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just a quick random one 

i just stumbled across this totally triumphant photo from @herplaceisin on instagram. 

the more i work and make art and image and music nowadays, especially using the funds of y’all patrons, the more i realize that art is never just the final product. 

it’s the process.

it’s the moment of making and how that moment reverberates through time and space. 

this photo is not just about the final image. it’s about the moment we feel, that is lost to time. all these women coming together in a stance of solidarity. 

where? how? who knows. 

looking at this photo i had two thoughts in quick succession. 

one: what a magnificent thing to have created and how magnificent is this world that we all get to see it on the internet. 

two: oh my god how did this shot get produced, how did it get organized, what is the complicated backstory of all these people and this photographer being here at this moment in time. 

and how or will anyone get paid for giving us this glorious feeling. 

how does it all work. 

we are given these incredible tidbits of feeling and glory through the internet, but what makes those feelings possible? who pays? and why? all good for thought as you consider how you use and enjoy the internet and how you reward and encourage the people making the art your soul needs.

on that note

i thank you deeply for your patronage tonight. 

im feelin it



ps if you go to herplaceisin.com, you can order a print of this photo on canvas. tell em i sent you. xx





Yes, by the way, you gave an interesting thought about the sequence of creating the photo, I completely agree with you.


Love this photo, and love the visual aesthetic of the spectrum of skin tones. But I would also love to see it as a diptych with another photograph that is identical except that the models are arranged completely randomly so that all the various skin tones are intermixed.


So artistic 😍😍😍


I love the variety of looks on their faces, from serenity to happiness or even mild discomfort. It's a truly beautiful piece. Thanks for bringing it to us. <3

Julia Mason

Beautiful! Look at all the wonderful humans.


🔥🔥🔥 nice pic


❤️ ❤️ [♡]


This photo is AMAZING!!! This is what we should be filling our minds with as women: How beautiful we all are when we work/live/laugh/make art and embrace ourselves and each other together! Our differences make us more amazing as a whole. This pic brings to mind the Venus of Willendorf. Something like this would be Her View of the women who encircle and embrace Her. This is us when we unite for a purpose of mutual elevation. May we encircle Mother Earth thusly. Blessed Be!

Laura Wellner

That is a gorgeous image of our individuality. I love our human family. We're not cookie cutter reproductions, we could never be so perfect as if popped out of the human-shaped mold that we were poured into ...it's our individuality is what makes us perfect. Yet, we self-consciously squirm around uncomfortable in our own skins worrying about flaws that we have been told are not right. We long to fit in, and butcher ourselves for the sake of perfection. We're all beautiful in our own way and we have so much to give, so much love. Big hugs all around!!

Amy Tobol

I looked at the picture before I read, and thought that was you on the right. This feels like something you would create.

