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($1 YOU ARE HERE patrons only)


this post is to the $1 patrons only....so ya know. 

you can filter these blog posts based on your reward tier, and since the Thing post is public, for EVERYONE on the world wide web to see and discover, i want to send all patrons a download of one of Lingua Ignota's brand new songs. 

all $3+ patrons will receive the song download in a separate post with their full podcast download, but i don't want to leave you out, so here's yours.....


so as a special treat, i am giving ALL patrons a download of "DO YOU DOUBT ME TRAITOR" from Lingua Ignota's new album, CALIGULA. she was excited. i am excited. the end. 

MP3 - https://we.tl/t-yXKBzoUAk8

if this whets your appetite and you want MOAR, you can stream, download or buy the full album here:

i love you all so much. 

i hope you enjoy this. 

it's not for everybody but if it’s for you...oh my god. my work here is done. 






I love her voice so much. So powerful. Ty Amanda.


This album is absolutely incredible and it’s amazing you’re a sharing this with everyone here. Kristin is an absolutely brilliant artist and CALIGULA is an unreal work!!!


i feel like you know how much i love this already


My god. This is what I've been looking for and didn't even know it. Punk cabaret does black metal. This will consume me.


THANK YOU. Didn't know about her until you clued me in. She fills the big black darkness of my soul like a demon goddess.


This song is amazing..! Thank you! <3 (off to listen to the rest of the album, and most probably buy it ^_^ )


Hi Amanda! Just wanted to say that for the second time in 2 months, you've popped up in my personal & professional life unexpectedly! First, I was reading an article in Flow magazine in June about developing one's capacity to ask for help. At the end of the first paragraph, I started thinking that you should really be mentioned in there and lo and behold, in the second or third paragraph, here you were with your Art of Asking! Then just now, I was translating a Calm meditation (I'm a professional translator & Calm is a meditation app), and here you were again, with a quote about holding space for others sometimes being the best gift you could give someone. So here's is to you!


Thank you for sharing this. I was already intrigued because of the podcast. I'll be sure to catch her show here in Montreal in September.


Amanda, thank you and thank Cormac for the introduction to this amazing, tortured artist. As soon as heard the podcast, I knew I had to share Lingua Ignota with my son, and she made him feel and cry and we bonded... ahhhhhh, the power of music 💞


Fuck. Yes please, off to have a go on a bit more of that...(thanks!)


like a long, thorough battle cry