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{patron- only post) 

1:30 am - greetings from one very collapsed amanda who just did a full fucking day of climate march and speech to 5,000 luxembourgers and then thinged a post and then delivered a full 3 hour show - and it was a good one. i’ve barely had time to eat. all he while: life is happening. impeachment. holy fuck. i mentioned this to the crowd in luxembourg and everybody went wild. ill post video tomorrow if i can. 

there was a FULL PIPE ORGAN AT THE VENUE  & I PLAYED IT BADLY. i won’t say what. 

many organ puns were made. 


I sleep, 

first - 

the luxembourg patron photo (emilie tondeur):

IF YOU were at the show - please leave a comment. especially new patrons - hello, hello, and WELCOME xxx

here’s my mug on the front of the main luxemburger papers arts section - wheeee

loose translation 


you can say that a fucking gain



show tomorrow and REMINDER ITs FUCK OFF EARLY:

6pm doors 

7pm show !!!! 

i will start at 7:03 HARD SO I DONT HAVE TO CUT ANY SHIT!!! get there on time !! get your fucking wines at 4:30pm, get to the venue by 6, get your merch and GRAB A SEAT BY 6:50 please !!!!!

we have just a few space on the list- 

if you are absolutely broke and can’t afford a ticket (there are still a handful that got released) state your case and ill try to squeeze you in. we probably have about 5-10 spaces tops. i’ll check in tomorrow and respond by around 3/4 latest. meanwhile spread the word that she show is nearly sold out with only about 100 tickets left in the back. 

i am praying it sells out at the door...it would be great to wrap this tour with a sold-out triumph. 







1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




The concert was awesome! Thank you so much. What can I say? I bought your new album last night, put in the CD-player of my car on my way to work this morning and cried through the whole drive while listening to your songs. And then arrived with redrimmed eyes and told my collegues what a great experience it was. That got me some weird looks for sure.

Morgan Shaw

The show in Luxembourg was a delight and the pic turned out lovely 🖤 I'm also very glad I managed to convince my mum to come along and saw a lot of friends from the local nerd community too. I showed my mum the Between the Sheets interview with Brian and apart from commenting on the use of 'fuck' she really enjoyed it. And she should really be used to swearing because of my good British education 😂. All the best wishes for the rest of the tour. Looking forward to repeat this experience again.


PDX, finished working on a painting: Amanda is a badass. Thanks for being you. 💖 Nicholas


<3 <3 <3


Just in case you didn't see this nice post in Rolling Stone France 4 days ago https://www.rollingstone.fr/amanda-palmer-bataclan/. Could not attend your concert in Paris (too far, too busy with 3-year old boy), but I'm sure it was brillant! <3

Ray Cornwall

FYI- I had to drop my pledge a few bucks a month, but I didn't want you to think it was a reaction to anything you did. I'm going through general life crap (a separation/divorce + a job layoff + the job I was to start after the layoff pushed my start date to "I dunno" + I'm moving as soon as I get another job + Trump (Seriously, the man has screwed with every job I've had since he took the job)). I'll go back once I'm back at work. You rock.


And now: Frozen. On the train on my way to Hamburg. I recommend headphones. Please!


Hi Amanda, saw you in Paris, what a great show ! I cried through Machete... and that Frozen song was awesome... especially after the stories about how it drove you mad.


No virtual signing line for Bataclan ? waiting for the end of show picture ? I held your hand during it ;)


Loved the show in the 'bourg, thanks for coming back :)