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(patron only post)

hallo loves 

here’s a photo of my sister alyson, me and my dad jack practicing for the show tomorrow. in his new garage in tucson

we are a garage band 

i never had a garage as a kid

something within me is healed 

(photo by shabnam salek)


a warning: THERE ARE ONLY 200 POSTERS. if you want one - don’t wait. get it right when you come in. they’ll fly. 

MEET UP!! as of just a moment ago there are like 50+ of you coming to the show tomorrow !!!!! good lord, i thought there’d be way less. we are in the desert for christssake


keep your phones handy. i will do a patron only tweet tomorrow AFTER THE SHOW with a good meet up spot. i’ll either arrange it with the venue or i’ll find a place outdoors. OR - if any of you know a decent bar nearby that’s open past 10:30/11pm and wants to be a trendsetter down here in the comments - HIT ME. if you guys self organize, i’ll show up. i may not have time to sign and meet totally one on one with all 50+ of you (and people tend to multiply) but i’ll sure try to do my best on the lack of sleep and the toddler-raising. 

i imagine i’ll be able to find you all en masse about 10-20 minutes after getting off stage. WATCH YOUR EMAIL. i’ll either confirm your self-directed plan or come up with one be showtime or right after. 


there is an ASL interpreter coming for the entire show (two separate interpreters, i believe). enjoy - all!!

there will be reps from kyrsten sinema‘s campaign IN THE LOBBY and taking the mic on stage. kyrsten is a congresswoman running for senate against a super right-wing anti-choice candidate. these people really need our help - the arizona election is one of the most important in midterms. SUPPORT THEM. SAY HI. go yak with them. help out. praise. ASK HOW TOU CAN HELP GET THE VOTE OUT!!! that’s why they’re there!

i haven’t had any time to practice fuck all. be forgiving and cheer extra loud. 

i love you goodnight 

xxxtired afp 




I love the poster! Looking forward to seeing you but I'm not a night person & don't know what's open. Hotel Congress across the street from the Rialto is convenient. Did you find a babysitter so your nanny can go to the show? if not, as a mom & grandma I will volunteer, email me at eispat@gmail.com


I am so excited for tonight! I can feel a cold coming on... But I refuse to get sick before the show. I re.fuse.


I'm coming to the show with my girls!!! Really hoping we can meet up with you and Neil. Myffanwy is bringing some of her Neil Children's Books.


Late to the comments but I’m looking forward to meeting up with everyone tonight. Anyone interested in meeting up with this solo patron before the show?


I will ask my daughter on a local bar suggestion she lives in Tucson. Pretty sure she will know of one and update when I know. Excited for tonight! We both are big fans. 😊


Hotel Congress is right across the street. Don't they have a bar? I know they have a lobby if all else fails we can meet in the lobby. It is very convenient and we wouldn't have to worry about walking back from a bar alone through downtown Tucson.

Natalie Rose Apar

Actually, out back behind Hotel Congress might be perfect. It's bar adjacent for those who want to drink, but it's friendly for folks with kids, too.


Oh that's right! It would be perfect. It is the perfect weather too!




Hotel Congress would be awesome! They have delicious drinks and cake and a huge courtyard! : D


Maybe call ahead to see if they're kid friendly, my 19 year old friend got the boot there the other weekend and we were just in the lobby. It might be worth the risk though. I love congress


So will you be posting it on patreon or Twitter?


Hello! My best friend is coming with me to the concert tonight and he was wondering if Neil will also be at the meet up after?


I just want to make sure I see it! What's patron only tweet mean?


Outside Plaza Stage is ours. The bar manager said 'Amanda Fucking Palmer!! Fuck YEAH!!! We will make it happen'.


The underage patrons will be wristbanded so everyone can get in! Can someone get the final OK from AFP?? Amanda!!!! Please let us know so I can let the Bar Manager know.

Lewis Webb

Seriously looking forward to this.


Just bumping someone else's idea, if anyone knows someone at Solar Culture and they'd be willing to lend the space, it'd be more family friendly. And I just bet there's more than a couple AFP fans in the SC fam. Anyways, from ~2000 miles away, I HOPE TONIGHT IS AWESOME!!!!


Did you get any takers? I'm also solo tonight and was planning on just stopping at one of the restaurants near the Rialto before the show. I'd certainly appreciate the company if you'd like to join me.


Doesn’t look like my reply posted. Hello Michael! I was thinking of the Thai place down from the Rialto. Sound good?.


Yeah, that sounds good. I'll be taking a Lyft from my hotel so just tell me what time you'd like to meet. I'm guessing you are talking about Senae Thai Bistro?


I just heard back from Hotel Congress. They are blocking off the outdoor section. To get access simply say ‘we are here to see Amanda Palmer’.


Hey there. Sorry we didn’t connect in time. See you at the show!


Well at least you gotta place organized. Good fucking job.


Haha. Thanks. It’s one thing I’m good at! Organizing shit and getting it accomplished.


Last night was fun. Sorry I didn't get to talk and meet with more people. My hubby had been up since 4:30am and we needed to head back to Bisbee!! We didn't get home until after 2am and I needed to get up early this morning. OMG I have an Amanda Palmer Hangover!!!!! If anyone I met with last night wants to stay in contact, please friend me on FB! Renee Sharyn Harper. My avatar is now a photo of me and Amanda. <3