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(patron only)


DC was a gorgeous hot mess - the show lasted 4.5 hours and in summary it was epic and i threw a bunch of tampons at the white house, which was two blocks away.

speaking of which....here's the white house flash photo....


look at those dogs. 

they're like


over there

(photo by hayley rosenblum)

shots from DC last night....

photo by kevin hollenbeck

A FEW NOTES!!!!! from the merch desk....


and FOR PATRONS ONLY, beautiful enamel pins. to get ONE, go to the patron table at these upcoming shows and talk to THE PATRONATOR! (which will usually be michael, hayley or whitney).

you must prove you're a patron, so get your phone ready before you go up to them and open up this patron-only post, show your patreon email notification, your patreon receipt, or open your app to show your pledge to prove you're a patron.  

the pins cost $5 and are 1 per patron. if you have a friend that isn't a patron and wants one, they can sign up for patreon on the spot.  

the pins are 1.5 inches, here's what they look like, as modeled by hayley:

the art is by an old-time artist friend from puerto rico, alfredo richner.  

for now....these are ONLY available at the shows. they're flying fast so we'll have to place another order for them.... and yes: we will also make these available on the webstore for patrons only. give us a second. (these may also be a great gift for our art-in-the-mail folks, soon, soon!)


the long-awaited AFP embroidered hankies are finally here!!! THEY ARE SO AWESOME and selling like hotcakes...we sold almost 100 of them last night! .....


before you ask: YES THESE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSTORE. give us a second.



we just added a new crew member to the team, hiedi kunkel will be our merch manager. she came to me from ani difranco. she has done merch for ani for over TWENTY YEARS....she's amazing. she'll be at almost every tour date....there to lovingly give you your shirts and totes and posters....

and now

PHILLY!!!!! the show is in two and a half hours!

first off

LET'S DO A FLASH PHOTO!! spread the word if you get to the venue and see other patrons!

let's meet at 6pm outside the venue by the owl statue....it's RIGHT BEHIND THE VENUE....

you'll walk by THIS....

and then you'll see this:



here's the actual cross-roads (but these are pedestrian streets, because college):

if you're super early there's some GRASS TO LOUNGE ON and goddamn its a gorgeous day.

now, i'm off to soundcheck.....






We used our hankies at the show last night - very useful purchase!


Omg. Do you know how hard it is to find a handkerchief these days? I do, we had the ‘celebration of life’ for my mom... today. She passed very recently and of course we’re going to celebrate her but we’re also all going to cry and she was a straight up from the ‘50s mom and it seemed so appropriate to carry hankies for said crying and where the heck can you get them these days?? From AFP of course. Of course. Sign me up as soon as they hit the website. Lois would approve. ❤️

Alison Hope Ferrara

Soon it will be my bday and the NY show! I love the pin and hanky ( I’m an emotional wreck these days so that’s really gonna get used on the 20th !). Can’t wait to see ya , the shows and tour sound like their are kicking ass 💜✊


Heidi!! This is so rad! I’m excited to have a hanky. I cry enough it’s probably long overdue!!

Jake Marcus

Got the flash message too late to get the much needed Amanda selfie and hug. But will treasure my hankie. The show reverberates. I’m in bed at 2 am unable to sleep after this four hour emotional wrenching. But ya know in a good way.


I missed the pic, but the show was amazing. Thank you so much, Amanda, for your brave, badass honesty.


Thank you for an amazing evening. I drove six hours to come see you from Pittsburgh and it was totally and completely amazing. Thank you so much for being unapologetically you and putting your gifts out to the universe.


oh I cant wait for November and to get merch in Glasgow! and much kudos to Hiedi, adore Ani too so looking forward to seeing you all in Glasgow (well those who come) adore the white house shots! Parliament square is not as pretty to stand in!


The show last night was so fantastic. I'm sad I missed the photo, but it was an amazing experience. Reading your thoughts for so long and then finally getting to see and hear you speak them was amazing. You are an amazing, wonderful, powerful, and inspiring woman Amanda.

Jerry Peckery

Amanda: you move too fast for an old hippie like me, I can never read these in time and saddly missed the extracurriculars But... woMAN what a Show.! . . Also, hand it to yourselves, We make an Awesome crowd. "....small HANDS!"


Oh my word, those PINS! <3 <3 <3