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(public post)

hello my loves

this is first an apology - i didn't send a post when we actually HIT our deadline for the sunday songwriting contest because i was so out of pocket....

it's 91 degrees in woodstock and t i'm just settling down right now to listen to all of your sunday "power failure" songwriting submissions and HOLY SHIT - my heart and soul are diving into the deep of all that you have created....over 300 submissions....are you trying to KILL ME WITH BEAUTY.

not shown: wine.


just listening to your voices and poetry and instruments and love poured into words and images is making me so fucking happy.

i just came back from TED watching days and days of talks on how the internet has turned into an evil morass and terrible place full of bots and horror and deep fakes and then i open my browser, invited into your heads and homes and sounds and LIFE and LIGHT and the LIgHT OF DARK and i'm like FUCK EVERYBODY THE INTERNET IS STILL WORKING TO CONNECT US ALL 

i cannot thank you enough for submitting such beautiful work....so much of it....it's going to be a long night....i am setting myself the task of trying to possibly record this TOMORROW.

but i'm just full of so much love for you all

you're giving me hope

you're inspiring me....

also, to this comment, by nathan ray:

"Am I the only one who feels like something is missing from the plan? Awesome for the winner to collect $1000 and some merch, but if you do end up "thinging" it, you will certainly be fairly compensating the songwriter, right? If my memory serves, a single "thing" brings in somewhere from $40-$70 grand, depending on how many things have been thung that month, no? That kind of money (even half of that) could really, truly change someone's life. I hope you do the right thing here. (no pun intended)"

there was a really good and robust comment thread underneath it...and nathan, i hear you and i get why you would post this.

let me just remind you that if i recorded and posted a cover song by, say, brice springsteen, or the cure, or leonard cohen, or (name a band)....everyone would be like WHEEE! a fun cover! 

then add to that this fact: it's going to take me on the order of 12 hours to listen through these submissions. just deciding to cover a cure song takes zero hours. 

and to your comment about the $40-70k....don't make me get specific on you, but i'm paying tens and tens of thousands of dollars to keep this AFP ship afloat. staff salaries, insurance, office costs, it's mega. the vast majorty of these dough isn't profit. just bear that in mind...the same thing was true of the kickstarter.

i'd rather cover a song by someone from the community that cover the boss or the cure. it feels better.

it feels....amazing.





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

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4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

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I wish I could still enjoy your experience.. but they just put a 5g transmitter outside and I cannot even begin to feel anything other than grief anger and terror concurrently ... 😞 ... I wish you could become part of our fight for life... you are so strong and intelligent ... but I know ...you have your own to protect now,.. 💙


I'm so glad the submissions have been wonderful!! I'm so heart-broken I didn't participate. I just couldn't get a song out until the last day, and it ended up just being a song about a girl I shouldn't have kissed, lol. Anyway, this is lovely. I can't wait to hear what's come of it!!


Well, I guess we're all at different life stages. In my case, I hadn't written a song for 25 years and now I've written one that actually got heard by somebody. Plus I raised a daughter who, at 16, is a better singer-songwriter than I ever was and so now we wrote a song together. Frankly, I would PAY a grand to hear Amanda Palmer sing it.


Just the opportunity to create, and the knowledge that you have heard something I have created is so humbling and wonderful I can't even say. Thank you, so much.


Thanks for the motivation Amanda! I hadn’t written anything for decades but this forced me to find the time that week. One take to an iphone and I just hope you like my attempt half as much as those submissions by others with more musical ability.


For me the joy was in having the challenge... I'm not a song writer (as everyone who has listened to my entry has I'm sure figured out... but I do write, generally poetry, generally non-fictiony-stuff inspired by the things we encounter as we walk around this GORGEOUS (suffering) planet interacting well and less-well with the everyday and all the goods and the bads that happen... For me the big joy was that little kick that said, "respond to the invitation - take the next little creative step"... I've been a bit embarrassed sitting in the cast of marvels - BUT - mostly I've been thrilled to be here... Thought Thomas's song was quirky and fabulous and was like, "oh that's what it sounds like when a MUSICIAN responds to a song-writing contest" ** lightbulb** - and the same true I'm sure with so many of the other beautiful entries as well. Good luck to those of you making your professional way in the world making music - I get it, the struggle is real. But what a joy - for me - to be sharing here alongside y'all and getting to participate in the creativity. WIN!!!

Aimsel Ponti

wow! WHAT A SONG! Holy shit. It had me right from the start.


The evolution of sound, the process of bringing together all this creative energy — all of this is so cool. Congratulations, what a beautiful watercolor!!!


I love all these comments from those that submitted. Thank you everyone for sharing.


I wanted to bring up another important point about the nature of this song competition, a point that may have already been raised in comments I missed so forgive me if I'm repeating other but I think it's very important. ALL traditional song competitions require 2 things: 1) Submission fee ($25+) 2) Quality of recording: radio-ready For us, this contest cost $0 to enter &amp; demanded no outlay of $ to record demos. That's unheard of. If Amanda had run a standard competition, only people with access to a quality recording environment would have been able to submit something, and only folks with a spare $20 or $50 to boot. That would have mixed my participation, and I bet that would be true for most of us here. So is this a standard award? No. Is this a standard competition? No. Thank goodness. This competition bred creativity, openness, collaboration, education, spontaneity and dedication both. I wouldn't ask for anything to be different, honestly. Thanks everyone.


Oh, oh, I've been away from Patreon for a while and didn't see this. Ayy, such is life. I must try to catch up, except I can't make there be more time.