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(public post)

oh my GOD y'all.

are you ready for a bomb? YOU CAN LISTEN TO THE RECORD.


plot twist. sorry. but sometimes amazing things happen.

it's been a....week. jesus christ. i just got off the phone after doing three long back-to-back interviews with journalists in austria and germany, including one interview in which the journalist wrapped up the last few album-related questions....

....then he launched into his own painful miscarriage story, set against the backdrop of having been woken up this morning by his young (very alive) son wandering into his bedroom to get a cuddle, after which the journalist went into his office and listened to my entire record and broke down weeping.


i suppose. holy shit.



remember how i posted that robin hilton from NPR's "all songs considered" absolutely loved the record? 

well, it went up the chain to their head music office and NPR has just granted me an incredible opportunity: they've asked if they can add the whole, finished album to a feature  they call "first listen", which means they're going to stream the album for the next week before it hits stores.

the other artists currently being featured on the site are heavyweights: patty griffin, townes van zandt. it's...a huge honor.  

THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS GOING TO SAY NO TO THIS....it's an amazing chance, and i knew you'd understand. the NPR audience is exactly the audience i think needs to hear (and will love and embrace) this kind of record. 

HOWEVER....i don't want you all to feel shafted...so the team is scrambling to get the album downloads to EVERYONE (yes, even the $1 folks) TOMORROW. merry early christmas!!!!!! you'll get downloads as usual: in mp3 format AND in wav format.

when i send the download, i will officially charge y'all for the record. (this post is public and free). then the album will be "up in the real world" (on bandcamp, itunes, spotify. etc etc etc) on the official release date: march 8th. that's also when my distribution partners (cooking vinyl) will have shipped all the records/CDs to stores so you can waltz into actual brick n mortar and buy it with cash money.

and that's the day, march 8th, when i'll ask you to go scream from the rooftops about it. 

though if you're feeling help-y, i would be totally happy for you to tweet/comment/RT the NPR tweet, or comment on their facebook post about the record, as a way of saying thanks (from us) for the help (from them).

and on Real World Release Day, march 8th - which is international women's day - i'll also be releasing the "voicemail for jill" video directed by amber sealey. it's....unbelievably good.


you can stream THERE WILL BE NO INTERMISSION on NPR here:


from the review written by NPR music's stephen thompson:

"There Will Be No Intermission reads at once like a diary, a manifesto, a chapter book and a letter to a friend. It's almost unfathomably ambitious."

YAS. QUEEEN. IT IS!!!!!!!!!


please, please, please....do me a favor.

you know what kind of record this is.

don't listen to it on shitty speakers while distracted. 

if you're busy today......wait.

i've waited 7 fucking years to make this fucker and put it out.

you can wait to get to a good pair of speakers or headphones.


go home.

pour a tea.

pour a wine.

turn off the lights.


close eyes.

it's meant to be listened to in one sitting if you can.

do it.

and i am holding my breath......

please, tell me what you think. i fly to toronto tomorrow for less than 12 hours of press, but i will be reading every single comment on this post and answering any single question you may have about the record. i am here.

this album has been my life's work, our work, the work of the patreon.

do not forget that this album wouldn't have happened without you. i don't just mean the expensive recording.

i mean the actual songs.

you helped me. 

you supported and held me.

now let me hold you.


one note:

many of you have already pre-ordered the physical album (if you haven't you still have time: http://nointermission.amandapalmer.net).

and i will stop talking, so you can go listen to the goddamn record i poured my life into.


and stay tuned, more coming later tonight in the giant, febraury althing.

i said there would be no intermission.

i meant it.

i love you all so much.

i'm already in tears over here.

thank you.

thank you.

thank you.




oh shit....speaking of public radio, the minute i press post on this i am heading to the studios of WNYC, the bestest public radion station in new york, to do a long live session and interview. 

tune in if you can....2 pm NYC time, here:


(click on "listen live" at the top of the page).

and it'll be archived, i'll post the link in the althing tonight in case you can't tune in.

*waves while slamming the door to get to that thing on time* 


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Kirrabelle Lovell

Congratulations Amanda! What a great opportunity to have it streamed on NPR. As a long time fan and Patreon supporter I would never be annoyed about this, we support you and your music and now NPR are supporting you too which is great. I am a fan of listening to albums so haven’t listened to any songs yet. Will wait till I have time to sit down with my headphones in the next few days and listen, from what everyone’s written it sounds amazing!


Holy monkeys this is amazing. I am incapable of just doing one thing at a time so I messed around with some art mediums mainly pastel and watercolor to process my feelings as it went along. Honestly it's some of my favorite work I've ever done both in terms of process and product. So thank you for that. And thank you for giving me all of the feelings and the crying and the joy and just...all of it. I will probably leave a meatier comment sometime this weekend but for now just...wow.


I have to say that I wasn't a fan of this one. And I've loved everything you've done up until now. This felt like you were selling old rope in new packaging. 20 tracks, but half of those are instrumental nothings that don't stand on their own. A lot will probably skip those on a second listen. That leaves 10 tracks of actual material. Of those 10, about 6 have already been released over the last few years and 1 is a cover. A lot of these songs have been available on the likes of Spotify for quite a while. Bigger on the Inside has been available to listen to since 2015. Now, you've already gotten like 30k per thing on each of these songs, so it almost feels like double dipping to repackage them as a fresh album to me. Some do have fresh production, but with the likes of Machete, I think I actually preferred the original version you posted. The new version seems a little busy. I guess I was expecting a lot more fresh material for a full album release. As for the tone of the album as a collection, it is very melodramatic and some of the songs keep continuing well after they've peaked. Your albums have always had a bit of that, but it was often balanced with humour and straight up rock. which I think elevated the whole.

Skyeanna Malito

I really want to listen, but with a four month old and a four year old I just have no idea to find a chunk of timed where I wont be interrupted a million times. Maybe for date night...


No comments yet about the album because I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. But I was at the second Joe's Pub warm-up show (Tuesday), and HOLY FUCKING SHIT it was incredible! I can't think of anything this world needs right now more than a healthy dose of radical empathy and compassion....and that's exactly what this show delivers. It's beautiful. Thank you, Amanda!


I’m at no intermission. I’ll be honest, I’m not a musichead, I never got the point of different recordings of the same song. But Bigger on the Inside was different. I cried the same, but I get the point. They say something different. Love you, that’s all.


All I can say is wow. Such an amazing album. Thank you for making it!


so many CHILLS reading this post. I can’t wait to hear it!


Felt every second. Cried from Bigger on the inside onwards. Will be downloading and listening again in a few hours ❤️


Just wow that's all i can say


Amanda, thank you so much for this album. A few days ago I walked from my room on my campus down the railroad tracks through the forest to the beautiful river while listening to you sing and I cried while you sang 'imagine me standing beside you'... I was feeling so alone and you reminded me I am not and you reminded me I am a small part of a much larger whole. I'm so glad I took time to listen and to be in such a beautiful place while I did. You're amazing.


I haven’t had time but I started tonight and oh my fucking everything- amazing! There aren’t words. Just love and wow and god damn. ❤️


I started while doing the dishes- a single dish at a time- but I only have a 4 year old and now 4 month old. Blessings to you and love and a date night to listen to this amazing album.


I must admit I feel kind of the same way. I always wanted an album release of a lot of these songs just to have them in physical form, but it doesn't feel like a "new album" to me. Most of these songs we've been listening to for ages, and if anything I'm kind of bummed that the demo versions won't be coming out in record form, as they're the songs I fell in love with. I don't like "Voicemail for Jill" and I like "Death Thing" all right but it didn't blow me away. I don't know. Just feels sort of anticlimactic.