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[UPDATE: 2:30pm]


**ALSO, NEWS UPDATE**: I HAVE A FEW TICKETS TO GIVE AWAY!!!!!!! the show isn't sold out and our guest-list has spaces...you can request tickets at the form below - enter your full name and whether you want 1 ticket or 2. i'm giving you the heads up before i share on my socials. this will run until my list is full or until 4pm when the venue needs my list. if you score tickets, look out for an email from hayley around 4pm.

go, go, go:



i mean the venue is a ten minute walk ... we might has well. 

bring swords (watch out for the secret service yo for real), ukuleles, guitars, fists, signs, babies. 

anything you want to wield.

bring friends. 

we will take a deep breath, say a fuckin prayer with our minds for our poor weird country, then ill get the fuck out so i can get ready for my show. 

meet me HERE at 5:10 pm. bottom of laffeyette sq....on pennsylvania ave NW. right in the middle. 

rain or shine people !!!!!!!

show tonight, reminder 

national theatre 

doors at 6:30

curtain 7:30 sharp 

then i destroy u




love from the train station 




There is a group of people who do protests in front of the White House - they call it the "Kremlin Annex" and they used to protest every night in the square but now I'm not sure if they are still there. @KremlinAnnex They would love to have you, I bet!


Please don’t bring real swords or anything that could be misconstrued as a weapon. They are not playing down there and have zero sense of humor about that.

Andrea Thomas

Flowers make a statement as well. Flowers are easy to make out from a far. They don’t look threatening. Be safe to all you No Intermission Warriors. I see you. Here’s a flower. 💐


You go Girl! That is the best picture of you ever!

walter ray brock

little echo regarding the train station photo. I was there a couple weeks ago and it just seemed cold and empty (even with people going about their business) but this photo makes it look like a glorious cathedral... curious.


I came with my daughter and a friend of hers. The friend’s older sister followed the Dresden Dolls on tour. We were all amazed at the show tonight. Thank you for sharing so much of your story and yourself with us. Loved the Elsa cape at the end!


Ahhh, I'm so happy I was able to go. Thank you so very very much. I really wanted to stay after your last song, but the metro was calling, and I didn't want to miss it. All in all beautiful T_T. I remember the last time you came 'Barefoot' and Pregnant to DC... thank you for sharing your journey with all of us since then. All my love and sincerest regards to you and yours!


Tonight was the first concert of yours I’ve been able to go to. I bought the ticket as a birthday present to myself and it was everything I wanted and more. I laughed and cried and reflected and was just able to be. Thank you.


And I don’t know if you read all of these but I was wondering if you’ve read Martha Graham’s letter to Agnes DeMille? The show made me think of it. The story is that Agnes DeMille was feeling really insecure about Oklahoma! and didn’t think her work was good enough, and this was Martha Graham’s response: <a href="https://www.google.com/amp/s/theatertalk.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/a-letter-to-agnes-demille-from-martha-graham/amp/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/amp/s/theatertalk.wordpress.com/2010/11/09/a-letter-to-agnes-demille-from-martha-graham/amp/</a>


Last night was epic and powerful. Thank you for being unapologetically true to yourself. It is inspiring. There was so much love and support in the crowd. Although the theater is huge the show felt intimate. We are not alone. I’m not entirely sure why, but it reminded me of the New Year’s show at the Bowery Ballroom when you were on tour for WKAP with the Danger Ensemble. I haven’t thought of it in a ling time and can’t believe it’s been 10 years?! Perhaps it’s because that show also didn’t have a curfew. From 2:00 am until after 6:30 am I felt like I was ensconced in a giant hug of like-minded people. The same is true of last night. Thank you.


My brother lived in DC. He worked at the Library of Congress for over 30 years. He was probably honestly my best friend. He died 2 1/2 years ago. I came from Indianapolis to care for him the last 2 months or so. I miss him. I miss DC.


Yey ❤️🌸