas.

tell me.



lots of love from the road




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




Would I love to see the show filmed more than once in LA? Certainly! Just watched what you did in LA - which is awesome and at the same time very different from the show you performed in Essen which I attended. Even though you talked about those dark times in life, Essen seemed much more playful and lighter. You put together a different playlist inspired by random guests you talked with in the foyer before the show started. It worked out just perfect! I loved how you walked through the theater with your Ukulele in the beginning. You also covered some german songs which came as a great and wonderful surprise. It was such a powerful show. Both performances in LA as well as in Essen were very emotional, very personal and absolutely brilliant. Both were very different though - from the atmosphere, from the setlist... I can imagine that the show will be develop and get something like an own life - depending on how you feel that very day and what's going to happen around you. So - I would love to see more of those videos if there's any chance. And - I am happy to be on your patreon. We really Need to rethink Business - not only concerning the arts..


Yes! Excellent. I was waiting and hoping for this. Thank you for filming this and thank you for deciding to film more! I would support filming a Belfast show. I think the content of your performance would resonate there profoundly given the history of the troubles in the North. But London I imagine would also be an excellent sample. Having seen the show in Vancouver and Seattle I would love to see more filmed versions of it, to see how it has changed over time. I would also love to see a filming made public. There are so many people in my life who I want to share this performance with that couldn't or cant make it to a show. And this is art that needs to be seen. Thank you.


Thank you. I'm going to wait until I've seen your show live before I watch this one. I think making a best of video with various aspects of the tour, including performances, stories and external experiences, would be amazetoots, with a variety of filming styles, from fancy to fan clips! I think you should get more for the work and effort (perhaps a small charge or ask of donation), and to get there I'm travelling on an overnight (12hr 30) ferry, megabus and have to pay for accommodation too, not that this adds or detracts from the efforts made by you and the team.😉 Looking forward to both o it but quite skint just now, haha.


Film it again! I wasn't able to come see you and would really like to see the version you are most happy with.


Yes, yes, yes!! You didn’t do Norway, and I wasn’t able to travel to see this show, so I’m SO HAPPY I can see it filmed. And OF COURSE I’d love to see at least one more night if it, possibly more- I’ll watch them all if you film them and make them Things. So grateful! Big hug and lots of love, to all of you. All of us❤️


I bought 3 tickets for your tour. One for Paris, I came on my own. And I took 2 tickets to see the show again with my partner in Glasgow this time. I received the concert tickets, but we had to cancel the trip, travel tickets were too expensive. So In Glasgow on 2nd November, 2 places will be free, Row 0 seat 2 is mine. We kept our tickets because we'll be there on the concert. I mean, we'll stay in Paris but will spend this particular evening with you, with our tickets in one piece and watching for the first time the footage from Los Angeles on Youtube. I know it's not the same, but it will be enough to make us very happy this evening. Please, let it on Youtube until that day. Thank you.

Kathryn Drew

I Loved watching the LA show and agree with someone else who said film London or Belfast and also Australia (or New Zealand. I'm in New Zealand!) You keep mentioning how excited you are about how the show will be by then, so how about filming it then? There are many talented film folk in Wellington (though I'm holding out for a Christchurch show). My favourite songs on the LA video were The Ride, Drowning in the Sound, Bigger on the Inside and Coin Operated Boy. I also loved the quote from your stepfather followed by Runs in the Family. Brilliant!! I loved the story about your restorative justice experience. And the poem you wrote. And your stories about abortion. I loved all of it. I watched it in chunks over the course of a whole day where I didn't have my phone on and I needed some love and friendship. It was emotional in the yummiest of ways. I'm so excited to see it in real life and share that energy with you and a theatre full of people! And I want to say as far as film production feedback, is that the wobbliness of the footage that happened quite a bit was rather off-putting for me. There was also I think what seemed like some overspeed editting between different angled shots when you were playing songs, was sometimes hard on my eyes and distracting, I actually had to look away from the screen sometimes :-( I fucking love you! Thank you for the amazing work you do and the message and love that you share. I'm going to buy my 23 year old niece tickets to your Manchester show xxx I just last night went to see these two women do a duet feminist poetry show and I think you'll like them... Olivia Hall and Carried Rudzinski, https://youtu.be/yrU0aHEEPr0


I‘ve just discovered this “thing” because I read the “State of all things” letter. How could I miss this!? :)

Jerry Peckery

Does anyone know the story behind the venue statue with all the cats afoot?

Travis Jurgenson

I also just found out this was a thing, because I just found out about the "my membership" section. This does not seem to be a thing on the Patreon app. If it is, I have never seen it. Shows how often I log onto my computer I guess... :) Bless you for this thing! I got a DIGIPAC version of the CD for TWBNI, and I fell in love with the album my first listen (though, really, I had no doubt). Unfortunately I was a bit late to the party, and you had already made a stop through my neck of the woods before I knew this was happening. Then I heard the show was on the generous side of 4 hours. I barely survived sitting through Avengers: Infinity War without a bathroom break. So, blessing in disguise? Thus, without a Bluray release of the concert, I feared I would never get to experience this. I love you, Amanda. I can't believe it has been 17 years since I first saw Girl Anachronism on Mtv and fell in love with you and Brian and the Dark Cabaret. fuck. now I'm getting all nostalgic. Anyway... again, THANK YOU for recording this, and making this available here. I am going to make a weekend of this. Given the continuing situation, and that I am still single (and there does not seem to be a way that fact will change soon), sheltering in place, continuing my overnight work in isolation... I am going to dress in my best Goth, make burritos and mixed fruit, open a bottle of wine, and finally sit down and watch this performance. At home. Alone.