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hola comrades

AHHHH thank you prague - that was magnificent 

i talked about it tonight and posted to the socials ... the dresden dolls first record came out officially 16 years ago today. EEK. 

you can listen to it here on bandcamp. 


our first record: songs about freedom, pain, numbers, rebirth, inescapable ex-boyfriend jeeps, back pain, sexual perversion, insecurity, 9/11, split insides and how we can get through it all together. i love this band and i love brian viglione and it looks like there may be another dresden dolls project in store. just you wait. we are unstoppable.

if you have memories or feels about this record - please share them. i’m all ears. i have plenty of love to say about it but i’m too busy about to fall asleep on a bus barreling towards luxembourg.

 the prague show was spectacular....intimate ...much quieter and more subtle than the other recent nights in massive cavernous halls: this was a theater of 850 and you could hear a pin drop, it was so still. 

please leave comments - i’m reading g. if you’re a new patron - WELCOME !!! it’s nice here. 

quick before i fall asleep — 

here are some pictures from the shintaido gathering we did with david franklin today in prague (ramen by emilie tondeur). 

it felt apt to be with david today a he’s a good friend, an old friend, a dolls friend. he was there helping create our first two videos (coin-operated boy and girl anachronism ) and our friendship is part of the DNA of the band. he’s been living in czech for ages now....its always wonderful to see him 

and we DID THIS 

and here is the patron after-show photo:

collapsing now. 

see you tomorrow in / from luxembourg. 




1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




And totally unrelated side note: LOVE LOVE LOVED your boots!!!


Hi community ;) I'm new here, but Amanda is really not new for me! I know her for 14 years! For the first time I saw her on the first gig in Prague with The Dresden Dolls! It was in Feb 2005 and I was still on elementary school. Young small nerdy noone. And dad's friend had free tickets on the show and she gave it to me and I ofcourse didn't know tDD at all that time, but I never was on concert before so why not to go. So took look on their website and there was the Girl Anachronisn and listened the song and my the first feeling? "What the fuck, that is pure chaos, it is so damaged..." and then I listened it for the second time...and I start to hear that there is rhymes and something damaged was changed to something beautiful! So I really looked forward on the show. And thanks to the her yesterday's show I now cleary remember some of the ridiculous details, like it was happened 14 days ago, not 14 years! I was standing in the first row, Amanda playing on keyboards in front of me and I absolutely fall in love! Like she was playing and keyboards fell from platform during her playing and roadie wanted to put it back but Amanda did not want to stop playing and she continue playing with the leaning keyboard! It was beautiful, essence of determination and love to the art! We are playing with what we have, not what we want. It was amazing and it is really written to my life! My first concert and I met her really by chance! It was really destiny! 14 years...almost half of my life. And I never cheat on her! During that years I prefer in one time metal, then indie, then grind/gore, then dark electro, then who know what...but in the every that strange phase I loved to listen to her and The Dressden Dolls! It will be forever my the first love! So...this is my memories on the firat encounter with the first album of The Dresden Dolls. I must say that I would say that I feel that my life is really sad, nothing bad happen to me(probably...), but I feel emptiness in myself...few hollows there...but every song, every listened song and every memory on sawed show...it is just slowly patching the holes. Yeah, it is not repairing it, but those patchs is good enough. And small words to yesterday. It was beautiful, it was clear and the one of the most beautiful thing for me? I was there alone and after the show I really need hug, really need one big hug(or I will explode)...I got it! I got it from the Amanda Fucking Palmer and damn, that was the most beautiful dot in the end of any story on the world! Maybe I will sound like looser(or maybe I sound like that already), but that was really the nicest hug in my life. And I can say only one last thing: Thank you Amanda and I love you!


Yesterday's show was amazing. I'm still processing, and working on putting into words how it made me feel, but for now I'll just say this: thank you.


hooked since college and forever on (helped me GET THROUGH college)...you played at my school in 2006 i think (american uni) but i was too sick to get out of bed and cried. also a year later you apparently gave my roomate in boston a ride home from yoga and said "yeah she had really cool drawn on eyebrows and said shes in a band" and i died again. <33333


“Missed Me.” This song was my first lesson in emotional honesty. (In my head, I phrased it like Hm, sounds like what lives in a lullaby). All the cabaret elements of the piano, vocals and lyrics hit hard, like HEY, THIS IS DOING THAT THING in the way a song tells a story pitted in the viscera; AKA Fuck yeah!) I heard it. I connected. And I return to this song because it always teaches me about being vulnerable and gutsy, or just a real beautiful mess (and embracing that). First discovered Dresden Dolls when I was in my early twenties and well on my way towards a new life direction, so I deeply appreciated how the music spoke me. Fun. Consoling. Or both! Plus, I hadn’t heard anything like it before, and I just fell in love. “Missed Me” is raw and resonant. It opens my eyes and heart. For that I am grateful. I love the dark matter quality evoked by voice-- Pangs, nebulae... tomato, tomahto. Unique, intimate, and artful every single listen. Also, I’m very new and happy to be here: Hi! It’s been lovely to join. Can't wait to attend a show! Thank you so much! Excited <3


I discovered the dresden dolls in a dark spot in life. Probably the most emotionally unstable time for me. I had been separated from my husband for 6 years and he decided he wanted to marry his new girlfriend so we needed to go through with the divorce. Which slowly turned into a bitter awful custody battle and the most hurtful experience. So I was given a burned copy of the first album and told to listen to Good Day. So I did. And I will tell you it gave me a piece of myself back that had been stolen from me. I felt like she, they, it....had left me a damaged thing full of holes where my soul, my heart, my family used to be. It was awful but I started to gain back a bit of hope . I can scream "its such a good day!" at them and take a different approach to how i perceive these things. So thank you.


I remember my older sister (the font of all cool culture for 13yo me) showing me the video for Coin Operated Boy and saying "here, I think you might like this", and the rest is history/a present day/ongoing connection to one of my favourite bands, and one of my favourite artists. Thanks to my cool big sister.


a boston boy, I grokked your music first on the local radio circuit (mostly fnx) then through hard to find cds and books at newbury comix.


Nice work


Thank you so much for the Prague show, it's been a month and my soul still doesn't feel like it's processed all of the feelings. I know you're caught in the insane tour that you are doing atm, buuuuuuuuut. Do you think there's a way of getting the other patron photo from after the gig? Me and my friend came in late and there was another one taken... Thanks! And I send you all the strength, mental and physical, to give the rest of the tour as strong experience as you've given us in Prague ♥